cellgridintegrate_geo.f.html | ![]() |
Source file: cellgridintegrate_geo.f | |
Directory: /home/rjl/git/rjleveque/clawpack-4.x/geoclaw/2d/lib | |
Converted: Sun May 15 2011 at 19:15:40 using clawcode2html | |
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c==================================================================== subroutine cellgridintegrate(topoint,xim,xcell,xip,yjm,ycell, & yjp,xlowtopo,ylowtopo,xhitopo,yhitopo,dxtopo,dytopo, & mxtopo,mytopo,mtopo,i0topo,mtopoorder, & mtopofiles,mtoposize,topo) c===================================================================== implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension topo(mtoposize) dimension xlowtopo(mtopofiles) dimension ylowtopo(mtopofiles) dimension xhitopo(mtopofiles) dimension yhitopo(mtopofiles) dimension dxtopo(mtopofiles) dimension dytopo(mtopofiles) dimension mxtopo(mtopofiles) dimension mytopo(mtopofiles) dimension mtopoorder(mtopofiles) dimension i0topo(mtopofiles) dimension mtopo(mtopofiles) c ############################################################################## c cellgridintegrate integrates a unique surface, over a rectangular cell c defined from data from multiple regular Cartesian grids c (using the finest data available in any region) c c The rectangle has coords: c xim <= x <= xip, yjm <= y <= yjp, with center (x,y) = (xcell, ycell) c c The intersection (with one particular grid has coords: c xintlo <= x <= xinthi, yintlo <= y <= yinthi, with center (x,y) = (xintc, yintc) c The _set_ version uses a recursive strategy using the formulas for c intersections of sets. c # initialize the integral of the surface topoint=0.d0 * !determine the type of integration im = 1 c # first see if the grid cell is entirely in a fine topofile do m = 1,mtopofiles c !look at topofiles, from fine to coarse mfid = mtopoorder(m) i0=i0topo(mfid) c !check for intersection of grid cell and this topofile cellarea = (xip-xim)*(yjp-yjm) call intersection(indicator,area,xmlo,xmc,xmhi, & ymlo,ymc,ymhi,xim,xip,yjm,yjp, & xlowtopo(mfid),xhitopo(mfid),ylowtopo(mfid),yhitopo(mfid)) if (indicator.eq.1) then !cell overlaps grid if (area.eq.cellarea) then !cell is entirely in grid c !integrate surface and get out of here topoint = topoint + topointegral( & xmlo,xmc,xmhi,ymlo,ymc, & ymhi,xlowtopo(mfid),ylowtopo(mfid),dxtopo(mfid), & dytopo(mfid),mxtopo(mfid),mytopo(mfid), & topo(i0),im) return else go to 222 endif endif enddo 222 continue c ! grid cell integral must come from more than one topofile do m = mtopofiles,1,-1 c ! look for topo files overlapping this grid cell. c ! By decending mtopoorder from mtopoorder(mtopofiles) to c ! mtopoorder(1) we are decending from the coarsest to the finest topofile. c ! by the end of the nested loops, the integral of this topofile c ! will be taken over regions not covered by finer topofiles c ! nested loops only account for a maximum of 4 intersecting topo files c ! if 5 topofiles intersect, then an error is sent. mfid = mtopoorder(m) c ! note that mfid indicates the topofile number or id for the "m'th" coarsest topofile ! within this do loop, we are always integrating mfid c ! the nested do loops find intersections with other topofiles c ! to determin the areas, but for integration of mfid only! c !check for intersection of grid cell and this topofile call intersection(indicator,area,xmlo,xmc,xmhi, & ymlo,ymc,ymhi,xim,xip,yjm,yjp, & xlowtopo(mfid),xhitopo(mfid),ylowtopo(mfid),yhitopo(mfid)) if (indicator.eq.1) then c ! cell overlaps the file i0=i0topo(mfid) c ! integrate surface over intersection of grid and cell topoint = topoint + topointegral( & xmlo,xmc,xmhi,ymlo,ymc, & ymhi,xlowtopo(mfid),ylowtopo(mfid),dxtopo(mfid), & dytopo(mfid),mxtopo(mfid),mytopo(mfid), & topo(i0),im) c ! loop through grids finer than this one and subtract any c ! integrals over intersections do mm = m-1,1,-1 mfidint = mtopoorder(mm) c ! check for 2nd intersection call intersection(indicator,area,xmmlo,xmmc,xmmhi, & ymmlo,ymmc,ymmhi,xmlo,xmhi,ymlo,ymhi, & xlowtopo(mfidint),xhitopo(mfidint), & ylowtopo(mfidint),yhitopo(mfidint)) if (indicator.eq.1) then c ! get rid of coarser integral topoint = topoint - topointegral( & xmmlo,xmmc,xmmhi,ymmlo,ymmc, & ymmhi,xlowtopo(mfid),ylowtopo(mfid),dxtopo(mfid), & dytopo(mfid),mxtopo(mfid),mytopo(mfid), & topo(i0),im) c ----------------------------------------------------- c ------------------------------------------------------------ c ! loop through grids finer than this one and add back any c ! integrals over intersections that will later get subtracted again do mmm = mm-1,1,-1 mfidint = mtopoorder(mmm) c ! check for 3rd intersection call intersection(indicator,area,xmmmlo,xmmmc,xmmmhi, & ymmmlo,ymmmc,ymmmhi,xmmlo,xmmhi,ymmlo,ymmhi, & xlowtopo(mfidint),xhitopo(mfidint), & ylowtopo(mfidint),yhitopo(mfidint)) if (indicator.eq.1) then c ! add back topoint = topoint + topointegral( & xmmmlo,xmmmc,xmmmhi,ymmmlo,ymmmc,ymmmhi, & xlowtopo(mfid),ylowtopo(mfid),dxtopo(mfid), & dytopo(mfid),mxtopo(mfid),mytopo(mfid), & topo(i0),im) do m4 = mmm-1,1,-1 mfidint = mtopoorder(m4) c ! check for 4th intersection call intersection(indicator,area,xm4lo, & xm4c,xm4hi,ym4lo,ym4c,ym4hi,xmmmlo, & xmmmhi,ymmmlo,ymmmhi, & xlowtopo(mfidint),xhitopo(mfidint), & ylowtopo(mfidint),yhitopo(mfidint)) if (indicator.eq.1) then c ! add back topoint = topoint - topointegral( & xm4lo,xm4c,xm4hi,ym4lo,ym4c,ym4hi, & xlowtopo(mfid),ylowtopo(mfid), & dxtopo(mfid),dytopo(mfid),mxtopo(mfid), & mytopo(mfid),topo(i0),im) do m5 = m4-1,1,-1 mfidint = mtopoorder(m5) c ! check for 5th intersection call intersection(indicator,area, & xm5lo,xm5c,xm5hi,ym5lo,ym5c, & ym5hi,xm4lo,xm4hi,ym4lo, & ym4hi,xlowtopo(mfidint), & xhitopo(mfidint), & ylowtopo(mfidint), & yhitopo(mfidint)) if (indicator.eq.1) then write(*,*) 'CELLGRIDINTEGRATE:' write(*,*) 'ERROR: 5 NESTED TOPOGRIDS. MAXIMUM OF 4 ALLOWED' endif enddo endif enddo endif enddo endif enddo c ------------------------------------------------------------ endif enddo return end c======================================================================= subroutine intersection(indicator,area,xintlo,xintc,xinthi, & yintlo,yintc,yinthi,x1lo,x1hi,y1lo,y1hi,x2lo,x2hi,y2lo,y2hi) c find the intersection of two rectangles, return the intersection c and it's area, and indicator =1 c if there is no intersection, indicator =0 implicit none c !i/o integer integer indicator c !i/o doubles double precision area,xintlo,xintc,xinthi,yintlo,yintc,yinthi, & x1lo,x1hi,y1lo,y1hi,x2lo,x2hi,y2lo,y2hi xintlo=dmax1(x1lo,x2lo) xinthi=dmin1(x1hi,x2hi) yintlo=dmax1(y1lo,y2lo) yinthi=dmin1(y1hi,y2hi) xintc = 0.5d0*(xintlo+xinthi) yintc = 0.5d0*(yintlo+yinthi) if (xinthi.gt.xintlo.and.yinthi.gt.yintlo) then area = (xinthi-xintlo)*(yinthi-yintlo) indicator = 1 else area = 0.d0 indicator = 0 endif return end