dtopo_mod.f90.html | ![]() |
Source file: dtopo_mod.f90 | |
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! ============================================================================ ! Program: /Users/mandli/src/claw44/branches/ktm-geoclaw-mod/2dxy/lib ! File: dtopo_mod ! Created: 2010-04-22 ! Author: Kyle Mandli ! ============================================================================ ! Copyright (C) 2010-04-22 Kyle Mandli! ! Distributed under the terms of the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) ! license ! http://www.opensource.org/licenses/ ! ============================================================================ ! Module containing changing topography data ! ============================================================================ module dtopo_module implicit none ! Work array double precision, allocatable :: dtopowork(:) ! File data parameters character*150, allocatable :: dtopofname(:) double precision, allocatable :: xlowdtopo(:),ylowdtopo(:),xhidtopo(:) double precision, allocatable :: yhidtopo(:),t0dtopo(:),tfdtopo(:) double precision, allocatable :: dxdtopo(:),dydtopo(:),dtdtopo(:) integer, allocatable :: mxdtopo(:),mydtopo(:),mtdtopo(:),mdtopo(:) integer, allocatable :: minleveldtopo(:),maxleveldtopo(:),dtopotype(:) integer, allocatable :: i0dtopo(:) integer :: num_dtopo double precision dz logical, allocatable :: topoaltered(:) contains ! ======================================================================== ! set_dtopo(fname) ! ======================================================================== ! Read moving topography info from setdtopo.data ! Time-dependend topography is used to initiate tsunami, for example. ! ! If num_dtopo = 0, no movement of topography specified. ! ! If num_dtopo = 1, the topo changes dynamically. ! the topofile can then be formated in the following ways ! dtopotype > 1: file contains a header, with a line for each record ! my; mx; mt; xlower; ylower; t0; dx; dy; dt; ! dtopotype = 1: ! Then the dtopofile should have 4 columns: ! time,longitude,latitude,vertical displacement(m) since t0 ! ! Longitude and latitude advance in the standard GIS way from ! upper left corner across in x and then down in y. ! Time column advances most slowly. ! ======================================================================== subroutine set_dtopo(fname) use geoclaw_module use topo_module implicit none ! Input arguments character*25, optional, intent(in) :: fname ! Locals character*25 :: file_name integer, parameter :: iunit = 79 logical :: found_file double precision :: xcell, xim, xip, ycell, yjm, yjp, ztopoij double precision :: capac_area, deg2rad integer :: i,m,ib,jb,ij,ijdtopo,jbr ! Function double precision :: topointegral ! Common block double precision :: tstart common /ctstart/ tstart write(GEO_PARM_UNIT,*) ' ' write(GEO_PARM_UNIT,*) '--------------------------------------------' write(GEO_PARM_UNIT,*) 'SETDTOPO:' write(GEO_PARM_UNIT,*) '-------------' if (present(fname)) then file_name = fname else file_name = 'setdtopo.data' endif inquire(file=file_name,exist=found_file) if (.not. found_file) then print *,'You must provide a file ', file_name stop endif call opendatafile(iunit, file_name) read(iunit,*) num_dtopo write(GEO_PARM_UNIT,*) ' num dtopo files = ',num_dtopo if (num_dtopo == 0) then return endif ! Allocate and read in dtopo info allocate(dtopofname(num_dtopo),minleveldtopo(num_dtopo)) allocate(maxleveldtopo(num_dtopo),mxdtopo(num_dtopo)) allocate(mydtopo(num_dtopo),mtdtopo(num_dtopo),mdtopo(num_dtopo)) allocate(xlowdtopo(num_dtopo),ylowdtopo(num_dtopo),t0dtopo(num_dtopo)) allocate(xhidtopo(num_dtopo),yhidtopo(num_dtopo),tfdtopo(num_dtopo)) allocate(dtopotype(num_dtopo),i0dtopo(num_dtopo)) allocate(dxdtopo(num_dtopo),dydtopo(num_dtopo),dtdtopo(num_dtopo)) allocate(topoaltered(num_dtopo)) do i=1,num_dtopo read(iunit,*) dtopofname(i) read(iunit,*) dtopotype(i),minleveldtopo(i), maxleveldtopo(i) write(GEO_PARM_UNIT,*) ' fname:',dtopofname(i) write(GEO_PARM_UNIT,*) ' topo type:',dtopotype(i) write(GEO_PARM_UNIT,*) ' minlevel, maxlevel:' write(GEO_PARM_UNIT,*) minleveldtopo(i),maxleveldtopo(i) ! Read in header data call read_dtopo_header(dtopofname(i),dtopotype(i),mxdtopo(i), & mydtopo(i),mtdtopo(i),xlowdtopo(i),ylowdtopo(i),t0dtopo(i), & xhidtopo(i),yhidtopo(i),tfdtopo(i),dxdtopo(i),dydtopo(i), & dtdtopo(i)) mdtopo(i) = mxdtopo(i) * mydtopo(i) * mtdtopo(i) enddo ! Indexing into work array i0dtopo(1) = 1 if (num_dtopo > 1) then do i=2,num_dtopo i0dtopo(i) = i0dtopo(i-1) + mdtopo(i-1) enddo endif ! Allocate and read dtopo files allocate(dtopowork(sum(mdtopo))) do i=1,num_dtopo call read_dtopo(mxdtopo(i),mydtopo(i),mtdtopo(i),dtopotype(i), & dtopofname(i),dtopowork(i0dtopo(i):i0dtopo(i)+mdtopo(i)-1)) enddo ! ==============Fix topography for a restart========================== ! topoaltered is ordinarily initialized as .false. ! this variable indicates when topo arrays have been altered ! based on a dtopo model. For restarts after the end of motion, ! the topo arrays are altered here to match the final topo + dtopo. ! ==================================================================== do i=1,num_dtopo if (tstart <= tfdtopo(i)) then topoaltered(i) = .false. elseif (tstart > tfdtopo(i)) then topoaltered(i) = .true. write(GEO_PARM_UNIT,*) ' Altering topo arrays at t=', tstart print *, 'SETDTOPO Resetting topo arrays at t=',tstart do m=1,mtopofiles if ((xlowtopo(m) <= xhidtopo(i)).and. & (xhitopo(m) >= xlowdtopo(i)).and. & (ylowtopo(m) <= yhidtopo(i)).and. & (yhitopo(m) >= ylowdtopo(i))) then do ib=1,mxtopo(m) xcell=xlowtopo(m) + (ib-0.5d0)*dxtopo(m) xim=xlowtopo(m) + (ib-1.d0)*dxtopo(m) xip=xlowtopo(m) + ib*dxtopo(m) if ((xim >= xlowdtopo(i)).and. & (xip <= xhidtopo(i))) then do jb=1,mytopo(m) ycell=ylowtopo(m) + (jb-.5d0)*dytopo(m) yjm=ylowtopo(m) + (jb-1.d0)*dytopo(m) yjp=ylowtopo(m) + jb*dytopo(m) if ((yjm >= ylowdtopo(i)).and. & (yjp <= yhidtopo(i))) then ztopoij = 0.d0 ijdtopo = i0dtopo(i)+(mtdtopo(i)-1) & *mxdtopo(i)*mydtopo(i) ztopoij= topointegral(xim,xcell,xip, & yjm,ycell,yjp,xlowdtopo(i), & ylowdtopo(i),dxdtopo(i), & dydtopo(i),mxdtopo(i), & mydtopo(i),dtopowork(ijdtopo),1) ztopoij=ztopoij/((yjp-yjm)*(xip-xim)) if (icoordsys == 2) then deg2rad = pi/180.d0 capac_area = deg2rad*Rearth**2 & * (sin(yjp*deg2rad) & - sin(yjm*deg2rad))/(yjp-yjm) ztopoij = ztopoij / capac_area endif jbr=mytopo(m)-jb+1 ij=i0topo(m) + (jbr-1)*mxtopo(m)+ib-1 topowork(ij)=topowork(ij)+ztopoij endif enddo endif enddo endif enddo endif enddo end subroutine set_dtopo ! ======================================================================== ! ======================================================================== ! read_dtopo(fname) ! ======================================================================== subroutine read_dtopo(mx,my,mt,dtopo_type,fname,dtopo) implicit none ! Arguments integer, intent(in) :: mx,my,mt,dtopo_type character*150, intent(in) :: fname double precision, intent(inout) :: dtopo(1:mx*my*mt) ! Local integer, parameter :: iunit = 29 integer :: i,j,k,dtopo_size,status double precision :: t,x,y open(unit=iunit, file=fname, status = 'unknown',form='formatted') select case(abs(dtopo_type)) case(1) ! ASCII file with 4 columns do i = 1,mx*my*mt read(iunit,fmt=*,iostat=status) t,x,y, dtopo(i) enddo case(2) ! read header do i = 1,9 read(iunit,*) enddo ! read the data do i = 1,mx*my*mt read(iunit,*) dtopo(i) enddo case(3) ! read header do i = 1,9 read(iunit,*) enddo do k = 1,mt do j = 1,my read(iunit,*) (dtopo((k-1)*mx*my + (j-1)*mx + i) , i=1,mx) enddo enddo end select end subroutine read_dtopo ! ======================================================================== ! subroutine read_dtopo_header(fname,topo_type,mx,my,mt,xlow,ylow,t0,xhi, ! yhi,tf,dx,dy,dt) ! ======================================================================== ! Read in dtopo file header and either read or calculate the grid info ! ! :Input: ! - fname - (char) Name of the dtopo file ! - topo_type - (int) Topography file type (1-3 are valid) ! ! :Output: ! - mx,my,mt - (int) Number of grid point in space (mx,my) and time (mt) ! - xlow,ylow - (dp) Lower corner spatial coordinate of grid ! - xhi,yhi - (dp) Upper corner spatial coodinate of grid ! - t0,tf - (dp) Beginning and end times for the file ! - dx,dy,dt - (dp) Distance between space (dx,dy) and time (dt) points ! ======================================================================== subroutine read_dtopo_header(fname,topo_type,mx,my,mt,xlow,ylow,t0,xhi, & yhi,tf,dx,dy,dt) implicit none ! Input Arguments character*150, intent(in) :: fname integer, intent(in) :: topo_type ! Output Arguments integer, intent(out) :: mx,my,mt double precision, intent(out) :: xlow,ylow,t0,xhi,yhi,tf,dx,dy,dt ! Locals integer, parameter :: iunit = 7 integer :: topo_size,status double precision :: x,y,t,y_old,t_old logical :: found_file ! Open file inquire(file=fname,exist=found_file) if (.not.found_file) then print *, 'Missing dtopo file:' print *, ' ', fname stop endif open(unit=iunit,file=fname,status='unknown',form='formatted') select case(topo_type) ! Old style ASCII dtopo files case(1) ! Initial size variables topo_size = 0 my = 1 mt = 1 ! Read in first values, determines xlow, yhi and t0 read(iunit,*) t0,xlow,yhi topo_size = topo_size + 1 t = t0 y_old = yhi ! Go through entire file figuring out my, mt and topo_size status = 0 do while (status == 0.and. t.eq.t0) read(iunit,fmt=*,iostat=status) t,x,y topo_size = topo_size + 1 if (y /= y_old .and. t.eq.t0 ) then my = my + 1 y_old = y endif enddo mx = (topo_size-1)/my do while (status == 0) read(iunit,fmt=*,iostat=status) t,x,y topo_size = topo_size + 1 enddo if (status > 0) then print *, "IO error occured in ",fname,", aborting!" stop endif ! Calculate remaining values mt = (topo_size-1)/ (my*mx) xhi = x ylow = y tf = t dx = (xhi-xlow) / (mx-1) dy = (yhi-ylow) / (my-1) dt = (tf - t0) / (mt-1) ! New ASCII headered dtopo files, similar to topography files type ! 2 and 3 case(2:3) ! Read in header directly read(iunit,*) mx read(iunit,*) my read(iunit,*) mt read(iunit,*) xlow read(iunit,*) ylow read(iunit,*) t0 read(iunit,*) dx read(iunit,*) dy read(iunit,*) dt xhi = xlow + dx*(mx-1) yhi = ylow + dy*(my-1) tf = t0 + dt*(mt-1) case default print *, 'ERROR: Unrecognized topography type' print *, ' topo_type = ',topo_type print *, ' for dtopo file:' print *, ' ', fname stop end select close(iunit) end subroutine read_dtopo_header end module dtopo_module