fgridout_geo.f.html | ![]() |
Source file: fgridout_geo.f | |
Directory: /home/rjl/git/rjleveque/clawpack-4.x/geoclaw/2d/lib | |
Converted: Sun May 15 2011 at 19:15:40 using clawcode2html | |
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c====================================================================== subroutine fgridout(fgrid1,fgrid2,fgrid3,xlowfg,xhifg,ylowfg, & yhifg,mxfg,myfg,mvarsfg,mvarsfg2,toutfg,ioutfg,ng, & ioutarrival,ioutflag) c====================================================================== implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension fgrid1(1:mxfg,1:myfg,mvarsfg) dimension fgrid2(1:mxfg,1:myfg,mvarsfg) dimension fgrid3(1:mxfg,1:myfg,mvarsfg2) character*30 fgoutname c=====================FGRIDOUT========================================== c # This routine interpolates in time and then outputs a grid at c # time=toutfg c #files have a header, followed by columns of data c======================================================================= c ### make the file names and open output files fgoutname = 'fort.fgnn_xxxx' ngridnumber= ng do ipos = 9, 8, -1 idigit= mod(ngridnumber,10) fgoutname(ipos:ipos) = char(ichar('0') + idigit) ngridnumber = ngridnumber/ 10 enddo noutnumber=ioutfg do ipos = 14, 11, -1 idigit = mod(noutnumber,10) fgoutname(ipos:ipos) = char(ichar('0') + idigit) noutnumber = noutnumber / 10 enddo open(unit=90,file=fgoutname,status='unknown', & form='formatted') 1002 format( & e18.8,' time', /, & i5,' mx', /, & i5,' my', /, & e18.8,' xlow',/, & e18.8,' ylow',/, & e18.8,' xhi',/, & e18.8,' yhi',/, & i5,' columns',/) icolumns = mvarsfg -1 if (mvarsfg2.gt.1) then icolumns=icolumns + 2 endif write(90,1002) toutfg,mxfg,myfg,xlowfg,ylowfg,xhifg,yhifg, & icolumns 109 format(8e26.16) indetamin = ioutarrival+2 indetamax = ioutarrival+3 c # interpolate the grid in time, to the output time, using c # the solution in fgrid1 and fgrid2, which represent the c # solution on the fixed grid at the two nearest computational times do jfg=1,myfg do ifg=1,mxfg t0=fgrid1(ifg,jfg,mvarsfg) tf=fgrid2(ifg,jfg,mvarsfg) tau=(toutfg-t0)/(tf-t0) if (icolumns.eq.mvarsfg-1) then write(90,109) ((1.d0 - tau)*fgrid1(ifg,jfg,iv) & +tau*fgrid2(ifg,jfg,iv), iv=1,mvarsfg-1) else write(90,109) ((1.d0 - tau)*fgrid1(ifg,jfg,iv) & +tau*fgrid2(ifg,jfg,iv), iv=1,mvarsfg-1), & fgrid3(ifg,jfg,indetamin),fgrid3(ifg,jfg,indetamax) endif enddo enddo close(unit=90) 111 format(' FGRIDOUT: Fixed Grid ', i2, ' output at time =', e18.8) write(*,111) ng, toutfg c==================== Output for arrival times============ if (ioutflag.eq.1) then c ### make the file name and open output file for arrival times fgoutname = 'fort.fgnn_arrivaltimes' ngridnumber= ng do ipos = 9, 8, -1 idigit= mod(ngridnumber,10) fgoutname(ipos:ipos) = char(ichar('0') + idigit) ngridnumber = ngridnumber/ 10 enddo open(unit=95,file=fgoutname,status='unknown', & form='formatted') 1005 format( & i5,' mx', /, & i5,' my', /, & e18.8,' xlow',/, & e18.8,' ylow',/, & e18.8,' xhi',/, & e18.8,' yhi',/) write(95,1005) mxfg,myfg,xlowfg,ylowfg,xhifg,yhifg 167 format(1e26.16) do jfg=1,myfg do ifg=1,mxfg write(95,167) fgrid3(ifg,jfg,1) enddo enddo close(unit=95) 112 format(' FGRIDOUT: Fixed Grid ', i2, ' arrival times output') write(*,112) ng endif c===================================================================== return end