- Signature:
- subroutine trimbd(used, nrow, ncol, set, il, ir, jb, jt)
- Arguments:
- integer, intent(in):
- nrow: Horizontal dimension of used.
- ncol: Vertical dimension of used.
- double precision, intent(in):
- used(nrow,ncol): Array of flags indicating whether
solution values have been filled in a patch using filrecur.
Value is 0.d0 at unset points, and 1.d0 at set points.
- integer, intent(out):
- il: If used is not completely set, indicates the
lower horizontal index of the smallest rectangle containing
the unset points.
- ir: Like il, but indicates the upper horizontal index.
- jb: Like il, but indicates the lower vertical index.
- jt: Like il, but indicates the upper vertical index.
- logical, intent(out):
- set: Returns .true. if all elements of the used
array are set. Returns .false. otherwise.
- Description:
- If the used array is completely set (=1.d0) then this
routine returns set=.true.. Otherwise it returns
set=.false., and specifies the smallest rectangle containing
all unset points, which has lower-left corner (il,jb) and
upper-right corner (ir,jt).