geoclaw_mod.f90.html | ![]() |
Source file: geoclaw_mod.f90 | |
Directory: /home/rjl/git/rjleveque/clawpack-4.x/geoclaw/2d/lib | |
Converted: Sun May 15 2011 at 19:15:42 using clawcode2html | |
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! ============================================================================ ! Program: /Users/mandli/src/claw44/branches/ktm-geoclaw-mod/2dxy/lib ! File: geoclaw_mod ! Created: 2010-04-21 ! Author: Kyle Mandli ! ============================================================================ ! Copyright (C) 2010-04-21 Kyle Mandli! ! Distributed under the terms of the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) ! license ! ! ============================================================================ module geoclaw_module implicit none ! ======================================================================== ! General geoclaw parameters ! ======================================================================== double precision :: grav,drytolerance,Rearth,R1,R2,pi,sealevel double precision :: wavetolerance,coeffmanning,depthdeep double precision :: frictiondepth integer :: icoordsys,maxleveldeep,minlevelwet,maxleveldry integer :: icoriolis,ifriction integer, parameter :: GEO_PARM_UNIT = 78 logical :: varRefTime = .FALSE. ! ======================================================================== ! Flow grades flagging support ! ======================================================================== double precision, allocatable :: flowgradevalue(:) integer, allocatable :: iflowgradevariable(:), iflowgradetype(:) integer, allocatable :: iflowgrademinlevel(:) integer :: mflowgrades contains ! ======================================================================== ! set_geo(fname) ! ======================================================================== ! Reads in user parameters from the given file name if provided ! ======================================================================== subroutine set_geo(fname) implicit none ! Input character*25, intent(in), optional :: fname ! Locals integer, parameter :: iunit = 127 integer :: igrav character*25 :: file_name logical :: found_file ! Common block integer :: mcapa common /cmcapa/ mcapa open(unit=GEO_PARM_UNIT,file='fort.geo',status="unknown",action="write") write(GEO_PARM_UNIT,*) ' ' write(GEO_PARM_UNIT,*) '--------------------------------------------' write(GEO_PARM_UNIT,*) 'SETGEO:' write(GEO_PARM_UNIT,*) '---------' ! Earth Radius params needed for latitude longitude grid pi = 4.d0*datan(1.d0) ! Read user parameters from if (present(fname)) then file_name = fname else file_name = '' endif inquire(file=file_name,exist=found_file) if (.not. found_file) then print *, 'You must provide a file ', fname stop endif call opendatafile(iunit, file_name) read(iunit,*) igrav ! igrav = 1 means next line contains value of g = gravitational const. if (igrav /= 1) then print *, 'ERROR -- only igrav = 1 is supported in setgeo' stop endif read(iunit,*) grav read(iunit,*) icoordsys read(iunit,*) icoriolis read(iunit,*) Rearth read(iunit,*) varRefTime close(iunit) ! icoordsys = 1 means Cartesian grid in meters ! icoordsys = 2 means lat-long grid on sphere ! Check that icoordsys is consistent with mcapa: if ((icoordsys > 1) .and. (mcapa == 0)) then print *, 'ERROR in setgeo: if icoordsys > 1 then' print *, ' mcapa should be nonzero' stop endif if ((icoordsys == 1) .and. (mcapa > 0)) then print *, 'ERROR in setgeo: if icoordsys = 1 then' print *, ' mcapa should be zero' stop endif write(GEO_PARM_UNIT,*) ' igravity:',igrav write(GEO_PARM_UNIT,*) ' gravity:',grav write(GEO_PARM_UNIT,*) ' icoordsys:',icoordsys write(GEO_PARM_UNIT,*) ' varRefTime:',varRefTime end subroutine set_geo ! ======================================================================== ! set_tsunami(fname) ! ======================================================================== ! Reads in user parameters from the given file name if provided ! ======================================================================== subroutine set_tsunami(fname) implicit none ! Input arguments character*25, optional, intent(in) :: fname ! Locals character*25 :: file_name logical :: found_file integer, parameter :: iunit = 127 write(GEO_PARM_UNIT,*) ' ' write(GEO_PARM_UNIT,*) '--------------------------------------------' write(GEO_PARM_UNIT,*) 'SETTSUNAMI:' write(GEO_PARM_UNIT,*) '-----------' if (present(fname)) then file_name = fname else file_name = '' endif inquire(file=file_name,exist=found_file) if (.not. found_file) then print *,'You must provide a file ', file_name stop endif call opendatafile(iunit, file_name) read(iunit,*) sealevel read(iunit,*) drytolerance read(iunit,*) wavetolerance read(iunit,*) depthdeep read(iunit,*) maxleveldeep read(iunit,*) ifriction read(iunit,*) coeffmanning read(iunit,*) frictiondepth close(iunit) write(GEO_PARM_UNIT,*) ' drytolerance:',drytolerance write(GEO_PARM_UNIT,*) ' wavetolerance:',wavetolerance write(GEO_PARM_UNIT,*) ' maxleveldeep:', maxleveldeep write(GEO_PARM_UNIT,*) ' depthdeep:', depthdeep write(GEO_PARM_UNIT,*) ' ifriction:', ifriction write(GEO_PARM_UNIT,*) ' Manning coefficient:',coeffmanning write(GEO_PARM_UNIT,*) ' frictiondepth:',frictiondepth end subroutine set_tsunami ! ======================================================================== ! ======================================================================== ! set_flow_grades(fname) ! ======================================================================== subroutine set_flow_grades(fname) implicit none ! Input arguments character*25, optional, intent(in) :: fname ! Locals integer, parameter :: iunit = 127 integer :: i character*25 :: file_name logical :: found_file write(GEO_PARM_UNIT,*) ' ' write(GEO_PARM_UNIT,*) '--------------------------------------------' write(GEO_PARM_UNIT,*) 'SET FLOW GRADES:' write(GEO_PARM_UNIT,*) '------------' ! Read user parameters from if (present(fname)) then file_name = fname else file_name = '' endif inquire(file=file_name,exist=found_file) if (.not. found_file) then print *, 'You must provide a file ', fname print *, 'Or comment out call setflowgrades in setprob' stop endif call opendatafile(iunit, fname) read(iunit,*) mflowgrades if (mflowgrades == 0) then write(GEO_PARM_UNIT,*) ' No flow grades specified' return endif ! Allocate arrays allocate(flowgradevalue(mflowgrades),iflowgradevariable(mflowgrades)) allocate(iflowgradetype(mflowgrades),iflowgrademinlevel(mflowgrades)) do i=1,mflowgrades read(iunit,*) flowgradevalue(i),iflowgradevariable(i), & iflowgradetype(i),iflowgrademinlevel(i) enddo close(iunit) write(GEO_PARM_UNIT,*) ' mflowgrades:', mflowgrades do i=1,mflowgrades write(GEO_PARM_UNIT,"(d12.3,3i4)") flowgradevalue(i), & iflowgradevariable(i),iflowgradetype(i),iflowgrademinlevel(i) enddo end subroutine set_flow_grades end module geoclaw_module