Substantial changes are planned for Clawpack 5.0.
One major change is that Clawpack is moving to Github and the use of Git rather than Subversion for the repository.
See for more about this, and about plans for other changes.
Clawpack documentation pages will eventually move to
Some new capabilities have been added but previous examples should continue to run.
- NetCDF output can be generated instead of ASCII output, reducing the file size of fort.q files by a factor of 3 or so. Currently this is only available in GeoClaw. Will be ported and documented eventually more generally. For now, see this claw-dev post on NetCDF
- Restarting an AMRClaw or GeoClaw run is now easier. See this claw-dev post on restarts
- Some additional book examples have been converted.
- The plot_topo_file function in $CLAW/python/pyclaw/plotters/ has been improved.
This version is still backwards compatible with all of Clawpack except for GeoClaw, where a new version of some AMR library routines have been moved to $CLAW/geoclaw/2d/lib and so changes to the Makefile are required in any GeoClaw applications (such as those in $CLAW/apps/tsunami). See below for more details.
Memory reallocation in amrclaw/2d/lib/igetsp.f has been improved so that if doubling the size the work array requires more memory than available, the amount requested will be halved until it fits. This may allow the computation to proceed a bit further.
Added capability for ‘other plots’ to be generated and added to html files that are not done each frame. Also added otherplots() method to Iplotclaw.
Removed ‘all’ targets from application Makefiles and instead created scripts Modified $CLAW/python/ to first look for such a file and execute it before trying ‘make all’. This avoids warnings that ‘all’ target of Makefile.common is being overloaded, and avoids problems with wrong Makefile being used in recursive makes.
New parameter added to GeoClaw input: adding:
geodata.variable_dt_refinement_ratios = Trueto causes refinement ratios in time on each level to be chosen dynamically, rather than using the ratios specified by clawdata.inratt. The ratios are chosen by estimating the maximum wave speed on each level using a new routine get_max_speed. This is useful for cases where a fine grid only covers cells in very shallow water, in which case it may not be necessary to refine in time as much as in space. It can be hard to estimate in advance what refinement ratio to use for optimal efficiency. This is fairly specific to GeoClaw applications.
This required making special GeoClaw versions of a few more amrclaw routines, and changes to Makefiles in applications. The script $CLAW/util/ will make these changes.
Vectorized routine $CLAW/python/pyclaw/geotools/ that creates seafloor deformation using the Okada model in GeoClaw.
Added utility $CLAW/python/pyclaw/geotools/ for converting from MOST format (NOAA’s Method of Splitting Tsunamis code).
Added icons to appear in browser tabs for webpages created in Sphinx and by $CLAW/util/
Added some documentation on the structure of AMRClaw, provided by Jonathan Claridge. See AMRClaw.
Several other minor changes have been made. Browse the source of branches/4.5.x and examine the changesets for revisions 787-894 for more details.
Mostly minor changes from 4.5.0:
New phony target output added to $CLAW/util/Makefile.common that does not check dependencies. Now
$ make outputalways runs the code (but never regenerates the data files using the setrun function!) See Clawpack Makefiles.
New phony target plots added to $CLAW/util/Makefile.common that does not check dependencies. Now
$ make plotsalways creates plots that go in the directory specified by the parameter CLAW_PLOTDIR in the Makefile, using the output that is in the directory CLAW_OUTDIR in the Makefile. It does not remake the output if it is out of date.
The targets .output and .plots still exist and function as before.
By default, if the directory specified by CLAW_OUTDIR in the Makefile already exists, it is overwritten with new output when you do make .output or make .output. This can now be avoided by setting an environment variable CLAW_OVERWRITE to``False``, or setting this variable explicitly in the Makefile. In this case the current version of the output directory is moved to
A new script $CLAW/python/ has been added that compiles all the library routines. It is best to run this before $CLAW/python/ so that the modules created by compiling the library routines end up in the proper place.
A new option at the PLOTCLAW> has been added to Iplotclaw:
PLOTCLAW> save figno fnamesaves figure number figno to file fname using savefig.
A number of minor bugs have been fixed, mostly in $CLAW/geoclaw/2d/lib
For more details, see below.
- The svn repository has moved, see below.
- The main directory name has changed from claw to clawpack.
- GeoClaw has been added, with a few examples showing how this can be used for tsunami modeling. See GeoClaw added.
- Some new applications have been added. See Applications gallery for a current list and sample plots.
We are going to attempt to be more systematic about version numbering and official releases. To aid in the long term development of Clawpack, the Subversion repository at is being phased out and replaced by The tags subdirectory will contain official releases, starting with the various versions of Clawpack 4.4 that have been available in the past as tar files. These are numbered 4.4.0, 4.4.1, etc.
Note that we have introduced a “micro” version number following the major and minor version numbers. Our intention in the future is to mainly use the micro version number for bug fixes and minor changes. New features or more major changes will increment the minor version number (e.g. going from 4.4 to 4.5). Major changes to the structure or functionality will be reflected by incrementing the major version number. Contrary to some conventions, we might not always enforce backward compatibility between minor version numbers.
The trunk should be up to date with the most recent release, so that users who want to use Subversion to keep up to date can check out the trunk and then use “svn update” to stay current:
$ svn co localdir/clawpack
See the `Clawpack wiki`_ for more details.
The branches subdirectory contains new development branches, including branches such as 4.5.x for updates that will go into the next release, and branches being used to develop or test new features.
Starting in Version 4.5.0, the main directory is called clawpack. The location of this directory is where the environment variable $CLAW should point and this convention will be used below. Within this directory, the structure is currently unchanged.
In Version 5.0 we intend to further rearrange directories. All the Fortran source code will go in $CLAW/src and we plan to introduce a $CLAW/lib for dynamic libraries. The Makefiles will also change to reflect these changes.
The GeoClaw routines are now incorporated in Clawpack. Some documentation is in the section GeoClaw.
The main library routines for 2d depth-averaged flow are in $CLAW/geoclaw/2d/lib.
A few examples are in $CLAW/apps/tsunami. See the gallery of sample GeoClaw results.
The GeoClaw software uses modules and the Makefiles don’t always work properly yet. If you run into problems, try:
$ make new
in the applications directory.
Clawpack 4.4 consists of the Fortran 77 files from Clawpack 4.3 together with new Python tools for specifying input data and plotting results.
There is also a preliminary version of a pure Python version of Clawpack, see Pyclaw.
The classic clawpack routines now read data from a file
rather than and the first line of this file lists the number of space dimensions. The remainder of the file has the same form as before.
Rather than modifying it is recommended that you modify parameters in the file and then type
$ make .data
to create the file. You can modify this to also create or other required data files.
The matlab plotting scripts should still work as described in the 4.3 documentation, but there is now a Python option that uses only open source software and provides more powerful plotting tools. See Plotting options in Python.
The output routines such as out1.f, out2.f in classic Clawpack and valout.f in AMRClaw have been slightly modified to also print ndim to the fort.t files. This should not affect Matlab plotting but is needed for the new Python plotting routines.
10/30/09: Several more changes to Makefiles and amrclaw/2d/lib.
- This version posted as claw4rev226.tar.gz
- The subroutines filpatch and prefil are now written as recursive subroutines, so filpatch2.f, filpatch3.f, prefil2.f, and prefil3.f have been removed. Also drawrg.f has been removed, an old NCAR graphics routine no longer used. Makefiles in any amr application directory will need to be changed to remove these files from the list.
- For some samples of how to use the latest amrclaw, see e.g.,
10/20/09: Several changes to Makefiles and amrclaw/2d/lib.
- A new $CLAW/apps directory has been added for applications. The ones there now are ones used to debug the amrclaw changes, but eventually many more applications from Clawpack 4.3 and elsewhere will be put here.
- New options added to the common Makefile in util/Makefile.common. Type “make help” for a list. Makefiles can now also check for dependencies of included files such as call.i used in AMR.
- New boundary conditions added to amrclaw for problems on the sphere,
- Dynamic memory for amrclaw - the subroutine init_alloc.f95 was split up into:
- init_alloc.f90 does initial allocation and the initial size of the work array for AMR is specified here.
- resize_alloc.f90 reallocates for dynamic memory allocation if the code runs out of space for AMR.
- resize_alloc_static.f90 halts with an error message instead of reallocating. For use with compilers that don’t support move_alloc, such as older versions of gfortran. This is recommended as the default version in application Makefiles since otherwise it might not compile. Note that some f90 compatible compiler is required for using AMR (e.g. gfortran, which is freely available).
- restart_alloc.f90 is needed when doing a restart with dynamic memory.
- Note that .f95 files are now relabelled as .f90 since this is apparently the standard.
- Note that Makefiles in user directories that use amrclaw will need to be updated to list init_alloc.f90 and resize_storage_static.f90 or resize_storage.f90.
- Several bug fixes in amrclaw/2d/lib
9/18/09: branches/rjl merged back into trunk, includes:
Improvements to plotting routines and documentation,
More converted examples in the book directory,
clawpack/2d/lib directory added with 2d single-grid routines.
Similar to version from Clawpack 4.3 but can use to set runtime parameters and data file is now called
See clawpack/2d/example1 for an example of usage.
amrclaw/2d/lib directory added.
Similar to the version in Clawpack 4.3, but with some f95 routines to support dynamic memory allocation. Also gauges are implemented in this version (documentation to appear).
See clawpack/2d/example1/amr for an example of usage.