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Source file: claw1.f | |
Directory: /home/rjl/git/rjleveque/clawpack-4.x/clawpack/1d/lib | |
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c c ============================================================== subroutine claw1(maxmx,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx, & q,aux,xlower,dx,tstart,tend,dtv,cflv,nv,method,mthlim, & mthbc,work,mwork,info,bc1,rp1,src1,b4step1) c ============================================================== c c Solves a hyperbolic system of conservation laws in one space dimension c of the general form c c capa * q_t + A q_x = psi c c The "capacity function" capa(x) and source term psi are optional c (see below). c c For a more complete description see the documentation at c c c Sample driver programs and user-supplied subroutines are available. c See the the directories claw/clawpack/1d/example* for some examples, and c codes in claw/applications for more extensive examples. c c -------------------------------------------------------- c c The user must supply the following subroutines: c c bc1, rp1 subroutines specifying the boundary conditions and c Riemann solver. c These are described in greater detail below. c c b4step1 The routine b4step1 is called each time step and c can be supplied by the user in order to perform c other operations that are necessary every time c step. For example, if the variables stored in c the aux arrays are time-dependent then these c values can be set. c c In addition, if the equation contains source terms psi, then the user c must provide: c c src1 subroutine that solves capa * q_t = psi c over a single time step. c c These routines must be declared EXTERNAL in the main program. c For description of the calling sequences, see below. c c Dummy routines b4step1.f and src1.f are available in c claw/clawpack/1d/lib c c c c Description of parameters... c ---------------------------- c c c maxmx is the maximum number of interior grid points in x, c and is used in declarations of the array q. c c meqn is the number of equations in the system of c conservation laws. c c mwaves is the number of waves that result from the c solution of each Riemann problem. Often mwaves = meqn but c for some problems these may be different. c c mbc is the number of "ghost cells" that must be added on to each c side of the domain to handle boundary conditions. The cells c actually in the physical domain are labelled from 1 to mx in x. c The arrays are dimensioned actually indexed from 1-mbc to mx+mbc. c For the methods currently implemented, mbc = 2 should be used. c If the user implements another method that has a larger stencil and c hence requires more ghost cells, a larger value of mbc could be used. c q is extended from the physical domain to the ghost cells by the c user-supplied routine bc1. c c mx is the number of grid cells in the x-direction, in the c physical domain. In addition there are mbc grid cells c along each edge of the grid that are used for boundary c conditions. c Must have mx .le. maxmx c c q(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, meqn) c On input: initial data at time tstart. c On output: final solution at time tend. c q(i,m) = value of mth component in the i'th cell. c Values within the physical domain are in q(i,m) c for i = 1,2,...,mx c mbc extra cells on each end are needed for boundary conditions c as specified in the routine bc1. c c aux(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, maux) c Array of auxiliary variables that are used in specifying the problem. c If method(7) = 0 then there are no auxiliary variables and aux c can be a dummy variable. c If method(7) = maux > 0 then there are maux auxiliary variables c and aux must be dimensioned as above. c c Capacity functions are one particular form of auxiliary variable. c These arise in some applications, e.g. variable coefficients in c advection or acoustics problems. c See Clawpack Note # 5 for examples. c c If method(6) = 0 then there is no capacity function. c If method(6) = mcapa > 0 then there is a capacity function and c capa(i), the "capacity" of the i'th cell, is assumed to be c stored in aux(i,mcapa). c In this case we require method(7).ge.mcapa. c c dx = grid spacing in x. c (for a computation in ax <= x <= bx, set dx = (bx-ax)/mx.) c c tstart = initial time. c c tend = Desired final time (on input). c If tendc time step has been taken (single-step mode). c Otherwise, as many steps are taken as needed to reach tend, c up to a maximum of nv(1). c = Actual time reached (on output). c c dtv(1:5) = array of values related to the time step: c (Note: method(1)=1 indicates variable size time steps) c dtv(1) = value of dt to be used in all steps if method(1) = 0 c = value of dt to use in first step if method(1) = 1 c dtv(2) = unused if method(1) = 0. c = maximum dt allowed if method(1) = 1. c dtv(3) = smallest dt used (on output) c dtv(4) = largest dt used (on output) c dtv(5) = dt used in last step (on output) c c cflv(1:4) = array of values related to Courant number: c cflv(1) = maximum Courant number to be allowed. With variable c time steps the step is repeated if the Courant c number is larger than this value. With fixed time c steps the routine aborts. Usually cflv(1)=1.0 c should work. c cflv(2) = unused if method(1) = 0. c = desired Courant number if method(1) = 1. c Should be somewhat less than cflv(1), e.g. 0.9 c cflv(3) = largest Courant number observed (on output). c cflv(4) = Courant number in last step (on output). c c nv(1:2) = array of values related to the number of time steps: c nv(1) = unused if method(1) = 0 c = maximum number of time steps allowed if method(1) = 1 c nv(2) = number of time steps taken (on output). c c method(1:7) = array of values specifying the numerical method to use c method(1) = 0 if fixed size time steps are to be taken. c In this case, dt = dtv(1) in all steps. c = 1 if variable time steps are to be used. c In this case, dt = dtv(1) in the first step and c thereafter the value cflv(2) is used to choose the c next time step based on the maximum wave speed seen c in the previous step. Note that since this value c comes from the previous step, the Courant number will c not in general be exactly equal to the desired value c If the actual Courant number in the next step is c greater than 1, then this step is redone with a c smaller dt. c c method(2) = 1 if Godunov's method is to be used, with no 2nd order c corrections. c = 2 if second order correction terms are to be added, with c a flux limiter as specified by mthlim. c c method(3) is not used in one-dimension. c c method(4) = 0 to suppress printing c = 1 to print dt and Courant number every time step c c method(5) = 0 if there is no source term psi. In this case c the subroutine src1 is never called so a dummy c parameter can be given. c = 1 if there is a source term. In this case c the subroutine src1 must be provided and a c fractional step method is used. c In each time step the following sequence is followed: c call bc to extend data to ghost cells c call step1 to advance hyperbolic eqn by dt c call src1 to advance source terms by dt c = 2 if there is a source term and Strang splitting is to c be used instead of the Godunov splitting above. c In each time step the following sequence is followed: c call bc to extend data to ghost cells c call src1 to advance source terms by dt/2 c call step1 to advance hyperbolic equation by dt c call src1 to advance source terms by dt/2 c For most problems 1 is recommended rather than 2 c since it is less expensive and works essentially as c well on most problems. c c method(6) = 0 if there is no capacity function capa. c = mcapa > 0 if there is a capacity function. In this case c aux(i,mcapa) is the capacity of the i'th cell and you c must also specify method(7) .ge. mcapa and set aux. c c method(7) = 0 if there is no aux array used. c = maux > 0 if there are maux auxiliary variables. c c c The recommended choice of methods for most problems is c method(1) = 1, method(2) = 2. c c mthlim(1:mwaves) = array of values specifying the flux limiter to be used c in each wave family mw. Often the same value will be used c for each value of mw, but in some cases it may be c desirable to use different limiters. For example, c for the Euler equations the superbee limiter might be c used for the contact discontinuity (mw=2) while another c limiter is used for the nonlinear waves. Several limiters c are built in and others can be added by modifying the c subroutine philim. c c mthlim(mw) = 0 for no limiter c = 1 for minmod c = 2 for superbee c = 3 for van Leer c = 4 for monotonized centered c c c work(mwork) = double precision work array of length at least mwork c c mwork = length of work array. Must be at least c (maxmx + 2*mbc) * (2 + 4*meqn + mwaves + meqn*mwaves) c If mwork is too small then the program returns with info = 4 c and prints the necessary value of mwork to unit 6. c c c info = output value yielding error information: c = 0 if normal return. c = 1 if or c = 2 if method(1)=0 and dt doesn't divide (tend - tstart). c = 3 if method(1)=1 and cflv(2) > cflv(1). c = 4 if mwork is too small. c = 11 if the code attempted to take too many time steps, n > nv(1). c This could only happen if method(1) = 1 (variable time steps). c = 12 if the method(1)=0 and the Courant number is greater than 1 c in some time step. c c Note: if, then tend is reset to the value of t actually c reached and q contains the value of the solution at this time. c c User-supplied subroutines c ------------------------- c c bc1 = subroutine that specifies the boundary conditions. c This subroutine should extend the values of q from cells c 1:mx to the mbc ghost cells along each edge of the domain. c c The form of this subroutine is c ------------------------------------------------- c subroutine bc1(maxmx,meqn,mbc,mx,xlower,dx,q,maux,aux,t,mthbc) c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c dimension q(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, meqn) c dimension aux(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, *) c dimension mthbc(2) c ------------------------------------------------- c c The routine claw/clawpack/1d/lib/bc1.f can be used to specify c various standard boundary conditions. c c c rp1 = user-supplied subroutine that implements the Riemann solver c c The form of this subroutine is c ------------------------------------------------- c subroutine rp1(maxmx,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,ql,qr,auxl,auxr,wave,s,amdq,apdq) c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c dimension ql(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, meqn) c dimension qr(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, meqn) c dimension auxl(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, *) c dimension auxr(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, *) c dimension wave(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, meqn, mwaves) c dimension s(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, mwaves) c dimension amdq(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, meqn) c dimension apdq(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, meqn) c ------------------------------------------------- c c On input, ql contains the state vector at the left edge of each cell c qr contains the state vector at the right edge of each cell c auxl contains auxiliary values at the left edge of each cell c auxr contains auxiliary values at the right edge of each cell c c Note that the i'th Riemann problem has left state qr(i-1,:) c and right state ql(i,:) c In the standard clawpack routines, this Riemann solver is c called with ql=qr=q along this slice. More flexibility is allowed c in case the user wishes to implement another solution method c that requires left and rate states at each interface. c If method(7)=maux > 0 then the auxiliary variables along this slice c are passed in using auxl and auxr. Again, in the standard routines c auxl=auxr=aux in the call to rp1. c c On output, c wave(i,m,mw) is the m'th component of the jump across c wave number mw in the ith Riemann problem. c s(i,mw) is the wave speed of wave number mw in the c ith Riemann problem. c amdq(i,m) = m'th component of A^- Delta q, c apdq(i,m) = m'th component of A^+ Delta q, c the decomposition of the flux difference c f(qr(i-1)) - f(ql(i)) c into leftgoing and rightgoing parts respectively. c c It is assumed that each wave consists of a jump discontinuity c propagating at a single speed, as results, for example, from a c Roe approximate Riemann solver. An entropy fix can be included c into the specification of amdq and apdq. c c src1 = subroutine for the source terms that solves the equation c capa * q_t = psi c over time dt. c c If method(5)=0 then the equation does not contain a source c term and this routine is never called. A dummy argument can c be used with many compilers, or provide a dummy subroutine that c does nothing (such a subroutine can be found in c claw/clawpack/1d/lib/src1.f) c c The form of this subroutine is c ------------------------------------------------- c subroutine src1(maxmx,meqn,mbc,mx,xlower,dx,q,maux,aux,t,dt) c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c dimension q(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, meqn) c dimension aux(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, *) c ------------------------------------------------- c If method(7)=0 or the auxiliary variables are not needed in this solver, c then the latter dimension statement can be omitted, but aux should c still appear in the argument list. c c On input, q(i,m) contains the data for solving the c source term equation. c On output, q(i,m) should have been replaced by the solution to c the source term equation after a step of length dt. c c c b4step1 = subroutine that is called from claw1 before each call to c step1. Use to set time-dependent aux arrays or perform c other tasks which must be done every time step. c c The form of this subroutine is c c ------------------------------------------------- c subroutine b4step1(maxmx,mbc,mx,meqn,q,xlower,dx,time,dt,maux,aux) c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c dimension q(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, meqn) c dimension aux(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, *) c ------------------------------------------------- c c c c c ========================================================================= c c Copyright 1994 -- 2002 R. J. LeVeque c c This software is made available for research and instructional use only. c You may copy and use this software without charge for these non-commercial c purposes, provided that the copyright notice and associated text is c reproduced on all copies. For all other uses (including distribution of c modified versions), please contact the author at the address given below. c c *** This software is made available "as is" without any assurance that it c *** will work for your purposes. The software may in fact have defects, so c *** use the software at your own risk. c c -------------------------------------- c CLAWPACK Version 4.1, August, 2002 c Webpage: c -------------------------------------- c Author: Randall J. LeVeque c Applied Mathematics c Box 352420 c University of Washington, c Seattle, WA 98195-2420 c c ========================================================================= c c c c c ====================================================================== c Beginning of claw1 code c ====================================================================== c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) external bc1,rp1,src1,b4step1 dimension q(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, meqn) dimension aux(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, *) dimension work(mwork) dimension mthlim(mwaves),method(7),dtv(5),cflv(4),nv(2) dimension mthbc(2) common /comxt/ dtcom,dxcom,tcom c c info = 0 t = tstart maxn = nv(1) dt = dtv(1) !# initial dt cflmax = 0.d0 dtmin = dt dtmax = dt nv(2) = 0 maux = method(7) c c # check for errors in data: c if (mx .gt. maxmx) then info = 1 go to 900 endif c if (method(1) .eq. 0) then c # fixed size time steps. Compute the number of steps: if (tend .lt. tstart) then c # single step mode maxn = 1 else maxn = (tend - tstart + 1d-10) / dt if (dabs(maxn*dt - (tend-tstart)) .gt. & 1d-5*(tend-tstart)) then c # dt doesn't divide time interval integer number of times info = 2 go to 900 endif endif endif c if (method(1).eq.1 .and. cflv(2).gt.cflv(1)) then info = 3 go to 900 endif c c # partition work array into pieces for passing into step1: i0f = 1 i0wave = i0f + (maxmx + 2*mbc) * meqn i0s = i0wave + (maxmx + 2*mbc) * meqn * mwaves i0dtdx = i0s + (maxmx + 2*mbc) * mwaves i0qwork = i0dtdx + (maxmx + 2*mbc) i0amdq = i0qwork + (maxmx + 2*mbc) * meqn i0apdq = i0amdq + (maxmx + 2*mbc) * meqn i0dtdx = i0apdq + (maxmx + 2*mbc) * meqn i0end = i0dtdx + (maxmx + 2*mbc) - 1 c if (mwork .lt. i0end) then write(6,*) 'mwork must be increased to ',i0end info = 4 go to 900 endif c c ----------- c # main loop c ----------- c if (maxn.eq.0) go to 900 do 100 n=1,maxn told = t !# time at beginning of time step. c # adjust dt to hit tend exactly if we're near end of computation c # (unless tend < tstart, which is a flag to take only a single step) if ( .and. dt = tend - told if (method(1).eq.1) then c # save old q in case we need to retake step with smaller dt: call copyq1(maxmx,meqn,mbc,mx,q,work(i0qwork)) endif c 40 continue dt2 = dt / 2.d0 thalf = t + dt2 !# midpoint in time for Strang splitting t = told + dt !# time at end of step c # store dt and t in the common block comxt in case they are needed c # in the Riemann solvers (for variable coefficients) tcom = told dtcom = dt dxcom = dx c c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c # main steps in algorithm: c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c c # extend data from grid to bordering boundary cells: call bc1(maxmx,meqn,mbc,mx,xlower,dx,q,maux,aux,told,dt,mthbc) c c c # call user-supplied routine which might set aux arrays c # for this time step, for example. call b4step1(maxmx,mbc,mx,meqn,q, & xlower,dx,told,dt,maux,aux) c c if (method(5).eq.2) then c # with Strang splitting for source term: call src1(maxmx,meqn,mbc,mx,xlower,dx,q,maux,aux,told,dt2) endif c c # take a step on the homogeneous conservation law: call step1(maxmx,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q,aux,dx,dt, & method,mthlim,cfl,work(i0f),work(i0wave), & work(i0s),work(i0amdq),work(i0apdq),work(i0dtdx), & rp1) c if (method(5).eq.2) then c # source terms over a second half time step for Strang splitting: c # Note it is not so clear what time t should be used here if c # the source terms are time-dependent! call src1(maxmx,meqn,mbc,mx,xlower,dx,q,maux,aux,thalf,dt2) endif if (method(5).eq.1) then c # source terms over a full time step: call src1(maxmx,meqn,mbc,mx,xlower,dx,q,maux,aux,t,dt) endif c c c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c if (method(4) .eq. 1) write(6,601) n,cfl,dt,t 601 format('CLAW1... Step',i4, & ' Courant number =',f6.3,' dt =',d12.4, & ' t =',d12.4) c if (method(1) .eq. 1) then c # choose new time step if variable time step if (cfl .gt. 0.d0) then dt = dmin1(dtv(2), dt * cflv(2)/cfl) dtmin = dmin1(dt,dtmin) dtmax = dmax1(dt,dtmax) else dt = dtv(2) endif endif c c # check to see if the Courant number was too large: c if (cfl .le. cflv(1)) then c # accept this step cflmax = dmax1(cfl,cflmax) else c # reject this step t = told call copyq1(maxmx,meqn,mbc,mx,work(i0qwork),q) c if (method(4) .eq. 1) then write(6,602) 602 format('CLAW1 rejecting step... ', & 'Courant number too large') endif if (method(1).eq.1) then c # if variable dt, go back and take a smaller step go to 40 else c # if fixed dt, give up and return cflmax = dmax1(cfl,cflmax) go to 900 endif endif c c # see if we are done: nv(2) = nv(2) + 1 if (t .ge. tend) go to 900 c 100 continue c 900 continue c c # return information c if (method(1).eq.1 .and. .and. nv(2) .eq. maxn) then c # too many timesteps info = 11 endif c if (method(1).eq.0 .and. cflmax .gt. cflv(1)) then c # Courant number too large with fixed dt info = 12 endif tend = t cflv(3) = cflmax cflv(4) = cfl dtv(3) = dtmin dtv(4) = dtmax dtv(5) = dt return end