bc2amr_geo.f.html | ![]() |
Source file: bc2amr_geo.f | |
Directory: /home/rjl/git/rjleveque/clawpack-4.x/geoclaw/2d/lib | |
Converted: Sun May 15 2011 at 19:15:40 using clawcode2html | |
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c c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c subroutine bc2amr(val,aux,nrow,ncol,meqn,naux, 1 hx, hy, level, time, 2 xleft, xright, ybot, ytop, 3 xlower, ylower,xupper,yupper, 4 xperiodic, yperiodic,spheredom) c c Specific to geoclaw: extrapolates aux(i,j,1) at boundaries c to constant. c c :::::::::: bc2amr ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; c c Take a grid patch with mesh widths hx,hy, of dimensions nrow by c ncol, and set the values of any piece of c of the patch which extends outside the physical domain c using the boundary conditions. c c ------------------------------------------------ c # Standard boundary condition choices for amr2ez in clawpack c c # At each boundary k = 1 (left), 2 (right), 3 (top), 4 (bottom): c # mthbc(k) = 0 for user-supplied BC's (must be inserted!) c # = 1 for zero-order extrapolation c # = 2 for periodic boundary coniditions c # = 3 for solid walls, assuming this can be implemented c # by reflecting the data about the boundary and then c # negating the 2'nd (for k=1,2) or 3'rd (for k=3,4) c # component of q. c # = 4 sphere bcs (left half maps to right half of same c # side, and vice versa), as if domain folded in half c ------------------------------------------------ c c The corners of the grid patch are at c (xleft,ybot) -- lower left corner c (xright,ytop) -- upper right corner c c The physical domain itself is a rectangle bounded by c (xlower,ylower) -- lower left corner c (xupper,yupper) -- upper right corner c c the picture is the following: c c _____________________ (xupper,yupper) c | | c _________ (xright,ytop) | c | | | | c | | | | c | | | | c |___|____| | c (xleft,ybot) | | c | | c |_____________________| c (xlower,ylower) c c c Any cells that lie outside the physical domain are ghost cells whose c values should be set in this routine. This is tested for by comparing c xleft with xlower to see if values need to be set at the left, as in c the figure above, and similarly at the other boundaries. c c Patches are guaranteed to have at least 1 row of cells filled c with interior values so it is possible to extrapolate. c Fix trimbd if you want more than 1 row pre-set. c c Make sure the order the boundaries are specified is correct c so that diagonal corner cells are also properly taken care of. c c Periodic boundaries are set before calling this routine, so if the c domain is periodic in one direction only you c can safely extrapolate in the other direction. c c Don't overwrite ghost cells in periodic directions! c This particular routine bc2amr_noslopesets auxillary values so c that no slope in topography occurs at the physical boundary. c c ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) common /combc2/ mthbc(4) dimension val(nrow,ncol,meqn), aux(nrow,ncol,naux) logical xperiodic, yperiodic, spheredom hxmarg = hx*.01 hymarg = hy*.01 if (xperiodic .and. (yperiodic .or. spheredom)) go to 499 c c c------------------------------------------------------- c # left boundary: c------------------------------------------------------- if (xleft .ge. xlower-hxmarg) then c # not a physical boundary -- no cells at this edge lies c # outside the physical bndry. c # values are set elsewhere in amr code. go to 199 endif c c # number of grid cells from this patch lying outside physical domain: nxl = (xlower+hxmarg-xleft)/hx c go to (100,110,120,130) mthbc(1)+1 c 100 continue c # user-specified boundary conditions go here in place of error output write(6,*) & '*** ERROR *** mthbc(1)=0 and no BCs specified in bc2amr' stop go to 199 c 110 continue c # zero-order extrapolation: do 115 m=1,meqn do 115 i=1,nxl do 115 j = 1,ncol aux(i,j,1) = aux(nxl+1,j,1) !inserted for bc2amr_noslope val(i,j,m) = val(nxl+1,j,m) 115 continue go to 199 120 continue c # periodic: handled elsewhere in amr go to 199 130 continue c # solid wall (assumes 2'nd component is velocity or momentum in x): do 135 m=1,meqn do 135 i=1,nxl do 135 j = 1,ncol aux(i,j,1) = aux(2*nxl+1-i,j,1) !inserted for bc2amr_noslope val(i,j,m) = val(2*nxl+1-i,j,m) 135 continue c # negate the normal velocity: do 136 i=1,nxl do 136 j = 1,ncol val(i,j,2) = -val(i,j,2) 136 continue go to 199 199 continue c c------------------------------------------------------- c # right boundary: c------------------------------------------------------- if (xright .le. xupper+hxmarg) then c # not a physical boundary -- no cells at this edge lies c # outside the physical bndry. c # values are set elsewhere in amr code. go to 299 endif c c # number of grid cells lying outside physical domain: nxr = (xright - xupper + hxmarg)/hx ibeg = max0(nrow-nxr+1, 1) c go to (200,210,220,230) mthbc(2)+1 c 200 continue c # user-specified boundary conditions go here in place of error output write(6,*) & '*** ERROR *** mthbc(2)=0 and no BCs specified in bc2amr' stop go to 299 210 continue c # zero-order extrapolation: do 215 m=1,meqn do 215 i=ibeg,nrow do 215 j = 1,ncol aux(i,j,1) = aux(ibeg-1,j,1) !inserted for bc2amr_noslope val(i,j,m) = val(ibeg-1,j,m) 215 continue go to 299 220 continue c # periodic: handled elsewhere in amr go to 299 230 continue c # solid wall (assumes 2'nd component is velocity or momentum in x): do 235 m=1,meqn do 235 i=ibeg,nrow do 235 j = 1,ncol aux(i,j,1) = aux(2*ibeg-1-i,j,1) !inserted for bc2amr_noslope val(i,j,m) = val(2*ibeg-1-i,j,m) 235 continue c # negate the normal velocity: do 236 i=ibeg,nrow do 236 j = 1,ncol val(i,j,2) = -val(i,j,2) 236 continue go to 299 299 continue c c------------------------------------------------------- c # bottom boundary: c------------------------------------------------------- if (ybot .ge. ylower-hymarg) then c # not a physical boundary -- no cells at this edge lies c # outside the physical bndry. c # values are set elsewhere in amr code. go to 399 endif c c # number of grid cells lying outside physical domain: nyb = (ylower+hymarg-ybot)/hy c go to (300,310,320,330) mthbc(3)+1 c 300 continue c # user-specified boundary conditions go here in place of error output write(6,*) & '*** ERROR *** mthbc(3)=0 and no BCs specified in bc2amr' stop go to 399 c 310 continue c # zero-order extrapolation: do 315 m=1,meqn do 315 j=1,nyb do 315 i=1,nrow aux(i,j,1) = aux(i,nyb+1,1) !inserted for bc2amr_noslope val(i,j,m) = val(i,nyb+1,m) 315 continue go to 399 320 continue c # periodic: handled elsewhere in amr go to 399 330 continue c # solid wall (assumes 3'rd component is velocity or momentum in y): do 335 m=1,meqn do 335 j=1,nyb do 335 i=1,nrow aux(i,j,1) = aux(i,2*nyb+1-j,1) !inserted for bc2amr_noslope val(i,j,m) = val(i,2*nyb+1-j,m) 335 continue c # negate the normal velocity: do 336 j=1,nyb do 336 i=1,nrow val(i,j,3) = -val(i,j,3) 336 continue go to 399 399 continue c c------------------------------------------------------- c # top boundary: c------------------------------------------------------- if (ytop .le. yupper+hymarg) then c # not a physical boundary -- no cells at this edge lies c # outside the physical bndry. c # values are set elsewhere in amr code. go to 499 endif c c # number of grid cells lying outside physical domain: nyt = (ytop - yupper + hymarg)/hy jbeg = max0(ncol-nyt+1, 1) c go to (400,410,420,430) mthbc(4)+1 c 400 continue c # user-specified boundary conditions go here in place of error output write(6,*) & '*** ERROR *** mthbc(4)=0 and no BCs specified in bc2amr' stop go to 499 410 continue c # zero-order extrapolation: do 415 m=1,meqn do 415 j=jbeg,ncol do 415 i=1,nrow aux(i,j,1) = aux(i,jbeg-1,1) !inserted for bc2amr_noslope val(i,j,m) = val(i,jbeg-1,m) 415 continue go to 499 420 continue c # periodic: handled elsewhere in amr go to 499 430 continue c # solid wall (assumes 3'rd component is velocity or momentum in y): do 435 m=1,meqn do 435 j=jbeg,ncol do 435 i=1,nrow aux(i,j,1) = aux(i,2*jbeg-1-j,1) !inserted for bc2amr_noslope val(i,j,m) = val(i,2*jbeg-1-j,m) 435 continue c # negate the normal velocity: do 436 j=jbeg,ncol do 436 i=1,nrow val(i,j,3) = -val(i,j,3) 436 continue go to 499 499 continue return end