setregions_geo.f.html | ![]() |
Source file: setregions_geo.f | |
Directory: /home/rjl/git/rjleveque/clawpack-4.x/geoclaw/2d/lib | |
Converted: Sun May 15 2011 at 19:15:41 using clawcode2html | |
This documentation file will not reflect any later changes in the source file. |
c========================================================================= subroutine setregions c========================================================================= implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) character*25 fname logical foundFile include "regions.i" include "call.i" write(parmunit,*) ' ' write(parmunit,*) '--------------------------------------------' write(parmunit,*) 'SETREGIONS:' write(parmunit,*) '-----------' fname = '' inquire(file=fname,exist=foundFile) if (.not. foundFile) then write(*,*) 'You must provide a file ', fname stop endif iunit = 7 call opendatafile(iunit, fname) read(7,*) mregions if ( then write(*,*) 'SETREGIONS: ERROR mregions > maxregions' write(*,*) 'Decrease the number of regions or' write(*,*) 'Increase maxregions in regions.i' stop endif if (mregions .eq. 0) then write(parmunit,*) ' No regions specified for refinement' return endif do i=1,mregions read(7,*) minlevelregion(i),maxlevelregion(i), & tlowregion(i),thiregion(i), & xlowregion(i),xhiregion(i),ylowregion(i),yhiregion(i) enddo close(7) write(parmunit,*) ' mregions = ',mregions write(parmunit,*) & ' minlevel, maxleve, tlow, thi, xlow, xhi, ylow, yhigh values:' c & ' min max tlow thi xlow xhi', c & ' ylow yhi' do i=1,mregions write(parmunit,701) minlevelregion(i),maxlevelregion(i), & tlowregion(i),thiregion(i), & xlowregion(i),xhiregion(i),ylowregion(i),yhiregion(i) 701 format(2i4,6d12.3) enddo return end