Source file:
 Directory:   /home/rjl/git/rjleveque/clawpack-4.x/apps/advection/2d/example1/amr
 Converted:   Tue Jul 26 2011 at 12:58:51   using clawcode2html
 This documentation file will not reflect any later changes in the source file.

### To modify data, edit                 ####
###    and then "make .data"                        ####

50                        =: mx           (cells in x direction)
50                        =: my           (cells in y direction)
-3                        =: mxnest       (max number of grid levels)
2 2 2                     =: inratx       (refinement ratios)
2 2 2                     =: inraty       (refinement ratios)
2 2 2                     =: inratt       (refinement ratios)

10                        =: nout         (number of output times)
1                         =: outstyle     (style of specifying output times)
2.0                       =: tfinal       (final time)

0.016                     =: dt_initial   (initial time step dt)
9.9999999999999997e+98    =: dt_max       (max allowable dt)
1.0                       =: cfl_max      (max allowable Courant number)
0.90000000000000002       =: cfl_desired  (desired Courant number)
500                       =: max_steps    (max time steps per call to claw)

1                         =: dt_variable  (1 for variable dt, 0 for fixed)
2                         =: order        (1 or 2)
2                         =: order_trans  (transverse order)
3                         =: verbosity    (verbosity of output)
0                         =: src_split    (source term splitting)
0                         =: mcapa        (aux index for capacity fcn)
0                         =: maux         (number of aux variables)

1                         =: meqn         (number of equations)
1                         =: mwaves       (number of waves)
3                         =: mthlim       (limiter choice for each wave)

0.0                       =: t0           (initial time)
0.0                       =: xlower       (xlower)
1.0                       =: xupper       (xupper)
0.0                       =: ylower       (ylower)
1.0                       =: yupper       (yupper)

2                         =: mbc          (number of ghost cells)
2                         =: mthbc_xlower (type of BC at xlower)
2                         =: mthbc_xupper (type of BC at xupper)
2                         =: mthbc_ylower (type of BC at ylower)
2                         =: mthbc_yupper (type of BC at yupper)

F                         =: restart      (1 to restart from a past run)
1000                      =: checkpt_iousr (how often to checkpoint)

-1.0                      =: tol          (tolerance for Richardson extrap)
0.050000000000000003      =: tolsp        (tolerance used in flag2refine)
2                         =: kcheck       (how often to regrid)
3                         =: ibuff        (buffer zone around flagged pts)
0.69999999999999996       =: cutoff       (efficiency cutoff for grid gen.)

F                         =: PRINT        (print to fort.amr)
F                         =: NCAR         (obsolete!)
T                         =: fortq        (Output to fort.q* files)

F                         =: dprint       (print domain flags)
F                         =: eprint       (print err est flags)
F                         =: edebug       (even more err est flags)
F                         =: gprint       (grid bisection/clustering)
F                         =: nprint       (proper nesting output)
F                         =: pprint       (proj. of tagged points)
F                         =: rprint       (print regridding summary)
F                         =: sprint       (space/memory output)
F                         =: tprint       (time step reporting each level)
F                         =: uprint       (update/upbnd reporting)