qad_geo.f.html | ![]() |
Source file: qad_geo.f | |
Directory: /home/rjl/git/rjleveque/clawpack-4.x/geoclaw/2d/lib | |
Converted: Sun May 15 2011 at 19:15:40 using clawcode2html | |
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c c ------------------------------------------------------------- c subroutine qad(valbig,mitot,mjtot,nvar, . svdflx,qc1d,lenbc,lratiox,lratioy,hx,hy, . maux,aux,auxc1d,delt,mptr) implicit double precision (a-h, o-z) include "call.i" logical qprint dimension valbig(mitot,mjtot,nvar) dimension qc1d(lenbc,nvar) dimension svdflx(nvar,lenbc) dimension aux(mitot,mjtot,maux) dimension auxc1d(lenbc,maux) c c ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: QAD :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: c solve RP between ghost cell value on fine grid and coarse grid c value that ghost cell overlaps. The resulting fluctuations c are added in to coarse grid value, as a conservation fixup. c Done each fine grid time step. If source terms are present, the c coarse grid value is advanced by source terms each fine time step too. c Side 1 is the left side of the fine grid patch. Then go around clockwise. c :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: c c # local storage c # note that dimension here are bigger than dimensions used c # in rp2, but shouldn't matter since wave is not used in qad c # and for other arrays it is only the last parameter that is wrong c # ok as long as meqn, mwaves < maxvar parameter (max1dp1 = max1d+1) dimension ql(max1dp1,maxvar), qr(max1dp1,maxvar) dimension wave(max1dp1,maxvar,maxvar), s(max1dp1,maxvar) dimension amdq(max1dp1,maxvar), apdq(max1dp1,maxvar) dimension auxl(max1dp1,maxaux), auxr(max1dp1,maxaux) data qprint/.false./ c c aux is auxiliary array with user parameters needed in Riemann solvers c on fine grid corresponding to valbig c auxc1d is coarse grid stuff from around boundary, same format as qc1d c auxl, auxr are work arrays needed to pass stuff to rpn2 c maux is the number of aux variables, which may be zero. c --------------------------------------------------------------- c # for GeoClaw we skip this routine --- need to fix someday: c # Is this routine properly implemented with dry states and c # interpolation based on surface eta? c return c --------------------------------------------------------------- if (qprint) write(dbugunit,*)" working on grid ",mptr tgrid = rnode(timemult, mptr) nc = mjtot-2*nghost nr = mitot-2*nghost c c-------- c side 1 c-------- c do 10 j = nghost+1, mjtot-nghost if ( then do 5 ma = 1,maux if (auxtype(ma).eq."xleft") then c # Assuming velocity at left-face, this fix c # preserves conservation in incompressible flow: auxl(j-nghost+1,ma) = aux(nghost+1,j,ma) else c # Normal case -- we set the aux arrays c # from the cell corresponding to q auxl(j-nghost+1,ma) = aux(nghost,j,ma) endif 5 continue endif do 10 ivar = 1, nvar ql(j-nghost+1,ivar) = valbig(nghost,j,ivar) 10 continue lind = 0 index = 0 ncrse = (mjtot-2*nghost)/lratioy do 20 jc = 1, ncrse index = index + 1 do 25 l = 1, lratioy lind = lind + 1 if ( then do 24 ma=1,maux auxr(lind,ma) = auxc1d(index,ma) 24 continue endif do 25 ivar = 1, nvar 25 qr(lind,ivar) = qc1d(index,ivar) 20 continue index = ncrse if (qprint) then write(dbugunit,*) 'side 1, ql and qr:' do i=2,nc write(dbugunit,4101) i,qr(i-1,1),ql(i,1) enddo 4101 format(i3,4e16.6) if (maux .gt. 0) then write(dbugunit,*) 'side 1, auxr:' do i=2,nc write(dbugunit,4101) i,(auxr(i-1,ma),ma=1,maux) enddo write(dbugunit,*) 'side 1, auxl:' do i=2,nc write(dbugunit,4101) i,(auxl(i,ma),ma=1,maux) enddo endif endif call rpn2(1,max1dp1-2*nghost,nvar,mwaves,nghost,nc+1-2*nghost, . ql,qr,auxl,auxr,wave,s,amdq,apdq) c c we have the wave. for side 1 add into sdflxm c influx = 0 do 30 j = 1, nc/lratioy influx = influx + 1 jfine = (j-1)*lratioy do 40 ivar = 1, nvar do 50 l = 1, lratioy svdflx(ivar,influx) = svdflx(ivar,influx) . + amdq(jfine+l+1,ivar) * hy * delt . + apdq(jfine+l+1,ivar) * hy * delt 50 continue 40 continue 30 continue c-------- c side 2 c-------- c if (mjtot .eq. 2*nghost+1) then c # a single row of interior cells only happens when using the c # 2d amrclaw code to do a 1d problem with refinement. c # (feature added in Version 4.3) c # skip over sides 2 and 4 in this case go to 299 endif do 210 i = nghost+1, mitot-nghost if ( then do 205 ma = 1,maux auxr(i-nghost,ma) = aux(i,mjtot-nghost+1,ma) 205 continue endif do 210 ivar = 1, nvar qr(i-nghost,ivar) = valbig(i,mjtot-nghost+1,ivar) 210 continue lind = 0 ncrse = (mitot-2*nghost)/lratiox do 220 ic = 1, ncrse index = index + 1 do 225 l = 1, lratiox lind = lind + 1 if ( then do 224 ma=1,maux if (auxtype(ma).eq."yleft") then c # Assuming velocity at bottom-face, this fix c # preserves conservation in incompressible flow: ifine = (ic-1)*lratiox + nghost + l auxl(lind+1,ma) = aux(ifine,mjtot-nghost+1,ma) else auxl(lind+1,ma) = auxc1d(index,ma) endif 224 continue endif do 225 ivar = 1, nvar 225 ql(lind+1,ivar) = qc1d(index,ivar) 220 continue if (qprint) then write(dbugunit,*) 'side 2, ql and qr:' do i=1,nr write(dbugunit,4101) i,ql(i+1,1),qr(i,1) enddo if (maux .gt. 0) then write(dbugunit,*) 'side 2, auxr:' do i = 1, nr write(dbugunit,4101) i, (auxr(i,ma),ma=1,maux) enddo write(dbugunit,*) 'side 2, auxl:' do i = 1, nr write(dbugunit,4101) i, (auxl(i,ma),ma=1,maux) enddo endif endif call rpn2(2,max1dp1-2*nghost,nvar,mwaves,nghost,nr+1-2*nghost, . ql,qr,auxl,auxr,wave,s,amdq,apdq) c c we have the wave. for side 2. add into sdflxp c do 230 i = 1, nr/lratiox influx = influx + 1 ifine = (i-1)*lratiox do 240 ivar = 1, nvar do 250 l = 1, lratiox svdflx(ivar,influx) = svdflx(ivar,influx) . - amdq(ifine+l+1,ivar) * hx * delt . - apdq(ifine+l+1,ivar) * hx * delt 250 continue 240 continue 230 continue 299 continue c-------- c side 3 c-------- c do 310 j = nghost+1, mjtot-nghost if ( then do 305 ma = 1,maux auxr(j-nghost,ma) = aux(mitot-nghost+1,j,ma) 305 continue endif do 310 ivar = 1, nvar qr(j-nghost,ivar) = valbig(mitot-nghost+1,j,ivar) 310 continue lind = 0 ncrse = (mjtot-2*nghost)/lratioy do 320 jc = 1, ncrse index = index + 1 do 325 l = 1, lratioy lind = lind + 1 if ( then do 324 ma=1,maux if (auxtype(ma).eq."xleft") then c # Assuming velocity at left-face, this fix c # preserves conservation in incompressible flow: jfine = (jc-1)*lratioy + nghost + l auxl(lind+1,ma) = aux(mitot-nghost+1,jfine,ma) else auxl(lind+1,ma) = auxc1d(index,ma) endif 324 continue endif do 325 ivar = 1, nvar 325 ql(lind+1,ivar) = qc1d(index,ivar) 320 continue if (qprint) then write(dbugunit,*) 'side 3, ql and qr:' do i=1,nc write(dbugunit,4101) i,ql(i,1),qr(i,1) enddo endif call rpn2(1,max1dp1-2*nghost,nvar,mwaves,nghost,nc+1-2*nghost, . ql,qr,auxl,auxr,wave,s,amdq,apdq) c c we have the wave. for side 3 add into sdflxp C do 330 j = 1, nc/lratioy influx = influx + 1 jfine = (j-1)*lratioy do 340 ivar = 1, nvar do 350 l = 1, lratioy svdflx(ivar,influx) = svdflx(ivar,influx) . - amdq(jfine+l+1,ivar) * hy * delt . - apdq(jfine+l+1,ivar) * hy * delt 350 continue 340 continue 330 continue c-------- c side 4 c-------- c if (mjtot .eq. 2*nghost+1) then c # a single row of interior cells only happens when using the c # 2d amrclaw code to do a 1d problem with refinement. c # (feature added in Version 4.3) c # skip over sides 2 and 4 in this case go to 499 endif c do 410 i = nghost+1, mitot-nghost if ( then do 405 ma = 1,maux if (auxtype(ma).eq."yleft") then c # Assuming velocity at bottom-face, this fix c # preserves conservation in incompressible flow: auxl(i-nghost+1,ma) = aux(i,nghost+1,ma) else auxl(i-nghost+1,ma) = aux(i,nghost,ma) endif 405 continue endif do 410 ivar = 1, nvar ql(i-nghost+1,ivar) = valbig(i,nghost,ivar) 410 continue lind = 0 ncrse = (mitot-2*nghost)/lratiox do 420 ic = 1, ncrse index = index + 1 do 425 l = 1, lratiox lind = lind + 1 if ( then do 424 ma=1,maux auxr(lind,ma) = auxc1d(index,ma) 424 continue endif do 425 ivar = 1, nvar 425 qr(lind,ivar) = qc1d(index,ivar) 420 continue if (qprint) then write(dbugunit,*) 'side 4, ql and qr:' do i=1,nr write(dbugunit,4101) i, ql(i,1),qr(i,1) enddo endif call rpn2(2,max1dp1-2*nghost,nvar,mwaves,nghost,nr+1-2*nghost, . ql,qr,auxl,auxr,wave,s,amdq,apdq) c c we have the wave. for side 4. add into sdflxm c do 430 i = 1, nr/lratiox influx = influx + 1 ifine = (i-1)*lratiox do 440 ivar = 1, nvar do 450 l = 1, lratiox svdflx(ivar,influx) = svdflx(ivar,influx) . + amdq(ifine+l+1,ivar) * hx * delt . + apdq(ifine+l+1,ivar) * hx * delt 450 continue 440 continue 430 continue 499 continue c # for source terms: c # This is commented out for now --- updating the momenumtum due c # to friction/Coriolis source terms affects the resulting mass flux c # and leads to loss of conservation when src1d is used. c # It would be better to incorporate these source terms into the c # the f-wave formulation? c if (method(5) .ne. 0) then c call src1d(nvar,nghost,lenbc,qc1d,maux,auxc1d,tgrid,delt) c endif return end