flag2refine_geo.f.html | ![]() |
Source file: flag2refine_geo.f | |
Directory: /home/rjl/git/rjleveque/clawpack-4.x/geoclaw/2d/lib | |
Converted: Sun May 15 2011 at 19:15:40 using clawcode2html | |
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c c ------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine flag2refine(mx,my,mbc,meqn,maux,xlower,ylower,dx,dy, & t,level,tolsp,q,aux,amrflags,DONTFLAG,DOFLAG) c ------------------------------------------------------------------- c c ::::::::::::::::::::: flag2refine :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: c c User routine to control flagging of points for refinement. c c Specific for GeoClaw for tsunami applications and related problems c c c The logical function allowflag(x,y,t) is called to c check whether further refinement at this level is allowed in this cell c at this time. c c q = grid values including ghost cells (bndry vals at specified c time have already been set, so can use ghost cell values too) c c aux = aux array on this grid patch c c amrflags = array to be flagged with either the value c DONTFLAG (no refinement needed) or c DOFLAG (refinement desired) c c :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: c use geoclaw_module use topo_module use dtopo_module implicit double precision (a-h, o-z) dimension q(1-mbc:mx+mbc,1-mbc:my+mbc,meqn) dimension aux(1-mbc:mx+mbc,1-mbc:my+mbc,maux) dimension amrflags(1-mbc:mx+mbc,1-mbc:my+mbc) logical allowflag external allowflag logical shoreregion,wave,shoreline include 'regions.i' include 'qinit.i' c # loop over interior points on this grid: do 200 j = 1,my y = ylower + (j-0.5d0)*dy y1 = ylower + (j-1)*dy y2 = ylower + j*dy do 100 i = 1,mx x = xlower + (i-0.5d0)*dx x1 = xlower + (i-1)*dx x2 = xlower + i*dx c # (i,j) grid cell is [x1,x2] x [y1,y2]. c # default for each point is not to flag unless some condition c # below is satisfied: amrflags(i,j) = DONTFLAG do 30 m=1,mtopofiles c # check to see if refinement is forced in any topo file region: if (level .lt. minleveltopo(m) .and. & t.ge.tlowtopo(m) .and. t.le.thitopo(m)) then xlow = xlowtopo(m) xhi = xhitopo(m) ylow = ylowtopo(m) yhi = yhitopo(m) if (x2.gt.xlow.and.x1.lt.xhi.and. & y2.gt.ylow.and.y1.lt.yhi) then amrflags(i,j) = DOFLAG go to 100 !# flagged, so no need to check anything else endif endif 30 continue do 40 m=1,mregions c # check to see if refinement is forced in any other region: if (level .lt. minlevelregion(m) .and. & t.ge.tlowregion(m) .and. t.le.thiregion(m)) then xlow = xlowregion(m) xhi = xhiregion(m) ylow = ylowregion(m) yhi = yhiregion(m) if (x2.gt.xlow.and.x1.lt.xhi.and. & y2.gt.ylow.and.y1.lt.yhi) then amrflags(i,j) = DOFLAG go to 100 !# flagged, so no need to check anything else endif endif 40 continue do m = 1,num_dtopo c # check if we're in the dtopo region and need to refine: c # force refinement to level minleveldtopo t0dt = t0dtopo(m) tfdt = tfdtopo(m) minlevldt = minleveldtopo(m) if (level.lt.minleveldtopo(m).and. & t.le.tfdtopo(m).and. !t.ge.t0dtopo(m).and. & x2.gt.xlowdtopo(m).and.x1.lt.xhidtopo(m).and. & y2.gt.ylowdtopo(m).and.y1.lt.yhidtopo(m)) then amrflags(i,j)=DOFLAG go to 100 !# flagged, so no need to check anything else endif enddo if (iqinit.gt.0 .and. t.eq.0.d0) then c # check if we're in the region where initial perturbation is c # specified and need to force refinement: if (level.lt.minlevelqinit.and. & x2.gt.xlowqinit.and.x1.lt.xhiqinit.and. & y2.gt.ylowqinit.and.y1.lt.yhiqinit) then amrflags(i,j)=DOFLAG go to 100 !# flagged, so no need to check anything else endif endif c ----------------------------------------------------------------- c # refinement not forced, so check if it is allowed, and if so, c # check if there is a reason to flag this point: if (allowflag(x,y,t,level)) then surface = q(i,j,1) + aux(i,j,1) c c # RJL: not sure why this next line is done? c # Need to fix for arb. sealevel? c surface = dsign(surface,q(i,j,1)) c # DLG: it was a way to prevent refining on dry land... c # probably should be changed if we allow arbitrary sealevel c # by adding sealevel to surface or something. c # determine region type and refinement params shoreregion = dabs(aux(i,j,1)) .lt. depthdeep wave = (dabs(surface-sealevel).gt.wavetolerance.and. & q(i,j,1).gt.drytolerance) c #DLG: changing following: didn't work so well for non-lat-lon grids c shoretol = depthdeep*(dx*dy) shoretol = depthdeep c if (wave) then c # the surface is not at sea level here if (level.lt.maxleveldeep) then c # in deep water we can refine to this level amrflags(i,j)=DOFLAG go to 100 !# flagged, so no need to check anything else endif c if (shoreregion) then c shoreline=.false. c # check if any neighboring cell is dry: c do jj=-1,1 c do ii=-1,1 c shoreline = shoreline.or.q(i+ii,j+jj,1).le.shoretol c enddo c enddo c shoreline=shoreline.and.q(i,j,1).gt.shoretol shoreline = shoreregion if (shoreline.and.q(i,j,1).gt.drytolerance) then c # following comment is regarding commented nested do loop above. c # this cell is wet and a neighbor is dry ==> shoreline amrflags(i,j)=DOFLAG go to 100 !# flagged, so no need to check anything else endif c endif endif endif 100 continue !# end loop on i 200 continue !# end loop on j return end