nodget.f.html | ![]() |
Source file: nodget.f | |
Directory: /home/rjl/git/rjleveque/clawpack-4.x/amrclaw/2d/lib | |
Converted: Sun May 15 2011 at 19:16:14 using clawcode2html | |
This documentation file will not reflect any later changes in the source file. |
c c ------------------------------------------------------------ c integer function nodget(dummy) c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) include "call.i" c c ::::::::::::::::: NODGET ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; c nodget = get first free node of the linked list kept in node c array. adjust pointers accordingly. c :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; c if (ndfree .ne. null) go to 10 write(outunit,100) maxgr write(*,100) maxgr 100 format(' out of nodal space - allowed ',i5,' grids') stop c 10 nodget = ndfree ndfree = node(nextfree,ndfree) c c initialize nodal block c do 20 i = 1, nsize node(i,nodget) = 0 20 continue c do 30 i = 1, rsize rnode(i,nodget) = 0.0d0 30 continue c return end