setaux.f.html | ![]() |
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Directory: /home/rjl/git/rjleveque/clawpack-4.x/book/chap23/acoustics | |
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c ============================================ subroutine setaux(maxmx,maxmy,mbc,mx,my,xlower,ylower,dxc,dyc, & maux,aux) c ============================================ c c c # aux(i,j,1) = ax c # aux(i,j,2) = ay where (ax,ay) is unit normal to left face c # aux(i,j,3) = ratio of length of left face to dyc c c # aux(i,j,4) = bx c # aux(i,j,5) = by where (bx,by) is unit normal to bottom face c # aux(i,j,6) = ratio of length of bottom face to dxc c c # aux(i,j,7) = ratio of cell area to dxc*dyc c # (approximately Jacobian of mapping function) c c # aux(i,j,8) = impedance Z in cell (i,j) c # aux(i,j,9) = sound speed c in cell (i,j) c c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension aux(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc,1-mbc:maxmy+mbc, 9) dimension xccorn(5),yccorn(5),xpcorn(5),ypcorn(5) common /cparam/ rho,bulk,cc,zz c dx2 = dxc/2.d0 dy2 = dyc/2.d0 c do 20 j=1-mbc,my+mbc do 20 i=1-mbc,mx+mbc c c # computational points (xc,yc) are mapped to physical c # coordinates (xp,yp) by mapc2p: c c # lower left corner: xccorn(1) = xlower + (i-1)*dxc yccorn(1) = ylower + (j-1)*dyc call mapc2p(xccorn(1),yccorn(1),xpcorn(1),ypcorn(1)) c # upper left corner: xccorn(2) = xccorn(1) yccorn(2) = yccorn(1) + dyc call mapc2p(xccorn(2),yccorn(2),xpcorn(2),ypcorn(2)) c c # upper right corner: xccorn(3) = xccorn(1) + dxc yccorn(3) = yccorn(1) + dyc call mapc2p(xccorn(3),yccorn(3),xpcorn(3),ypcorn(3)) c c # lower right corner: xccorn(4) = xccorn(1) + dxc yccorn(4) = yccorn(1) call mapc2p(xccorn(4),yccorn(4),xpcorn(4),ypcorn(4)) c c # compute normals to left and bottom side: c ax = (ypcorn(2) - ypcorn(1)) ay = -(xpcorn(2) - xpcorn(1)) anorm = dsqrt(ax*ax + ay*ay) aux(i,j,1) = ax/anorm aux(i,j,2) = ay/anorm aux(i,j,3) = anorm/dyc c bx = -(ypcorn(4) - ypcorn(1)) by = (xpcorn(4) - xpcorn(1)) bnorm = dsqrt(bx*bx + by*by) aux(i,j,4) = bx/bnorm aux(i,j,5) = by/bnorm aux(i,j,6) = bnorm/dxc c c # compute area of physical cell from four corners: xpcorn(5) = xpcorn(1) ypcorn(5) = ypcorn(1) area = 0.d0 do ic=1,4 area = area + 0.5d0 * (ypcorn(ic)+ypcorn(ic+1)) * & (xpcorn(ic+1)-xpcorn(ic)) enddo aux(i,j,7) = area / (dxc*dyc) c aux(i,j,8) = zz aux(i,j,9) = cc 20 continue c return end