ginit_geo.f.html | ![]() |
Source file: ginit_geo.f | |
Directory: /home/rjl/git/rjleveque/clawpack-4.x/geoclaw/2d/lib | |
Converted: Sun May 15 2011 at 19:15:40 using clawcode2html | |
This documentation file will not reflect any later changes in the source file. |
c c ------------------------------------------------------------- c subroutine ginit(msave, first, nvar, naux, t0) c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) logical first include "call.i" c ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: GINIT :::::::::::::::::::::::: c c initializes soln on all grids at 'level' by calling qinit c if first = true, (first call to init), then allocate the c soln storage area too, else was already allocated. c c :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::: if (msave .eq. 0) go to 99 level = node(nestlevel,msave) hx = hxposs(level) hy = hyposs(level) mptr = msave 10 nx = node(ndihi,mptr) - node(ndilo,mptr) + 1 ny = node(ndjhi,mptr) - node(ndjlo,mptr) + 1 mitot = nx + 2*nghost mjtot = ny + 2*nghost corn1 = rnode(cornxlo,mptr) corn2 = rnode(cornylo,mptr) if(.not. (first)) go to 20 loc = igetsp(mitot*mjtot*nvar) node(store1,mptr) = loc if (naux .gt. 0) then locaux = igetsp(mitot*mjtot*naux) maxmx = mitot - 2*nghost mx = maxmx maxmy = mjtot - 2*nghost my = maxmy call setaux(maxmx,maxmy,nghost,mx,my,corn1,corn2,hx,hy, & naux,alloc(locaux)) else locaux = 1 endif node(storeaux,mptr) = locaux if (level .lt. mxnest) then loc2 = igetsp(mitot*mjtot*nvar) node(store2,mptr) = loc2 endif rnode(timemult, mptr) = t0 go to 30 20 continue c c if 2nd time through, put initial values in store2 so finer grids c can be advanced with interpolation of their boundary values. c new time soln should still be in location store1. c loc = node(store2,mptr) locaux = node(storeaux,mptr) c 30 continue maxmx = mitot - 2*nghost mx = maxmx maxmy = mjtot - 2*nghost my = maxmy call qinit(maxmx,maxmy,nvar,nghost,mx,my,corn1,corn2,hx,hy, & alloc(loc),naux,alloc(locaux)) c call qinit(alloc(loc),nvar,mitot,mjtot, c 1 corn1-nghost*hx,corn2-nghost*hy,hx,hy, c 2 alloc(locaux),naux) c mptr = node(levelptr, mptr) if (mptr .ne. 0) go to 10 c c 99 return end