opendatafile.f.html | ![]() |
Source file: opendatafile.f | |
Directory: /home/rjl/git/rjleveque/clawpack-4.x/clawpack/2d/lib | |
Converted: Sun May 15 2011 at 19:15:43 using clawcode2html | |
This documentation file will not reflect any later changes in the source file. |
subroutine opendatafile(iunit, fname) c # c # Open the file fname and determine how many leading lines are c # comments. Then rewind and skip over the comment lines so that the c # file is ready for reading data from. c # c # All comment lines must start with # in the first column. integer iunit, line, commentlines character*12 fname character*1 firstchar c write(6,*) 'Check correct filename: XXX',fname,'XXX' open(unit=iunit,file=fname,status='old',form='formatted') firstchar = '#' commentlines = -1 do while (firstchar == '#') read(iunit,*) firstchar commentlines = commentlines + 1 enddo write(6,601) commentlines, fname 601 format('Reading data file, first',i2,' lines are comments: ',a12) rewind(iunit) do line=1,commentlines read(iunit,*) firstchar enddo return end