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c----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine riemann_aug_JCP(maxiter,meqn,mwaves,hL,hR,huL,huR, & hvL,hvR,bL,bR,uL,uR,vL,vR,phiL,phiR,sE1,sE2,drytol,g,sw,fw) ! solve shallow water equations given single left and right states ! This solver is described in J. Comput. Phys. (6): 3089-3113, March 2008 ! Augmented Riemann Solvers for the Shallow Equations with Steady States and Inundation ! To use the original solver call with maxiter=1. ! This solver allows iteration when maxiter > 1. The iteration seems to help with ! instabilities that arise (with any solver) as flow becomes transcritical over variable topo ! due to loss of hyperbolicity. implicit none !input double precision fw(meqn,mwaves) double precision sw(mwaves) double precision hL,hR,huL,huR,bL,bR,uL,uR,phiL,phiR,sE1,sE2 double precision hvL,hvR,vL,vR double precision drytol,g integer meqn,mwaves,maxiter !local integer m,mw,k,iter double precision A(3,3) double precision r(3,3) double precision lambda(3) double precision del(3) double precision beta(3) double precision delh,delhu,delphi,delb,delnorm double precision rare1st,rare2st,sdelta,raremin,raremax double precision criticaltol,convergencetol,raretol double precision s1s2bar,s1s2tilde,hbar,hLstar,hRstar,hustar double precision huRstar,huLstar,uRstar,uLstar,hstarHLL double precision deldelh,deldelphi double precision s1m,s2m,hm double precision det1,det2,det3,determinant logical rare1,rare2,rarecorrector,rarecorrectortest,sonic !determine del vectors delh = hR-hL delhu = huR-huL delphi = phiR-phiL delb = bR-bL delnorm = delh**2 + delphi**2 call riemanntype(hL,hR,uL,uR,hm,s1m,s2m,rare1,rare2, & 1,drytol,g) lambda(1)= min(sE1,s2m) !Modified Einfeldt speed lambda(3)= max(sE2,s1m) !Modified Eindfeldt speed sE1=lambda(1) sE2=lambda(3) hstarHLL = max((huL-huR+sE2*hR-sE1*hL)/(sE2-sE1),0.d0) ! middle state in an HLL solve c !determine the middle entropy corrector wave------------------------ rarecorrectortest=.false. rarecorrector=.false. if (rarecorrectortest) then sdelta=lambda(3)-lambda(1) raremin = 0.5d0 raremax = 0.9d0 if (rare1.and.sE1*s1m.lt.0.d0) raremin=0.2d0 if (rare2.and.sE2*s2m.lt.0.d0) raremin=0.2d0 if (rare1.or.rare2) then !see which rarefaction is larger rare1st=3.d0*(sqrt(g*hL)-sqrt(g*hm)) rare2st=3.d0*(sqrt(g*hR)-sqrt(g*hm)) if (max(rare1st,rare2st).gt.raremin*sdelta.and. & max(rare1st,rare2st).lt.raremax*sdelta) then rarecorrector=.true. if (rare1st.gt.rare2st) then lambda(2)=s1m elseif (rare2st.gt.rare1st) then lambda(2)=s2m else lambda(2)=0.5d0*(s1m+s2m) endif endif endif if (hstarHLL.lt.min(hL,hR)/5.d0) rarecorrector=.false. endif do mw=1,mwaves r(1,mw)=1.d0 r(2,mw)=lambda(mw) r(3,mw)=(lambda(mw))**2 enddo if (.not.rarecorrector) then lambda(2) = 0.5d0*(lambda(1)+lambda(3)) c lambda(2) = max(min(0.5d0*(s1m+s2m),sE2),sE1) r(1,2)=0.d0 r(2,2)=0.d0 r(3,2)=1.d0 endif c !--------------------------------------------------- c !determine the steady state wave ------------------- criticaltol = 1.d-6 deldelh = -delb deldelphi = -g*0.5d0*(hR+hL)*delb c !determine a few quanitites needed for steady state wave if iterated hLstar=hL hRstar=hR uLstar=uL uRstar=uR huLstar=uLstar*hLstar huRstar=uRstar*hRstar !iterate to better determine the steady state wave convergencetol=1.d-6 do iter=1,maxiter !determine steady state wave (this will be subtracted from the delta vectors) if (min(hLstar,hRstar).lt.drytol.and.rarecorrector) then rarecorrector=.false. hLstar=hL hRstar=hR uLstar=uL uRstar=uR huLstar=uLstar*hLstar huRstar=uRstar*hRstar lambda(2) = 0.5d0*(lambda(1)+lambda(3)) c lambda(2) = max(min(0.5d0*(s1m+s2m),sE2),sE1) r(1,2)=0.d0 r(2,2)=0.d0 r(3,2)=1.d0 endif hbar = max(0.5d0*(hLstar+hRstar),0.d0) s1s2bar = 0.25d0*(uLstar+uRstar)**2 - g*hbar s1s2tilde= max(0.d0,uLstar*uRstar) - g*hbar c !find if sonic problem sonic=.false. if (abs(s1s2bar).le.criticaltol) sonic=.true. if (s1s2bar*s1s2tilde.le.criticaltol) sonic=.true. if (s1s2bar*sE1*sE2.le.criticaltol) sonic = .true. if (min(abs(sE1),abs(sE2)).lt.criticaltol) sonic=.true. if (sE1.lt.0.d0.and.s1m.gt.0.d0) sonic = .true. if (sE2.gt.0.d0.and.s2m.lt.0.d0) sonic = .true. if ((uL+sqrt(g*hL))*(uR+sqrt(g*hR)).lt.0.d0) sonic=.true. if ((uL-sqrt(g*hL))*(uR-sqrt(g*hR)).lt.0.d0) sonic=.true. c !find jump in h, deldelh if (sonic) then deldelh = -delb else deldelh = delb*g*hbar/s1s2bar endif c !find bounds in case of critical state resonance, or negative states if (sE1.lt.-criticaltol.and.sE2.gt.criticaltol) then deldelh = min(deldelh,hstarHLL*(sE2-sE1)/sE2) deldelh = max(deldelh,hstarHLL*(sE2-sE1)/sE1) elseif (sE1.ge.criticaltol) then deldelh = min(deldelh,hstarHLL*(sE2-sE1)/sE1) deldelh = max(deldelh,-hL) elseif (sE2.le.-criticaltol) then deldelh = min(deldelh,hR) deldelh = max(deldelh,hstarHLL*(sE2-sE1)/sE2) endif c !find jump in phi, deldelphi if (sonic) then deldelphi = -g*hbar*delb else deldelphi = -delb*g*hbar*s1s2tilde/s1s2bar endif c !find bounds in case of critical state resonance, or negative states deldelphi=min(deldelphi,g*max(-hLstar*delb,-hRstar*delb)) deldelphi=max(deldelphi,g*min(-hLstar*delb,-hRstar*delb)) del(1)=delh-deldelh del(2)=delhu del(3)=delphi-deldelphi c !Determine determinant of eigenvector matrix======== det1=r(1,1)*(r(2,2)*r(3,3)-r(2,3)*r(3,2)) det2=r(1,2)*(r(2,1)*r(3,3)-r(2,3)*r(3,1)) det3=r(1,3)*(r(2,1)*r(3,2)-r(2,2)*r(3,1)) determinant=det1-det2+det3 c !solve for beta(k) using Cramers Rule================= do k=1,3 do mw=1,3 do m=1,3 A(m,mw)=r(m,mw) A(m,k)=del(m) enddo enddo det1=A(1,1)*(A(2,2)*A(3,3)-A(2,3)*A(3,2)) det2=A(1,2)*(A(2,1)*A(3,3)-A(2,3)*A(3,1)) det3=A(1,3)*(A(2,1)*A(3,2)-A(2,2)*A(3,1)) beta(k)=(det1-det2+det3)/determinant enddo !exit if things aren't changing if (abs(del(1)**2+del(3)**2-delnorm).lt.convergencetol) exit delnorm = del(1)**2+del(3)**2 !find new states qLstar and qRstar on either side of interface hLstar=hL hRstar=hR uLstar=uL uRstar=uR huLstar=uLstar*hLstar huRstar=uRstar*hRstar do mw=1,mwaves if (lambda(mw).lt.0.d0) then hLstar= hLstar + beta(mw)*r(1,mw) huLstar= huLstar + beta(mw)*r(2,mw) endif enddo do mw=mwaves,1,-1 if (lambda(mw).gt.0.d0) then hRstar= hRstar - beta(mw)*r(1,mw) huRstar= huRstar - beta(mw)*r(2,mw) endif enddo if (hLstar.gt.drytol) then uLstar=huLstar/hLstar else hLstar=max(hLstar,0.d0) uLstar=0.d0 endif if (hRstar.gt.drytol) then uRstar=huRstar/hRstar else hRstar=max(hRstar,0.d0) uRstar=0.d0 endif enddo ! end iteration on Riemann problem do mw=1,mwaves sw(mw)=lambda(mw) fw(1,mw)=beta(mw)*r(2,mw) fw(2,mw)=beta(mw)*r(3,mw) fw(3,mw)=beta(mw)*r(2,mw) enddo !find transverse components (ie huv jumps). fw(3,1)=fw(3,1)*vL fw(3,3)=fw(3,3)*vR fw(3,2)= hR*uR*vR - hL*uL*vL - fw(3,1)- fw(3,3) return end !subroutine riemann_aug_JCP------------------------------------------------- c----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine riemann_ssqfwave(maxiter,meqn,mwaves,hL,hR,huL,huR, & hvL,hvR,bL,bR,uL,uR,vL,vR,phiL,phiR,sE1,sE2,drytol,g,sw,fw) ! solve shallow water equations given single left and right states ! steady state wave is subtracted from delta [q,f]^T before decomposition implicit none !input integer meqn,mwaves,maxiter double precision hL,hR,huL,huR,bL,bR,uL,uR,phiL,phiR,sE1,sE2 double precision vL,vR,hvL,hvR double precision drytol,g !local integer iter logical sonic double precision delh,delhu,delphi,delb,delhdecomp,delphidecomp double precision s1s2bar,s1s2tilde,hbar,hLstar,hRstar,hustar double precision uRstar,uLstar,hstarHLL double precision deldelh,deldelphi double precision alpha1,alpha2,beta1,beta2,delalpha1,delalpha2 double precision criticaltol,convergencetol double precision sL,sR double precision uhat,chat,sRoe1,sRoe2 double precision sw(mwaves) double precision fw(meqn,mwaves) !determine del vectors delh = hR-hL delhu = huR-huL delphi = phiR-phiL delb = bR-bL convergencetol= 1.d-16 criticaltol = 1.d-99 deldelh = -delb deldelphi = -g*0.5d0*(hR+hL)*delb ! !if no source term, skip determining steady state wave if (abs(delb).gt.0.d0) then ! !determine a few quanitites needed for steady state wave if iterated hLstar=hL hRstar=hR uLstar=uL uRstar=uR hstarHLL = max((huL-huR+sE2*hR-sE1*hL)/(sE2-sE1),0.d0) ! middle state in an HLL solve alpha1=0.d0 alpha2=0.d0 ! !iterate to better determine Riemann problem do iter=1,maxiter !determine steady state wave (this will be subtracted from the delta vectors) hbar = max(0.5d0*(hLstar+hRstar),0.d0) s1s2bar = 0.25d0*(uLstar+uRstar)**2 - g*hbar s1s2tilde= max(0.d0,uLstar*uRstar) - g*hbar c !find if sonic problem sonic=.false. if (abs(s1s2bar).le.criticaltol) sonic=.true. if (s1s2bar*s1s2tilde.le.criticaltol) sonic=.true. if (s1s2bar*sE1*sE2.le.criticaltol) sonic = .true. if (min(abs(sE1),abs(sE2)).lt.criticaltol) sonic=.true. c !find jump in h, deldelh if (sonic) then deldelh = -delb else deldelh = delb*g*hbar/s1s2bar endif ! !bounds in case of critical state resonance, or negative states if (sE1.lt.-criticaltol.and.sE2.gt.criticaltol) then deldelh = min(deldelh,hstarHLL*(sE2-sE1)/sE2) deldelh = max(deldelh,hstarHLL*(sE2-sE1)/sE1) elseif (sE1.ge.criticaltol) then deldelh = min(deldelh,hstarHLL*(sE2-sE1)/sE1) deldelh = max(deldelh,-hL) elseif (sE2.le.-criticaltol) then deldelh = min(deldelh,hR) deldelh = max(deldelh,hstarHLL*(sE2-sE1)/sE2) endif c !find jump in phi, deldelphi if (sonic) then deldelphi = -g*hbar*delb else deldelphi = -delb*g*hbar*s1s2tilde/s1s2bar endif ! !bounds in case of critical state resonance, or negative states deldelphi=min(deldelphi,g*max(-hLstar*delb,-hRstar*delb)) deldelphi=max(deldelphi,g*min(-hLstar*delb,-hRstar*delb)) !---------determine fwaves ------------------------------------------ ! !first decomposition delhdecomp = delh-deldelh delalpha1 = (sE2*delhdecomp - delhu)/(sE2-sE1)-alpha1 alpha1 = alpha1 + delalpha1 delalpha2 = (delhu - sE1*delhdecomp)/(sE2-sE1)-alpha2 alpha2 = alpha2 + delalpha2 !second decomposition delphidecomp = delphi - deldelphi beta1 = (sE2*delhu - delphidecomp)/(sE2-sE1) beta2 = (delphidecomp - sE1*delhu)/(sE2-sE1) if ((delalpha2**2+delalpha1**2).lt.convergencetol**2) then exit endif ! if (sE2.gt.0.d0.and.sE1.lt.0.d0) then hLstar=hL+alpha1 hRstar=hR-alpha2 c hustar=huL+alpha1*sE1 hustar = huL + beta1 elseif (sE1.ge.0.d0) then hLstar=hL hustar=huL hRstar=hR - alpha1 - alpha2 elseif (sE2.le.0.d0) then hRstar=hR hustar=huR hLstar=hL + alpha1 + alpha2 endif ! if (hLstar.gt.drytol) then uLstar=hustar/hLstar else hLstar=max(hLstar,0.d0) uLstar=0.d0 endif ! if (hRstar.gt.drytol) then uRstar=hustar/hRstar else hRstar=max(hRstar,0.d0) uRstar=0.d0 endif enddo endif delhdecomp = delh - deldelh delphidecomp = delphi - deldelphi !first decomposition alpha1 = (sE2*delhdecomp - delhu)/(sE2-sE1) alpha2 = (delhu - sE1*delhdecomp)/(sE2-sE1) !second decomposition beta1 = (sE2*delhu - delphidecomp)/(sE2-sE1) beta2 = (delphidecomp - sE1*delhu)/(sE2-sE1) ! 1st nonlinear wave fw(1,1) = alpha1*sE1 fw(2,1) = beta1*sE1 fw(3,1) = fw(1,1)*vL ! 2nd nonlinear wave fw(1,3) = alpha2*sE2 fw(2,3) = beta2*sE2 fw(3,3) = fw(1,3)*vR ! advection of transverse wave fw(1,2) = 0.d0 fw(2,2) = 0.d0 fw(3,2) = hR*uR*vR - hL*uL*vL -fw(3,1)-fw(3,3) !speeds sw(1)=sE1 sw(2)=0.5d0*(sE1+sE2) sw(3)=sE2 return end subroutine !------------------------------------------------- c----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine riemann_fwave(meqn,mwaves,hL,hR,huL,huR,hvL,hvR, & bL,bR,uL,uR,vL,vR,phiL,phiR,s1,s2,drytol,g,sw,fw) ! solve shallow water equations given single left and right states ! solution has two waves. ! flux - source is decomposed. implicit none !input integer meqn,mwaves double precision hL,hR,huL,huR,bL,bR,uL,uR,phiL,phiR,s1,s2 double precision hvL,hvR,vL,vR double precision drytol,g double precision sw(mwaves) double precision fw(meqn,mwaves) !local double precision delh,delhu,delphi,delb,delhdecomp,delphidecomp double precision deldelh,deldelphi double precision beta1,beta2 !determine del vectors delh = hR-hL delhu = huR-huL delphi = phiR-phiL delb = bR-bL deldelphi = -g*0.5d0*(hR+hL)*delb delphidecomp = delphi - deldelphi !flux decomposition beta1 = (s2*delhu - delphidecomp)/(s2-s1) beta2 = (delphidecomp - s1*delhu)/(s2-s1) sw(1)=s1 sw(2)=0.5d0*(s1+s2) sw(3)=s2 ! 1st nonlinear wave fw(1,1) = beta1 fw(2,1) = beta1*s1 fw(3,1) = beta1*vL ! 2nd nonlinear wave fw(1,3) = beta2 fw(2,3) = beta2*s2 fw(3,3) = beta2*vR ! advection of transverse wave fw(1,2) = 0.d0 fw(2,2) = 0.d0 fw(3,2) = hR*uR*vR - hL*uL*vL -fw(3,1)-fw(3,3) return end !subroutine ------------------------------------------------- c============================================================================= subroutine riemanntype(hL,hR,uL,uR,hm,s1m,s2m,rare1,rare2, & maxiter,drytol,g) !determine the Riemann structure (wave-type in each family) implicit none !input double precision hL,hR,uL,uR,drytol,g integer maxiter !output double precision s1m,s2m logical rare1,rare2 !local double precision hm,u1m,u2m,um,delu double precision h_max,h_min,h0,F_max,F_min,dfdh,F0,slope,gL,gR integer iter c !Test for Riemann structure h_min=min(hR,hL) h_max=max(hR,hL) delu=uR-uL if (h_min.le.drytol) then hm=0.d0 um=0.d0 s1m=uR+uL-2.d0*sqrt(g*hR)+2.d0*sqrt(g*hL) s2m=uR+uL-2.d0*sqrt(g*hR)+2.d0*sqrt(g*hL) if (hL.le.0.d0) then rare2=.true. rare1=.false. else rare1=.true. rare2=.false. endif else F_min= delu+2.d0*(sqrt(g*h_min)-sqrt(g*h_max)) F_max= delu + & (h_max-h_min)*(sqrt(.5d0*g*(h_max+h_min)/(h_max*h_min))) if (F_min.gt.0.d0) then !2-rarefactions hm=(1.d0/(16.d0*g))* & max(0.d0,-delu+2.d0*(sqrt(g*hL)+sqrt(g*hR)))**2 um=sign(1.d0,hm)*(uL+2.d0*(sqrt(g*hL)-sqrt(g*hm))) s1m=uL+2.d0*sqrt(g*hL)-3.d0*sqrt(g*hm) s2m=uR-2.d0*sqrt(g*hR)+3.d0*sqrt(g*hm) rare1=.true. rare2=.true. elseif (F_max.le.0.d0) then !2 shocks c !root finding using a Newton iteration on sqrt(h)=== h0=h_max do iter=1,maxiter gL=sqrt(.5d0*g*(1/h0 + 1/hL)) gR=sqrt(.5d0*g*(1/h0 + 1/hR)) F0=delu+(h0-hL)*gL + (h0-hR)*gR dfdh=gL-g*(h0-hL)/(4.d0*(h0**2)*gL)+ & gR-g*(h0-hR)/(4.d0*(h0**2)*gR) slope=2.d0*sqrt(h0)*dfdh h0=(sqrt(h0)-F0/slope)**2 enddo hm=h0 u1m=uL-(hm-hL)*sqrt((.5d0*g)*(1/hm + 1/hL)) u2m=uR+(hm-hR)*sqrt((.5d0*g)*(1/hm + 1/hR)) um=.5d0*(u1m+u2m) s1m=u1m-sqrt(g*hm) s2m=u2m+sqrt(g*hm) rare1=.false. rare2=.false. else !one shock one rarefaction h0=h_min do iter=1,maxiter F0=delu + 2.d0*(sqrt(g*h0)-sqrt(g*h_max)) & + (h0-h_min)*sqrt(.5d0*g*(1/h0+1/h_min)) slope=(F_max-F0)/(h_max-h_min) h0=h0-F0/slope enddo hm=h0 if (hL.gt.hR) then um=uL+2.d0*sqrt(g*hL)-2.d0*sqrt(g*hm) s1m=uL+2.d0*sqrt(g*hL)-3.d0*sqrt(g*hm) s2m=uL+2.d0*sqrt(g*hL)-sqrt(g*hm) rare1=.true. rare2=.false. else s2m=uR-2.d0*sqrt(g*hR)+3.d0*sqrt(g*hm) s1m=uR-2.d0*sqrt(g*hR)+sqrt(g*hm) um=uR-2.d0*sqrt(g*hR)+2.d0*sqrt(g*hm) rare2=.true. rare1=.false. endif endif endif return end ! subroutine riemanntype----------------------------------------------------------------