rpn2ez_ptwise_geo.f.html | ![]() |
Source file: rpn2ez_ptwise_geo.f | |
Directory: /home/rjl/git/rjleveque/clawpack-4.x/geoclaw/2d/lib | |
Converted: Sun May 15 2011 at 19:15:41 using clawcode2html | |
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c c c ===================================================================== subroutine rpn2_ptwise(ixy, meqn, mwaves, ldw, maux, & qLeft, qRight, auxLeft, auxRight, & wave, s, amdq, apdq, rpfwave) c ===================================================================== c c Solves normal Riemann problems for the 2D SHALLOW WATER equations c with topography: c # h_t + (hu)_x + (hv)_y = 0 # c # (hu)_t + (hu^2 + 0.5gh^2)_x + (huv)_y = -ghb_x # c # (hv)_t + (huv)_x + (hv^2 + 0.5gh^2)_y = -ghb_y # c c # This is a new-style Riemann solver that works pointwise, with c # Left state qLeft and right state qRight. (Note change in notation!!) c c !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! # This Riemann solver is for the shallow water equations. ! ! ! ! It allows the user to easily select a Riemann solver in ! ! riemannsolvers_geo.f. this routine initializes all the variables ! ! for the shallow water equations, accounting for wet dry boundary ! ! dry cells, wave speeds etc. ! ! ! ! David George, Vancouver WA, Feb. 2009 ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! use geoclaw_module implicit none integer meqn,mwaves,ixy,maux,ldw double precision qLeft(meqn), qRight(meqn) double precision auxLeft(maux), auxRight(maux) double precision wave(ldw, mwaves) double precision s(mwaves) double precision amdq(meqn), apdq(meqn) logical rpfwave double precision drytol,g !local only integer m,i,mw,maxiter,mu,nv double precision wall(3) double precision fw(3,3) double precision sw(3) double precision hR,hL,huR,huL,uR,uL,hvR,hvL,vR,vL,phiR,phiL double precision bR,bL,sL,sR,sRoe1,sRoe2,sE1,sE2,uhat,chat double precision s1m,s2m double precision hstar,hstartest,hstarHLL,sLtest,sRtest double precision tw,dxdc logical rare1,rare2 integer mcapa common /cmcapa/ mcapa g=grav drytol=drytolerance c c # This solver returns fwaves: rpfwave = .true. !-----------------------Initializing----------------------------------- !inform of a bad riemann problem from the start if((qLeft(1).lt.0.d0).or.(qRight(1) .lt. 0.d0)) then write(*,*) 'Negative input: hl,hr=',qLeft(1),qRight(1) endif !Initialize Riemann problem for grid interface do mw=1,mwaves s(mw)=0.d0 do m=1,meqn wave(m,mw)=0.d0 enddo enddo c !set normal direction if (ixy.eq.1) then mu=2 nv=3 else mu=3 nv=2 endif !zero (small) negative values if they exist if (qLeft(1).lt.0.d0) then do m=1,meqn qLeft(m)=0.d0 enddo endif if (qRight(1).lt.0.d0) then do m=1,meqn qRight(1)=0.d0 enddo endif !skip problem if in a completely dry area if (qLeft(1).le.drytol.and.qRight(1).le.drytol) then go to 30 endif !Riemann problem variables hL = qLeft(1) hR = qRight(1) huL = qLeft(mu) huR = qRight(mu) bL = auxLeft(1) bR = auxRight(1) hvL=qLeft(nv) hvR=qRight(nv) !check for wet/dry boundary if (hR.gt.drytol) then uR=huR/hR vR=hvR/hR phiR = 0.5d0*g*hR**2 + huR**2/hR else hR = 0.d0 huR = 0.d0 hvR = 0.d0 uR = 0.d0 vR = 0.d0 phiR = 0.d0 endif if (hL.gt.drytol) then uL=huL/hL vL=hvL/hL phiL = 0.5d0*g*hL**2 + huL**2/hL else hL=0.d0 huL=0.d0 hvL=0.d0 uL=0.d0 vL=0.d0 phiL = 0.d0 endif wall(1) = 1.d0 wall(2) = 1.d0 wall(3) = 1.d0 if (hR.le.drytol) then call riemanntype(hL,hL,uL,-uL,hstar,s1m,s2m, & rare1,rare2,1,drytol,g) hstartest=max(hL,hstar) if (hstartest+bL.lt.bR) then !right state should become ghost values that mirror left for wall problem c bR=hstartest+bL wall(2)=0.d0 wall(3)=0.d0 hR=hL huR=-huL bR=bL phiR=phiL uR=-uL vR=vL elseif (hL+bL.lt.bR) then bR=hL+bL endif elseif (hL.le.drytol) then ! right surface is lower than left topo call riemanntype(hR,hR,-uR,uR,hstar,s1m,s2m, & rare1,rare2,1,drytol,g) hstartest=max(hR,hstar) if (hstartest+bR.lt.bL) then !left state should become ghost values that mirror right c bL=hstartest+bR wall(1)=0.d0 wall(2)=0.d0 hL=hR huL=-huR bL=bR phiL=phiR uL=-uR vL=vR elseif (hR+bR.lt.bL) then bL=hR+bR endif endif !determine wave speeds sL=uL-sqrt(g*hL) ! 1 wave speed of left state sR=uR+sqrt(g*hR) ! 2 wave speed of right state uhat=(sqrt(g*hL)*uL + sqrt(g*hR)*uR)/(sqrt(g*hR)+sqrt(g*hL)) ! Roe average chat=sqrt(g*0.5d0*(hR+hL)) ! Roe average sRoe1=uhat-chat ! Roe wave speed 1 wave sRoe2=uhat+chat ! Roe wave speed 2 wave sE1 = min(sL,sRoe1) ! Eindfeldt speed 1 wave sE2 = max(sR,sRoe2) ! Eindfeldt speed 2 wave !--------------------end initializing...finally---------- !solve Riemann problem. maxiter = 1 call riemann_aug_JCP(maxiter,3,3,hL,hR,huL, & huR,hvL,hvR,bL,bR,uL,uR,vL,vR,phiL,phiR,sE1,sE2, & drytol,g,sw,fw) c call riemann_ssqwave(maxiter,meqn,mwaves,hL,hR,huL,huR, c & hvL,hvR,bL,bR,uL,uR,vL,vR,phiL,phiR,sE1,sE2,drytol,g,sw,fw) c call riemann_wave(meqn,mwaves,hL,hR,huL,huR,hvL,hvR, c & bL,bR,uL,uR,vL,vR,phiL,phiR,sE1,sE2,drytol,g,sw,fw) c !eliminate ghost fluxes for wall do mw=1,3 sw(mw)=sw(mw)*wall(mw) do m=1,meqn fw(m,mw)=fw(m,mw)*wall(mw) enddo enddo do mw=1,mwaves s(mw)=sw(mw) wave(1,mw)=fw(1,mw) wave(mu,mw)=fw(2,mw) wave(nv,mw)=fw(3,mw) enddo 30 continue c==========Capacity for mapping from latitude longitude to physical space==== if (mcapa.gt.0) then if (ixy.eq.1) then dxdc=(Rearth*pi/180.d0) else dxdc=auxRight(3) endif do mw=1,mwaves c if (s(mw) .gt. 316.d0) then c # shouldn't happen unless h > 10 km! c write(6,*) 'speed > 316: i,mw,s(mw): ',i,mw,s(mw) c endif s(mw)=dxdc*s(mw) do m=1,meqn wave(m,mw)=dxdc*wave(m,mw) enddo enddo endif c=============================================================================== c============= compute fluctuations============================================= do m=1,meqn amdq(m)=0.0d0 apdq(m)=0.0d0 do mw=1,mwaves if (s(mw).lt.0.d0) then amdq(m)=amdq(m) + wave(m,mw) elseif (s(mw).gt.0.d0) then apdq(m)=apdq(m) + wave(m,mw) else amdq(m) = amdq(m) + .5d0*wave(m,mw) apdq(m) = apdq(m) + .5d0*wave(m,mw) endif enddo enddo return end subroutine