spest.f.html | ![]() |
Source file: spest.f | |
Directory: /home/rjl/git/rjleveque/clawpack-4.x/amrclaw/2d/lib | |
Converted: Tue Jul 26 2011 at 12:59:08 using clawcode2html | |
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c c ------------------------------------------------------------- c subroutine spest (nvar,naux,lcheck,lociflags,isize,jsize,t0) c subroutine spest (nvar,naux,lcheck,iflags,isize,jsize,t0) c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c integer*1 iflags (0:isize+1,0:jsize+1) include "call.i" c :::::::::::::::::::::::::: SPEST ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: c For all grids at level lcheck: c Call user-supplied routine flag2refine to flag any points where c refinement is desired based on user's criterion. c ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: c c initialize iflags here, so can put user flags right into it. c !-- do 4 i = 1, isize !-- do 4 j = 1, jsize !-- 4 iflags(i,j) = 0 c c now call initialization routine so can treat iflags as integer *1 call init_iflags(alloc(lociflags),isize,jsize) mptr = lstart(lcheck) 5 continue nx = node(ndihi,mptr) - node(ndilo,mptr) + 1 ny = node(ndjhi,mptr) - node(ndjlo,mptr) + 1 mitot = nx + 2*nghost mjtot = ny + 2*nghost locnew = node(store1,mptr) locaux = node(storeaux,mptr) time = rnode(timemult,mptr) dx = hxposs(lcheck) dy = hyposs(lcheck) xleft = rnode(cornxlo,mptr) ybot = rnode(cornylo,mptr) xlow = xleft - nghost*dx ylow = ybot - nghost*dy c locbig = igetsp(mitot*mjtot*nvar) node(tempptr,mptr) = locbig c # straight copy into scratch array so don't mess up latest soln. c ## at later times want to use newest soln for spatial error flagging c ## at initial time want to use initial conditions (so retain symmetry for example) if (t0+possk(lcheck) .ne. time) then ! exact equality test here. counting on ieee arith. do 10 i = 1, mitot*mjtot*nvar 10 alloc(locbig+i-1) = alloc(locnew+i-1) call bound(time,nvar,nghost,alloc(locbig),mitot,mjtot,mptr, 1 alloc(locaux),naux) else ! boundary values already in locold locold = node(store2,mptr) do 11 i = 1, mitot*mjtot*nvar 11 alloc(locbig+i-1) = alloc(locold+i-1) endif c c get user flags for refinement, which might be based on spatial gradient, c for example. Use old values of soln at time t before c integration to get accurate boundary gradients c if (tolsp .gt. 0.) then locamrflags = igetsp(mitot*mjtot) do 20 i = 1, mitot*mjtot 20 alloc(locamrflags+i-1) = goodpt c # call user-supplied routine to flag any points where c # refinement is desired based on user's criterion. c # Default version compares spatial gradient to tolsp. call flag2refine(nx,ny,nghost,nvar,naux,xleft,ybot,dx,dy, & time,lcheck,tolsp,alloc(locbig),alloc(locaux), & alloc(locamrflags), goodpt, badpt ) c Put flags in iflags array now, so can reclaim space. c Note change of dimension of amrflags array: c 3rd dim = 1 here, elsewhere flag array has idim3 = nvar c c idim3 = 1 ! 3rd dim = 1 here, elsewhere is nvar c call setflags (iflags,isize,jsize, call setflags (alloc(lociflags),isize,jsize, 1 alloc(locamrflags),idim3,mitot,mjtot,mptr) call reclam(locamrflags, mitot*mjtot) endif c previously used to reclam locbig space here. now save to reuse in errest c reclam locbig space afterwards. c call reclam(locbig,mitot*mjtot*nvar) mptr = node(levelptr,mptr) if (mptr .ne. 0) go to 5 c return end c c -------------------------------------------------------------------------- c subroutine init_iflags(iflags,isize,jsize) c c # Need this routine to initialize since iflags is part of double c # precision alloc array but is used as an integer*1 to save storage. implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) integer*1 iflags (0:isize+1,0:jsize+1) do i = 1, isize do j = 1, jsize iflags(i,j) = 0 enddo enddo return end