dumpgauge_geo.f.html | ![]() |
Source file: dumpgauge_geo.f | |
Directory: /home/rjl/git/rjleveque/clawpack-4.x/geoclaw/2d/lib | |
Converted: Tue Jul 26 2011 at 12:58:45 using clawcode2html | |
This documentation file will not reflect any later changes in the source file. |
c c ------------------------------------------------------------------------- c subroutine dumpgauge(q,aux,xlow,ylow,nvar,mitot,mjtot,mptr) c use geoclaw_module implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) include "gauges.i" include "call.i" integer bsearch dimension q(mitot,mjtot,nvar), var(maxvar) dimension aux(mitot,mjtot,1) c # see if this grid contains any gauges so data can be output c # may turn out this should be sorted, but for now do linear search c c # array is sorted according to indices in mbestorder array c # so do binary search to find start. Could have many same source grids c if (mgauges.eq.0) then return endif istart = bsearch(mptr) if (istart .lt. 1) return !this grid not used c # this stuff the same for all gauges on this grid tgrid = rnode(timemult,mptr) level = node(nestlevel,mptr) hx = hxposs(level) hy = hyposs(level) do 10 ii = istart, mgauges i = mbestorder(ii) ! gauge number if (mptr .ne. mbestsrc(i)) go to 99 ! all done if (tgrid.lt.t1gauge(i) .or. tgrid.gt.t2gauge(i)) then c # don't output at this time for gauge i go to 10 endif c c c ## prepare to do linear interp at gauge location to get vars c ## should fancier (limited) interp be done?? c iindex = int(.5 + (xgauge(i)-xlow)/hx) jindex = int(.5 + (ygauge(i)-ylow)/hy) if ((iindex .lt. nghost .or. iindex .gt. mitot-nghost) .or. . (jindex .lt. nghost .or. jindex .gt. mjtot-nghost)) . write(*,*)"ERROR in output of Gauge Data " xcent = xlow + (iindex-.5)*hx ycent = ylow + (jindex-.5)*hy xoff = (xgauge(i)-xcent)/hx yoff = (ygauge(i)-ycent)/hy if (xoff .lt. 0. .or. xoff .gt. 1. or. . yoff .lt. 0. .or. yoff .gt. 1.) then write(6,*)" BIG PROBLEM in DUMPGAUGE", i endif c ## Modified by RJL 12/31/09 to interpolate only where all four cells are c ## wet, otherwise just take this cell value: c Check for dry cells by comparing h to drytol2, which should be smaller c than drytolerance to avoid oscillations since when h < drytolerance the c velocities are zeroed out which can then lead to increase in h again. drytol2 = 0.1d0 * drytolerance if (q(iindex,jindex,1).lt.drytol2 .or. & q(iindex+1,jindex,1).lt.drytol2 .or. & q(iindex,jindex+1,1).lt.drytol2 .or. & q(iindex+1,jindex+1,1).lt.drytol2) then c # one of cells is dry, so just use value from grid cell that c # contains gauge rather than interpolating. icell = int(1. +(xgauge(i)-xlow)/hx) jcell = int(1. +(ygauge(i)-ylow)/hy) do ivar=1,nvar var(ivar) = q(icell,jcell,ivar) topo = aux(icell,jcell,1) enddo else c ## straightforward linear interp do ivar = 1, nvar var(ivar) = (1.d0-xoff)*(1.d0-yoff)*q(iindex,jindex,ivar) . + xoff*(1.d0-yoff)*q(iindex+1,jindex,ivar) . + (1.d0-xoff)*yoff*q(iindex,jindex+1,ivar) . + xoff*yoff*q(iindex+1,jindex+1,ivar) end do topo = (1.d0-xoff)*(1.d0-yoff)*aux(iindex,jindex,1) . + xoff*(1.d0-yoff)*aux(iindex+1,jindex,1) . + (1.d0-xoff)*yoff*aux(iindex,jindex+1,1) . + xoff*yoff*aux(iindex+1,jindex+1,1) endif eta = topo + var(1) write(OUTGAUGEUNIT,100)igauge(i),level,tgrid,(var(j),j=1,3),eta 100 format(2i5,15e15.7) 10 continue 99 return end c c -------------------------------------------------------------------- c subroutine setbestsrc() c c ## called every time grids change, to set the best source grid c ## to find gauge data c c ## lbase is grid level that didn't change but since fine c ## grid may have disappeared, still have to look starting c ## at coarsest level 1. c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) include "gauges.i" include "call.i" c c ## set source grid for each loc from coarsest level to finest. c ## that way finest src grid left and old ones overwritten c ## this code uses fact that grids do not overlap c # for debugging, initialize sources to 0 then check that all set do i = 1, mgauges mbestsrc(i) = 0 end do do 20 lev = 1, lfine mptr = lstart(lev) 5 do 10 i = 1, mgauges if ((xgauge(i) .ge. rnode(cornxlo,mptr)) .and. . (xgauge(i) .le. rnode(cornxhi,mptr)) .and. . (ygauge(i) .ge. rnode(cornylo,mptr)) .and. . (ygauge(i) .le. rnode(cornyhi,mptr)) ) . mbestsrc(i) = mptr 10 continue mptr = node(levelptr, mptr) if (mptr .ne. 0) go to 5 20 continue do i = 1, mgauges if (mbestsrc(i) .eq. 0) . write(6,*)"ERROR in setting grid src for gauge data",i end do c c sort the source arrays for easy testing during integration call qsorti(mbestorder,mgauges,mbestsrc) return end c c ------------------------------------------------------------------------ c integer function bsearch(mptr) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) include "gauges.i" bsearch = -1 ! signal if not found indexlo = 1 indexhi = mgauges 5 if (indexhi .lt. indexlo) go to 99 mid = (indexlo + indexhi)/2 mbomid = mbestorder(mid) if (mptr .gt. mbestsrc(mbestorder(mid))) then indexlo = mid+1 go to 5 else if (mptr .lt. mbestsrc(mbestorder(mid))) then indexhi = mid-1 go to 5 else ! found the grid. find its first use in the array istart = mid 10 if (istart .gt. 1) then if (mbestsrc(mbestorder(istart-1)) .ne. mptr) go to 90 istart = istart - 1 go to 10 endif endif 90 bsearch = istart 99 return end