setqinit_geo.f.html | ![]() |
Source file: setqinit_geo.f | |
Directory: /home/rjl/git/rjleveque/clawpack-4.x/geoclaw/2d/lib | |
Converted: Sun May 15 2011 at 19:15:41 using clawcode2html | |
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c========================================================================= subroutine setqinit c========================================================================= c c Read initial perturbation from c c For problems where h = q(i,j,1) is depth of fluid, initialized to c sealevel in qinit. c c If iqinit = 0, no initial perturbation to sealevel. c c If iqinit = 1,2 or 3 initial perturbation is read in. c Then the qinit file should have 3 columns: c x y z if icoordsys = 1 c lat lon z if icoordsys = 2 c If iqinit = 4, file defines eta, and h =q(i,j,1)= max(eta-b,0). c c Longitude and latitude advance in the standard GIS way from c upper left corner across in x and then down in y. implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) character*25 fname character*150 qinitfname logical foundFile include "call.i" include "qinit.i" write(parmunit,*) ' ' write(parmunit,*) '--------------------------------------------' write(parmunit,*) 'SETQINIT:' write(parmunit,*) '-------------' fname = '' inquire(file=fname,exist=foundFile) if (.not. foundFile) then write(*,*) 'You must provide a file ', fname stop endif iunit = 7 call opendatafile(iunit, fname) read(7,*) iqinit if (iqinit.eq.0) then c # no perturbation specified write(parmunit,*) ' iqinit = 0, no perturbation' write(6,*) ' iqinit = 0, no perturbation' return endif read(7,*) qinitfname read(7,*) minlevelqinit, maxlevelqinit close(unit=7) write(parmunit,*) ' minlevel, maxlevel, qinitfname:' write(parmunit,*) minlevelqinit, maxlevelqinit, qinitfname c write(6,*) ' minlevel, maxlevel, qinitfname:' c write(6,*) minlevelqinit, maxlevelqinit, qinitfname call readqinit(mxqinit,myqinit,dxqinit,dyqinit, & xlowqinit,xhiqinit,ylowqinit,yhiqinit,qinitfname) mqinit=mxqinit*myqinit c===================Check qinit Memory============================= if ( then write(*,*) 'SETQINIT: not enough workspace' write(*,*) 'Increase maxqinitsize to', mqinit write(*,*) 'in qinit.i, then recompile' Stop else write(parmunit,*) & ' qinit space allocated:' ,maxqinitsize write(parmunit,*) ' qinit space used:',mqinit endif return end