setfixedgrids_geo.f.html | ![]() |
Source file: setfixedgrids_geo.f | |
Directory: /home/rjl/git/rjleveque/clawpack-4.x/geoclaw/2d/lib | |
Converted: Sun May 15 2011 at 19:15:41 using clawcode2html | |
This documentation file will not reflect any later changes in the source file. |
c========================================================================= subroutine setfixedgrids c========================================================================= implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) character*25, parameter :: fname = '' logical foundFile include "fixedgrids.i" include "call.i" write(parmunit,*) ' ' write(parmunit,*) '--------------------------------------------' write(parmunit,*) 'SETFIXEDGRIDS:' write(parmunit,*) '-----------' inquire(file=fname,exist=foundFile) if (.not. foundFile) then write(*,*) 'You must provide a file ', fname stop endif iunit = 7 call opendatafile(iunit, fname) read(7,*) mfgrids if ( then write(*,*) 'SETFIXEDGRIDS: ERROR mfgrids > maxfgrids' write(*,*) 'Decrease the number of fixed grids or' write(*,*) 'Increase maxfgrids in fixedgrids.i' stop endif if (mfgrids .eq. 0) then write(parmunit,*) ' No fixed grids specified for output' return endif do i=1,mfgrids read(7,*) tstartfg(i),tendfg(i),noutfg(i),xlowfg(i),xhifg(i), & ylowfg(i),yhifg(i),mxfg(i),myfg(i), & ioutarrivaltimes(i), ioutsurfacemax(i) enddo close(7) c # set some parameters for each grid do i=1,mfgrids c # set dtfg (the timestep length between outputs) for each grid if (tendfg(i).le.tstartfg(i)) then if (noutfg(i).gt.1) then write(*,*) 'SETFIXEDGRIDS: ERROR for fixed grid', i write(*,*) 'tstartfg=tendfg yet noutfg>1' write(*,*) 'set tendfg > tstartfg or set noutfg = 1' stop else dtfg(i)=0.d0 endif else if (noutfg(i).lt.2) then write(*,*) 'SETFIXEDGRIDS: ERROR for fixed grid', i write(*,*) 'tendfg>tstartfg, yet noutfg=1' write(*,*) 'set noutfg > 2' stop else dtfg(i)=(tendfg(i)-tstartfg(i))/(noutfg(i)-1) endif endif c # initialize tlastoutfg and ilastoutfg tlastoutfg(i)= tstartfg(i)-dtfg(i) ilastoutfg(i)= 0 c # set spatial intervals dx and dy on each grid if (mxfg(i).gt.1) then dxfg(i)= (xhifg(i)-xlowfg(i))/(mxfg(i)-1) elseif (mxfg(i).eq.1) then dxfg(i)=0.d0 else write(*,*) 'SETFIXEDGRIDS: ERROR for fixed grid', i write(*,*) 'x grid points mxfg<=0, set mxfg>= 1' endif if (myfg(i).gt.1) then dyfg(i)= (yhifg(i)-ylowfg(i))/(myfg(i)-1) elseif (myfg(i).eq.1) then dyfg(i)=0.d0 else write(*,*) 'SETFIXEDGRIDS: ERROR for fixed grid', i write(*,*) 'y grid points myfg<=0, set myfg>= 1' endif enddo c # set the number of variables stored for each grid c # this should be (the number of variables you want to write out + 1) do i=1, mfgrids mfgridvars(i) = 6 mfgridvars2(i) = 3*ioutsurfacemax(i) + ioutarrivaltimes(i) enddo c # find entry point into work arrays for each fixed grid c # make sure enough space has been alotted for fixed grids in memory i0fg(1)=1 i0fg2(1)=1 do i=2,mfgrids i0fg(i)= i0fg(i-1) + mfgridvars(i-1)*mxfg(i-1)*myfg(i-1) i0fg2(i)= i0fg2(i-1) + mfgridvars2(i-1)*mxfg(i-1)*myfg(i-1) enddo mspace=i0fg(mfgrids) + & mfgridvars(mfgrids)*mxfg(mfgrids)*myfg(mfgrids) mspace2=i0fg2(mfgrids) + & mfgridvars2(mfgrids)*mxfg(mfgrids)*myfg(mfgrids) mspace=mspace+mspace2 if ( then write(*,*) 'SETFIXEDGRIDS: ERROR not enough memory allocated' write(*,*) 'Decrease the number and size of fixed grids or' write(*,*) 'set maxfgridsize in fixedgrids.i to:', mspace stop endif c #initialize fixed grid work arrays to NaN c #this will prevent non-filled values from being misinterpreted do k=1,maxfgridsize fgridearly(k)=d_nan() fgridlate(k)=d_nan() fgridoften(k)=d_nan() enddo tcfmax=-1.d16 write(parmunit,*) ' mfgrids = ',mfgrids do i=1,mfgrids write(parmunit,701) 701 format(2i4,6d12.3) enddo return end real*8 function d_nan() real*8 dnan integer inan(2) equivalence (dnan,inan) inan(1)=2147483647 inan(2)=2147483647 d_nan=dnan return end