rpt2_ptwise_geo.f.html | ![]() |
Source file: rpt2_ptwise_geo.f | |
Directory: /home/rjl/git/rjleveque/clawpack-4.x/geoclaw/2d/lib | |
Converted: Sun May 15 2011 at 19:15:41 using clawcode2html | |
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c c c =============================================================== subroutine rpt2_ptwise(ixy, ilr, meqn, maux, qLeft, qRight, & auxLeft, auxRight, asdq, bmasdq, bpasdq) c =============================================================== c c # Riemann solver in the transverse direction using an einfeldt c # Jacobian. c c # Split asdq (= A^* \Delta q, where *=+ if ilr=1 or *=- if ilr=2) c # into down-going flux difference bmasdq (= B^- A^* \Delta q) c # and up-going flux difference bpasdq (= B^+ A^* \Delta q) c c # This is a new-style Riemann solver that works pointwise, with c # Left state qLeft and right state qRight. (Note change in notation!!) c c # Often only asdq is needed, not q or aux arrays, but these are c # provided in a more general form than in the previous rpt2 format: c # qLeft(0, 1:m) is q in left state along this grid row, c # qLeft(-1,1:m) is q in left state along row below, c # qLeft(1, 1:m) is q in left state along row above, c # Simlarly for qRight, auxLeft, and auxRight. c c use geoclaw_module implicit none integer ixy, ilr, meqn, maux double precision qLeft(-1:1,meqn), qRight(-1:1,meqn) double precision auxLeft(-1:1,maux), auxRight(-1:1,maux) double precision asdq(meqn), bpasdq(meqn), bmasdq(meqn) c c-----------------------last modified 1/10/05---------------------- double precision s(3) double precision r(3,3) double precision beta(3) double precision g,tol,abs_tol double precision hl,hr,hul,hur,hvl,hvr,vl,vr,ul,ur,bl,br double precision uhat,vhat,hhat,roe1,roe3,s1,s2,s3,s1l,s3r double precision delf1,delf2,delf3,dxdcd,dxdcu integer i,m,mw,mu,mv g=grav tol=drytolerance abs_tol=drytolerance/100.d0 if (ixy.eq.1) then mu = 2 mv = 3 else mu = 3 mv = 2 endif hl=qLeft(0,1) hr=qRight(0,1) hul=qLeft(0,mu) hur=qRight(0,mu) hvl=qLeft(0,mv) hvr=qRight(0,mv) c===========determine velocity from momentum=========================== if (hl.lt.abs_tol) then hl=0.d0 ul=0.d0 vl=0.d0 else ul=hul/hl vl=hvl/hl endif if (hr.lt.abs_tol) then hr=0.d0 ur=0.d0 vr=0.d0 else ur=hur/hr vr=hvr/hr endif do mw=1,3 s(mw)=0.d0 beta(mw)=0.d0 do m=1,meqn r(m,mw)=0.d0 enddo enddo if (hl.le.0.d0.and.hr.le.0.d0) go to 90 c=====Determine some speeds necessary for the Jacobian================= vhat=(vr*dsqrt(hr))/(dsqrt(hr)+dsqrt(hl)) + & (vl*dsqrt(hl))/(dsqrt(hr)+dsqrt(hl)) uhat=(ur*dsqrt(hr))/(dsqrt(hr)+dsqrt(hl)) + & (ul*dsqrt(hl))/(dsqrt(hr)+dsqrt(hl)) hhat=(hr+hl)/2.d0 roe1=vhat-dsqrt(g*hhat) roe3=vhat+dsqrt(g*hhat) s1l=vl-dsqrt(g*hl) s3r=vr+dsqrt(g*hr) s1=dmin1(roe1,s1l) s3=dmax1(roe3,s3r) s2=0.5d0*(s1+s3) s(1)=s1 s(2)=s2 s(3)=s3 c=======================Determine asdq decomposition (beta)============ delf1=asdq(1) delf2=asdq(mu) delf3=asdq(mv) beta(1) = (s3*delf1/(s3-s1))-(delf3/(s3-s1)) beta(2) = -s2*delf1 + delf2 beta(3) = (delf3/(s3-s1))-(s1*delf1/(s3-s1)) c======================End ================================================= c=====================Set-up eigenvectors=================================== r(1,1) = 1.d0 r(2,1) = s2 r(3,1) = s1 r(1,2) = 0.d0 r(2,2) = 1.d0 r(3,2) = 0.d0 r(1,3) = 1.d0 r(2,3) = s2 r(3,3) = s3 c============================================================================ 90 continue c============= compute fluctuations========================================== do m=1,meqn bmasdq(m)=0.0d0 bpasdq(m)=0.0d0 enddo do mw=1,3 if (s(mw).lt.0.d0) then bmasdq(1) =bmasdq(1) + s(mw)*beta(mw)*r(1,mw) bmasdq(mu)=bmasdq(mu) + s(mw)*beta(mw)*r(2,mw) bmasdq(mv)=bmasdq(mv) + s(mw)*beta(mw)*r(3,mw) elseif (s(mw).gt.0.d0) then bpasdq(1) =bpasdq(1) + s(mw)*beta(mw)*r(1,mw) bpasdq(mu)=bpasdq(mu) + s(mw)*beta(mw)*r(2,mw) bpasdq(mv)=bpasdq(mv) + s(mw)*beta(mw)*r(3,mw) endif enddo c return end