amr2ez_newdt.f.html | ![]() |
Source file: amr2ez_newdt.f | |
Directory: /home/rjl/git/rjleveque/clawpack-4.x/geoclaw/2d/lib | |
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c c ---------------------------------------------------------------- c program amr2ez c c Use adaptive mesh refinement to solve the hyperbolic 2-d equation: c c u + f(u) + g(u) = 0 c t x y c c or the more general non-conservation law form: c u + A u + B u = 0 c t x y c c using the wave propagation method as in CLAWPACK in combination c with the locally uniform embedded grids of AMR. c Estimate error with Richardson extrap. (in errest.f) c + gradient checking (in errsp.f). Initial conditions set c in (qinit.f), b.c.'s in (physbd.f). c Specify rectangular domain from c (xlower,ylower) to (xupper,yupper). c c No rotated rectangles are used in this version. c Periodic b.c.'s finally implemented. c c ========================================================================= c Copyright 1996, Marsha J. Berger and Randall J. LeVeque c c This software is made available for research and instructional use only. c You may copy and use this software without charge for these non-commercial c purposes, provided that the copyright notice and associated text is c reproduced on all copies. For all other uses (including distribution of c modified versions), please contact the author at the address given below. c c *** This software is made available "as is" without any assurance that it c *** will work for your purposes. The software may in fact have defects, so c *** use the software at your own risk. c c -------------------------------------- c AMRCLAW Version 0.4, June, 1999 c compatible with CLAWPACK Version 4.0 c Homepage: c -------------------------------------- c c Authors: c c Marsha J. Berger c Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences c New York University c 251 Mercer St. c New York, NY 10012 c c c Randall J. LeVeque c Applied Mathematics c Box 352420 c University of Washington, c Seattle, WA 98195-2420 c c c ========================================================================= c c c ---------------------------------------------------------------- c use geoclaw_module use topo_module implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) include "call.i" include "regions.i" include "gauges.i" common /combc2/ mthbc(4) common /comfine/ dxmin,dymin character * 12 pltfile,infile,outfile,dbugfile,matfile character * 20 parmfile character * 25 fname logical vtime,rest dimension tout(maxout) dimension tchk(maxout) integer oldmode c c c you may want to turn this on for SUN workstation, or replace c set to signal on overflow, divide by zero, and illegal operation c c oldmode = ieee_handler("set","common",SIGFPE_ABORT) c if (oldmode .ne. 0) then c write(outunit,*)' could not set ieee trapper ' c write(*,*) ' could not set ieee trapper ' c stop c endif c infile = '' outfile = 'fort.amr' pltfile = 'fort.ncar' dbugfile = 'fort.debug' matfile = 'fort.nplot' parmfile = 'fort.parameters' open(outunit, file=outfile,status='unknown',form='formatted') open(dbugunit,file=dbugfile,status='unknown',form='formatted') open(parmunit,file=parmfile,status='unknown',form='formatted') c c ## New in 4.4: c ## Open file and skip over leading lines with # comments: fname = '' call opendatafile(inunit,fname) c open(10,file='',status='unknown',form='formatted') c c c Number of space dimensions: ## New in 4.4 c read(55,*) ndim ## not yet in amrclaw c c ## The remainder is unchanged from 4.3: c c domain variables read(inunit,*) nx read(inunit,*) ny read(inunit,*) mxnest if (abs(mxnest) .gt. maxlv) then write(outunit,*) & 'Error *** mxnest > max. allowable levels (maxlv) in common' write(*,*) & 'Error *** mxnest > max. allowable levels (maxlv) in common' stop endif if (mxnest .lt. 0) then c # mxnext<0 flags anisotropic refinement - read in refinement c # ratios in x,y,t from next three lines: mxnest = -mxnest read(inunit,*) (intratx(i),i=1,max(1,mxnest-1)) read(inunit,*) (intraty(i),i=1,max(1,mxnest-1)) read(inunit,*) (kratio(i), i=1,max(1,mxnest-1)) else read(inunit,*) (intratx(i),i=1,max(1,mxnest-1)) do i=1,max(1,mxnest-1) intraty(i) = intratx(i) kratio(i) = intratx(i) enddo endif c if (intrat(1) .lt. 0) then c # this flags the situation where we do not want to refine in t c write(6,*) '*** No refinement in time!' c intrat(1) = -intrat(1) c do i=1,max(1,mxnest-1) c kratio(i) = 1 c enddo c else c # the normal situation is to refine dt by same factors as dx,dy c do i=1,max(1,mxnest-1) c kratio(i) = intrat(i) c enddo c endif read(inunit,*) nout if (nout .gt. maxout) then write(outunit,*) 'Error *** nout > maxout in common' write(*,*) 'Error *** nout > maxout in common' stop endif read(inunit,*) outstyle if (outstyle.eq.1) then read(inunit,*) tfinal c # array tout is set below after reading t0 iout = 0 endif if (outstyle.eq.2) then read(inunit,*) (tout(i), i=1,nout) iout = 0 endif if (outstyle.eq.3) then read(inunit,*) iout,nstop nout = 0 endif read(inunit,*) possk(1) read(inunit,*) dtv2 read(inunit,*) cflv1 read(inunit,*) cfl read(inunit,*) nv1 if (outstyle.eq.1 .or. outstyle.eq.2) then nstop = nv1 endif read(inunit,*) method(1) vtime = (method(1) .eq. 1) read(inunit,*) method(2) iorder = method(2) read(inunit,*) method(3) if (method(3) .lt. 0) then write(6,*) '*** ERROR *** method(3) < 0' write(6,*) ' dimensional splitting not supported in amrclaw' stop endif read(inunit,*) method(4) read(inunit,*) method(5) read(inunit,*) mcapa1 read(inunit,*) naux if (naux .gt. maxaux) then write(outunit,*) 'Error *** naux > maxaux in common' write(*,*) 'Error *** naux > maxaux in common' stop endif do iaux = 1, naux read(inunit,*) auxtype(iaux) end do read(inunit,*) nvar read(inunit,*) mwaves if (mwaves .gt. maxwave) then write(outunit,*) 'Error *** mwaves > maxwave in common' write(*,*) 'Error *** mwaves > maxwave in common' stop endif read(inunit,*) (mthlim(mw), mw=1,mwaves) read(inunit,*) t0 read(inunit,*) xlower read(inunit,*) xupper read(inunit,*) ylower read(inunit,*) yupper read(inunit,*) nghost read(inunit,*) mthbc(1) read(inunit,*) mthbc(2) read(inunit,*) mthbc(3) read(inunit,*) mthbc(4) c 1 = left, 2 = right 3 = bottom 4 = top boundary xperdom = (mthbc(1).eq.2 .and. mthbc(2).eq.2) yperdom = (mthbc(3).eq.2 .and. mthbc(4).eq.2) spheredom = (mthbc(3).eq.5 .and. mthbc(4).eq.5) if (spheredom) then write(6,*) '*** Error: spherical domain not yet fully ' write(6,*) ' implemented in GeoClaw' stop endif if ((mthbc(1).eq.2 .and. mthbc(2).ne.2) .or. & (mthbc(2).eq.2 .and. mthbc(1).ne.2)) then write(6,*) '*** ERROR *** periodic boundary conditions: ' write(6,*) ' mthbc(1) and mthbc(2) must BOTH be set to 2' stop endif if ((mthbc(3).eq.2 .and. mthbc(4).ne.2) .or. & (mthbc(4).eq.2 .and. mthbc(3).ne.2)) then write(6,*) '*** ERROR *** periodic boundary conditions: ' write(6,*) ' mthbc(3) and mthbc(4) must BOTH be set to 2' stop endif if ((mthbc(3).eq.5 .and. mthbc(4).ne.5) .or. & (mthbc(4).eq.5 .and. mthbc(3).ne.5)) then write(6,*) '*** ERROR *** sphere bcs at top and bottom: ' write(6,*) ' mthbc(3) and mthbc(4) must BOTH be set to 5' stop endif if (spheredom .and. .not. xperdom) then write(6,*)'*** ERROR *** sphere bcs at top and bottom: ' write(6,*)'must go with periodic bcs at left and right ' stop endif if (outstyle.eq.1) then do i=1,nout tout(i) = t0 + i*(tfinal-t0)/float(nout) enddo endif c restart and checkpointing read(inunit,*) rest read(inunit,*) ichkpt if (ichkpt .lt. 0) then if (-ichkpt .gt. maxout) then write(6,*) 'Error -ichkpt can be no greater than maxout' stop endif read(inunit,*) (tchk(i), i=1,-ichkpt) endif c c refinement variables read(inunit,*) tol read(inunit,*) tolsp read(inunit,*) kcheck read(inunit,*) ibuff read(inunit,*) cut c c style of output c read(inunit,*) printout read(inunit,*) ncarout read(inunit,*) matlabout c c c # read verbose/debugging flags read(inunit,*) dprint read(inunit,*) eprint read(inunit,*) edebug read(inunit,*) gprint read(inunit,*) nprint read(inunit,*) pprint read(inunit,*) rprint read(inunit,*) sprint read(inunit,*) tprint read(inunit,*) uprint close(inunit) c # look for capacity function via auxtypes: mcapa = 0 do 20 iaux = 1, naux if (auxtype(iaux) .eq. "capacity") then if (mcapa .ne. 0) then write(*,*)" only 1 capacity allowed" stop else mcapa = iaux endif endif c # change to Version 4.1 terminology: if (auxtype(iaux) .eq. "leftface") auxtype(iaux) = "xleft" if (auxtype(iaux) .eq. "bottomface") auxtype(iaux) = "yleft" if (.not. (auxtype(iaux) .eq."xleft" .or. . auxtype(iaux) .eq. "yleft".or. . auxtype(iaux) .eq. "capacity".or. . auxtype(iaux) .eq. "center")) then write(*,*)" unknown type for auxiliary variables" write(*,*)" use xleft/yleft/center/capacity" stop endif 20 continue c ::: error checking of input data ::::::::::::::::::::::: if (mcapa .ne. mcapa1) then write(outunit,*) 'Error *** mcapa does not agree with auxtype' write(*,*) 'Error *** mcapa does not agree with auxtype' stop endif if (nvar .gt. maxvar) then write(outunit,*) 'Error *** nvar > maxvar in common' write(*,*) 'Error *** nvar > maxvar in common' stop endif if (2*nghost .gt. min(nx,ny) .and. then mindim = 2*nghost write(outunit,*) 'Error *** need finer domain >', . mindim, ' cells' write(*,*) 'Error *** need finer domain >', . mindim, ' cells' c stop endif if (mcapa .gt. naux) then write(outunit,*) 'Error *** mcapa > naux in input file' write(*,*) 'Error *** mcapa > naux in input file' stop endif if (.not. vtime .and. nout .ne. 0) then write(outunit,*)' cannot specify output times with fixed dt' write(*,*) ' cannot specify output times with fixed dt' stop endif c c if (ncarout) . open(pltunit1,file=pltfile,status='unknown',form='formatted') c c c # write out parameters to fort.parameters.... still to be added c write(parmunit,*) ' ' write(parmunit,*) 'Running GeoClaw2 with parameter values:' write(parmunit,*) ' ' write(6,*) ' ' write(6,*) 'Running GeoClaw2 ... ' write(6,*) ' ' c # default values of parameters that may be reset if user's setprob c # routine calls settopo, setdtopo, setqinit, setregions or setgauges. mgauges = 0 mtopofiles = 0 mregions = 0 idtopo = 0 iqinit = 0 icoordsys = 0 coeffmanning = 0.d0 frictiondepth = 0.d0 c matlabu = 0 hxposs(1) = (xupper - xlower) / nx hyposs(1) = (yupper - ylower) / ny cflmax = 0.d0 c c c if (rest) then call restrt(nsteps,time,nvar) nstart = nsteps tstart = time c # call user routine to set up problem parameters: call setprob() write(6,*) ' ' write(6,*) 'Restarting from previous run' write(6,*) ' at time = ',time write(6,*) ' ' else c # call user routine to set up problem parameters: call setprob() lentot = 0 lenmax = 0 lendim = 0 rvol = 0.0d0 do 8 i = 1, mxnest 8 rvoll(i) = 0.0d0 evol = 0.0d0 call stst1 c # changed 4/24/09: store dxmin,dymin for setaux before c # grids are made, in order to average up from finest grid. dxmin = hxposs(mxnest) dymin = hyposs(mxnest) call domain (nvar,vtime,nx,ny,naux,t0) c # hold off on gauges until grids are set. the fake call to advance at the very c # first timestep looks at the gauge array but it is not yet built mgaugeSave = mgauges mgauges = 0 call setgrd (nvar,cut,naux,dtinit,t0) mgauges = mgaugeSave !-- if (possk(1) .gt. dtinit*cflv1/cfl .and. vtime) then !--c ## initial time step was too large. reset to dt from setgrd !-- write(6,*) "*** Initial time step reset for desired cfl" !-- possk(1) = dtinit !-- do i = 2, mxnest-1 !-- possk(i) = possk(i-1)*kratio(i-1) !-- end do !-- endif time = t0 nstart = 0 endif if (icoordsys .eq. 0) then write(6,*) 'ERROR: icoordsys is not set properly' write(6,*) ' perhaps you neglected to call setgeo?' stop endif tstart = time write(parmunit,*) ' ' write(parmunit,*) '--------------------------------------------' write(parmunit,*) ' ' write(parmunit,*) ' rest = ', rest, ' (restart?)' write(parmunit,*) ' tstart = ',tstart write(parmunit,*) ' ' c c print out program parameters for this run c write(outunit,107)tol,tolsp,iorder,kcheck,ibuff,nghost,cut, 1 mxnest,ichkpt,cfl write(outunit,109) xupper,yupper,xlower,ylower,nx,ny write(outunit,139)(intratx(i),i=1,mxnest) write(outunit,139)(intraty(i),i=1,mxnest) write(outunit,119) naux write(outunit,129) (iaux,auxtype(iaux),iaux=1,naux) if (mcapa .gt. 0) write(outunit,149) mcapa 107 format(/ * ' amrclaw parameters:',//, * ' error tol ',e12.5,/, * ' spatial error tol ',e12.5,/, * ' order of integrator ',i9,/, * ' error checking interval ',i9,/, * ' buffer zone size ',i9,/, * ' nghost ',i9,/, * ' volume ratio cutoff ',e12.5,/, * ' max. refinement level ',i9,/, * ' user sub. calling times ',i9,/, * ' cfl # (if var. delt) ',e12.5,/) 109 format(' xupper(upper corner) ',e12.5,/, * ' yupper(upper corner) ',e12.5,/, * ' xlower(lower corner) ',e12.5,/, * ' ylower(lower corner) ',e12.5,/, * ' nx = no. cells in x dir.',i9,/, * ' ny = no. cells in y dir.',i9,/, * ' refinement ratios ',6i5,/,/) 119 format(' no. auxiliary vars. ',i9) 129 format(' var ',i5,' of type ', a10) 139 format(' refinement ratios: ',6i5,/) 149 format(' capacity fn. is aux. var',i9) write(6,*) ' ' write(6,*) 'Done reading data, starting computation ... ' write(6,*) ' ' call outtre (mstart,printout,nvar,naux) write(outunit,*) " original total mass ..." call conck(1,nvar,time) call valout(1,lfine,time,nvar,naux) c c -------------------------------------------------------- c # tick is the main routine which drives the computation: c -------------------------------------------------------- call tick(nvar,iout,nstart,nstop,cut,vtime,time,ichkpt,naux, & nout,tout,tchk,t0) c -------------------------------------------------------- c # Done with computation, cleanup: lentotsave = lentot call cleanup(nvar,naux) if (lentot .ne. 0) then write(outunit,*) lentot," words not accounted for ", & "in memory cleanup" write(*,*) lentot," words not accounted for ", & "in memory cleanup" endif c c report on statistics c open(matunit,file=matfile,status='unknown',form='formatted') write(matunit,*) matlabu-1 write(matunit,*) mxnest close(matunit) write(outunit,*) write(outunit,*) write(outunit,901) lentotsave write(outunit,902) lenmax write(outunit,903) lendim write(outunit,904) rvol do 60 level = 1,mxnest 60 write(outunit,905) level, rvoll(level) write(outunit,906) evol if (evol+rvol .gt. 0.) then ratmet = rvol / (evol+rvol) * 100.0d0 else ratmet = 0.0d0 endif write(outunit,907) ratmet write(outunit,908) cflmax 901 format('current space usage = ',i12) 902 format('maximum space usage = ',i12) 903 format('need space dimension = ',i12,/) 904 format('number of cells advanced for time integration = ',f20.6) 905 format(3x,'# cells advanced on level ',i4,' = ',f20.2) 906 format('number of cells advanced for error estimation = ',f20.6,/) 907 format(' percentage of cells advanced in time = ', f10.2) 908 format(' maximum Courant number seen = ', f10.2) c write(outunit,909) 909 format(//,' ------ end of AMRCLAW integration -------- ') c c # Close output and debug files. close(outunit) close(dbugunit) c stop end