restart2_hdf.f.html | ![]() |
Source file: restart2_hdf.f | |
Directory: /home/rjl/git/rjleveque/clawpack-4.x/clawpack/2d/lib | |
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c c ===================================================== subroutine restart(maxmx,maxmy,meqn,mbc,mx,my, & xlower,ylower,dx,dy,q) c ===================================================== c c # Initialize q using values from an old HDF output file. c # Copy the HDF output file to c # and call this routine from qinit. c c # See for more info on HDF. c c # Written 2003 by Peter Blossey c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c parameter (nDim = 2) dimension q(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, 1-mbc:maxmy+mbc, meqn) character*14 fname c c # HDF: Declare variables that describe datasets and HDF files. c integer sd_id, sds_id, sds_start, sds_edges, sds_stride dimension sds_start(nDim), sds_edges(nDim), sds_stride(nDim) c # HDF: x- and y- dimensions are reversed when output to HDF file. dimension qbuf(21), qout(my,mx) c c # HDF: Declare external HDF functions c integer sfstart, sfselect, sfrdata, sfendacc, sfend external sfstart, sfselect, sfrdata, sfendacc, sfend c c # HDF: Set up HDF constants c integer DFACC_READ parameter(DFACC_READ = 1) integer SUCCEED, FAIL parameter(SUCCEED = 0, FAIL = -1) c common /restrt_block/ tinitial, iframe c c # first create the file name and open file c fname = 'fort.q' & // char(ichar('0') + mod(iframe/1000,10)) & // char(ichar('0') + mod(iframe/100,10)) & // char(ichar('0') + mod(iframe/10,10)) & // char(ichar('0') + mod(iframe,10)) & // '.hdf' write(*,*) 'Restarting from ', fname c c # HDF: open hdf restart file. c sd_id = sfstart(fname,DFACC_READ) if (sd_id.eq.FAIL) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'Failed to open HDF file', & ' (call to sfstart in restart_hdf.f)' STOP end if c c # HDF: Select grid parameter dataset in HDF file. c index = 0 sds_id = sfselect(sd_id,index) if (sds_id.eq.FAIL) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'Failed to select data set for variable ', index, & ' in restart HDF file' WRITE(*,*) '(call to sfselect in restrt_hdf.f)' STOP end if c c # HDF: Set up dimensions for double vector. c sds_start(1) = 0 sds_edges(1) = 21 sds_stride(1) = 1 c c # HDF: read double vector from hdf file. c istat = sfrdata(sds_id,sds_start,sds_stride,sds_edges,qbuf) if (istat.eq.FAIL) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'Failed to read variable ', index, & ' from restart HDF file' WRITE(*,*) '(call to sfrdata in restrt_hdf.f)' STOP end if c c # HDF: End access to double vector in HDF file. c istat = sfendacc(sds_id) if (istat.eq.FAIL) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'Failed to end access to variable ', index, & ' in restart HDF file' WRITE(*,*) '(call to sfendacc in restrt_hdf.f)' STOP end if c c # Check parameters against those read in from c mx_in = qbuf(6) my_in = qbuf(7) if (mx_in .ne. mx .or. my_in .ne. my) then stop 'rstart.f : grid dimensions not compatible' endif c meqn_in = qbuf(4) if (meqn_in .ne. meqn) then stop 'rstart.f : meqn not compatible' endif c c # Read in new starting time. c tinitial = qbuf(3) c c write(*,*) 'Restarting from file ', fname, ' at time ', tinitial write(*,*) 'Initial condition will not be written to a MATLAB ', & 'output file' write(*,*) c c # Loop over fields in q c do m = 1,meqn c c # HDF: Select dataset in HDF file. c index = index + 1 sds_id = sfselect(sd_id,index) if (sds_id.eq.FAIL) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'Failed to select data set number ', index, & ' in restart HDF file' WRITE(*,*) '(call to sfselect in restrt_hdf.f)' STOP end if c c # HDF: Set up dimensions for double array. c sds_start(1) = 0 sds_start(2) = 0 sds_edges(1) = my sds_edges(2) = mx sds_stride(1) = 1 sds_stride(2) = 1 c c # HDF: read double array from hdf file. c istat = sfrdata(sds_id,sds_start,sds_stride,sds_edges,qout) if (istat.eq.FAIL) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'Failed to read variable ', index, & ' from restart HDF file' WRITE(*,*) '(call to sfrdata in restrt_hdf.f)' STOP end if c c # HDF: End access to double array in HDF file. c istat = sfendacc(sds_id) if (istat.eq.FAIL) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'Failed to end access to variable ', index, & ' in restart HDF file' WRITE(*,*) '(call to sfendacc in restrt_hdf.f)' STOP end if c c # Put the data into q(:,:,m). c do j = 1,my do i = 1,mx q(i,j,m) = qout(j,i) end do end do c end do c c # HDF: Close HDF file. c istat = sfend(sd_id) if (istat.eq.FAIL) then WRITE(*,*) 'Failed to close SDS (call to sfend)' STOP end if return end