movetopo_geo.f.html | ![]() |
Source file: movetopo_geo.f | |
Directory: /home/rjl/git/rjleveque/clawpack-4.x/geoclaw/2d/lib | |
Converted: Tue Jul 26 2011 at 12:58:45 using clawcode2html | |
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c ============================================ subroutine movetopo(maxmx,maxmy,mbc,mx,my, & xlow,ylow,dx,dy,t,dt,maux,aux,dtopo, & xlowdtopo,ylowdtopo,xhidtopo,yhidtopo,t0dtopo,tfdtopo, & dxdtopo,dydtopo,dtdtopo,mxdtopo,mydtopo,mtdtopo,mdtopo, & minleveldtopo,maxleveldtopo,topoaltered) c ============================================ c c This routine changes the topography dynamically. c It also changes the actual topo array after the motion has ended. c Topography is stored in aux(i,j,1). c c use geoclaw_module use topo_module implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension aux(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc,1-mbc:maxmy+mbc, maux) dimension dtopo(mxdtopo,mydtopo,mtdtopo) logical topoaltered include "call.i" dimension auxorig(-1:max1d+2,-1:max1d+2, maxaux) t0=t !# start of coming timestep tf=t+dt !# end of coming timestep t2=t0+0.5d0*dt tt=t2 !# this is the time in the fault file that will be used for this timestep c write(26,*) 'MOVETOPO: tt, dt, t0dtopo: ',tt,dt,t0dtopo if (topoaltered.and.t0.le.tfdtopo) then write(*,*) 'MOVETOPO: WARNING!' write(*,*) 'FAULT MOTION HAS COMPLETED PREMATURELY' endif if (topoaltered) return if ( return if ( go to 28 c # change topography write(*,*) 'MOVETOPO: setting dtopo at time = ',t c write(26,*) 'MOVETOPO: setting dtopo at time = ',t if ( then kkm = mtdtopo kkp = mtdtopo tau = 1.d0 go to 14 endif if (tt.le.t0dtopo) then kkm = 1 kkp = 1 tau= 1.d0 go to 14 endif dkk = (tt-t0dtopo)/dtdtopo kkm = dint(dkk)+1 kkp = dint(dkk)+2 kkm = max(kkm,1) kkm = min(kkm,mtdtopo) kkp = max(kkp,1) kkp = min(kkp,mtdtopo) tdtopom = t0dtopo+dtdtopo*(kkm-1) tdtopop = tdtopom+dtdtopo tau = 1.d0-max(0.d0,((tt-tdtopom)/dtdtopo)) tau = max(tau,0.d0) 14 continue c # recreate original topography: call setaux(max1d,max1d,mbc,mx,my,xlow,ylow,dx,dy, & maux,auxorig) c=======loop through the computational grid row by row==================== do j=1-mbc,my+mbc ycell = ylow + (j-0.5d0)*dy yjm = ylow + (j-1.d0)*dy yjp = ylow + dble(j)*dy c if ( then if ( then yjpc=min(yjp,yhidtopo) yjmc=max(yjm,ylowdtopo) dyc=yjpc-yjmc ycellc=0.5d0*(yjpc+yjmc) c=========sweep through the columns of the computational row================ do i=1-mbc,mx+mbc xcell = xlow + (i- 0.5d0)*dx xim = xlow + (i- 1.0d0)*dx xip = xlow + dble(i)*dx c if ( then if ( then xipc=min(xip,xhidtopo) ximc=max(xim,xlowdtopo) dxc=xipc-ximc xcellc=0.5d0*(xipc+ximc) c==========alter aux(i,j,1) if it is in the dtopo region===================== aux(i,j,1) = auxorig(i,j,1) c==================dynamically alter the topography to the interpolated value= dauxijm=0.d0 dauxijm = topointegral(ximc,xcellc,xipc,yjmc, & ycellc,yjpc,xlowdtopo,ylowdtopo,dxdtopo,dydtopo, & mxdtopo,mydtopo,dtopo(1,1,kkm),1) dauxijm = dauxijm/(dxc*dyc*aux(i,j,2)) dauxijp=0.d0 dauxijp = topointegral(ximc,xcellc,xipc,yjmc, & ycellc,yjpc,xlowdtopo,ylowdtopo,dxdtopo,dydtopo, & mxdtopo,mydtopo,dtopo(1,1,kkp),1) dauxijp = dauxijp/(dxc*dyc*aux(i,j,2)) aux(i,j,1)=aux(i,j,1)+tau*dauxijm+(1.d0-tau)*dauxijp endif enddo endif enddo c============= end of altering topography dynamically======================== c # if the aux cell is outside the physical domain, c # boundary conditions must be reset if ( & xlow+(0.5d0-mbc)* then do j=1-mbc,my+mbc ycell = ylow +(j-0.5d0)*dy yjm = ylow + (j-1.0d0)*dy yjp = ylow + dble(j)*dy xcell = xlow + (1- 0.5d0)*dx xim = xlow xip = xlow + dx if (( & ( then do i=1-mbc,0 aux(i,j,1) = aux(1,j,1) enddo endif enddo endif if ( & xlow+(mx+mbc-0.5d0)* then do j=1-mbc,my+mbc ycell = ylow+(j-0.5d0)*dy yjm = ylow+(j-1.0d0)*dy yjp = ylow + dble(j)*dy xcell = xlow + (mx-0.5d0)*dx xim = xlow + (mx-1.d0)*dx xip = xlow + dble(mx)*dx if (( & ( then do i=mx+1,mx+mbc aux(i,j,1) = aux(mx,j,1) enddo endif enddo endif if ( & ylow+(.5d0-mbc)* then do i=1-mbc,mx+mbc ycell = ylow+(1-0.5d0)*dy yjm = ylow yjp = ylow + dy xcell = xlow + (i- 0.5d0)*dx xim = xlow + (i- 1.d0)*dx xip = xlow + dble(i)*dx if (( & ( then do j=1-mbc,0 aux(i,j,1) = aux(i,1,1) enddo endif enddo endif if ( & ylow+(my+mbc-0.5d0)* then do i=1-mbc,mx+mbc ycell = ylow+(my-0.5d0)*dy yjm = ylow+(my-1.d0)*dy yjp = ylow+ dble(my)*dy xcell = xlow + (i- 0.5d0)*dx xim = xlow + (i- 1.d0)*dx xip = xlow + dble(i)*dx if (( & ( then do j=my+1,my+mbc aux(i,j,1) = aux(i,my,1) enddo endif enddo endif c===========================B.C.'s reset======================================== c============= statically change topowork array for next call to setaux==== 28 continue if ( then c if (.false.) then topoaltered=.true. !# so this procedure only done once write(*,*) 'MOVETOPO: Altering topography arrays at t=',t write(*,*) 'MOVETOPO: Topography Motion Complete' do m=1,mtopofiles if (xlowtopo(m).lt.xhidtopo.and.xhitopo(m).gt.xlowdtopo & .and.ylowtopo(m).lt.yhidtopo.and. & yhitopo(m).gt.ylowdtopo) then do ib=1,mxtopo(m) xcell=xlowtopo(m) + (ib-.5d0)*dxtopo(m) xim=xlowtopo(m) + (ib-1.d0)*dxtopo(m) xip=xlowtopo(m) + ib*dxtopo(m) if ( then ximc=max(xim,xlowdtopo) xipc=min(xip,xhidtopo) dxc=xipc-ximc xcellc=0.5d0*(ximc+xipc) do jb=1,mytopo(m) ycell=ylowtopo(m) + (jb-.5d0)*dytopo(m) yjm=ylowtopo(m) + (jb-1.d0)*dytopo(m) yjp = ylowtopo(m) + jb*dytopo(m) if ( then yjmc=max(yjm,ylowdtopo) yjpc=min(yjp,yhidtopo) dyc = yjpc-yjmc ycellc= 0.5d0*(yjmc+yjpc) ztopoij = 0.d0 ztopoij = topointegral(ximc,xcellc,xipc,yjmc,ycellc, & yjpc,xlowdtopo,ylowdtopo,dxdtopo,dydtopo, & mxdtopo,mydtopo,dtopo(1,1,mtdtopo),1) c # topointegral actually integrates, c #so need to divide by area c #physical area of cell depends on coordinate system ztopoij=ztopoij/(dxc*dyc) if (icoordsys.eq.2) then deg2rad = pi/180.d0 capac_area = deg2rad*Rearth**2* & (sin(yjp*deg2rad)-sin(yjm*deg2rad))/dyc ztopoij=ztopoij/capac_area endif jbr = mytopo(m)-jb+1 ij = i0topo(m) + (jbr-1)*mxtopo(m) +ib -1 topowork(ij) = topowork(ij)+ztopoij endif enddo endif enddo endif enddo endif c================================================================================= return end