shiftset.f.html CLAWPACK  
 Source file:   shiftset.f
 Directory:   /home/rjl/git/rjleveque/clawpack-4.x/amrclaw/2d/lib
 Converted:   Tue Jul 26 2011 at 12:59:08   using clawcode2html
 This documentation file will not reflect any later changes in the source file.

c ----------------------------------------------------------
       subroutine shiftset(intarray,intarray2,idir,jdir,isize,jsize)

       implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)

       include "call.i"

       integer*1 intarray (0:isize+1,0:jsize+1), 
     1           intarray2(0:isize+1,0:jsize+1)

c :::::::::::::::::::::: CSHIFT :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
c shift by + or - 1 in either direction (but only 1 at a time)
c used for bit calculus for proper nesting, buffering, etc.
c similar to cshift on CM machine.
c includes periodic buffering as well.
c ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

       if (xperdom) then
          do 10 j = 0, jsize+1
             intarray(0,j) = intarray(isize,j)
             intarray(isize+1,j) = intarray(1,j)
 10       continue
          do 11 j = 0, jsize+1
             intarray(0,j) = 0
             intarray(isize+1,j) = 0
 11       continue
       if (yperdom) then
          do 12 i = 0, isize+1
             intarray(i,0) = intarray(i,jsize)
             intarray(i,jsize+1) = intarray(i,1)
 12       continue
       else if (spheredom) then   !use mapped stuff for sphere
          do 14 i = 0, isize+1
             intarray(i,0)       = intarray(isize+1-i,1)
             intarray(i,jsize+1) = intarray(isize+1-i,jsize)
 14       continue
          do 13 i = 0, isize+1
             intarray(i,0) = 0
             intarray(i,jsize+1) = 0
 13       continue

       if (idir .eq. 1) then
           do 22 j = 1, jsize
           do 22 i = 1, isize
              intarray2(i,j) = intarray(i+1,j)
 22        continue
       elseif (idir .eq. -1) then
           do 25 j = 1, jsize
           do 25 i = 1, isize
               intarray2(i,j) = intarray(i-1,j)
 25        continue
       elseif (jdir .eq. 1) then
           do 50 j = 1, jsize
           do 50 i = 1, isize
               intarray2(i,j) = intarray(i,j+1)
 50         continue
       elseif (jdir .eq. -1) then
           do 55 j = 1, jsize
           do 55 i = 1, isize
              intarray2(i,j) = intarray(i,j-1)
 55        continue

c   copy back

       do 60 j = 1, jsize
       do 60 i = 1, isize
         intarray(i,j) = max(intarray(i,j),intarray2(i,j))
 60    continue
