Specifying AMRClaw parameters in setrun.pyΒΆ

Since AMRClaw is an extension of Clawpack, all of the parameters that are required for Clawpack are also needed by AMRClaw. See Specifying run-time parameters in setrun.py for a discussion of these and a description of setrun.py input scripts more generally.

In addition, a number of other parameters should be set in the setrun.py file in any AMRClaw application.

It is best to look at a specific example while reading this section, for example Sample AMRClaw setrun.py module.

The function setrun in this module is essentially the same as for Clawpack, except that it expects to be called with claw_pkg = ‘amrclaw’. This call should be performed properly by the Makefile if you have CLAW_PKG = amrclaw set properly there.

The new parameter in this module start at AMR parameters section in the sample file.

A brief summary of these:

mxnest : integer

mxnest is the maximum number of refinement levels to use. mxnest=1 corresponds to a single grid run and should give essentially the same results as the classic Clawpack would give (not identical probably because different routines are used with minor variations in implementation). Checking that this works is a good first step in converting a code to amrclaw.

mxnest > 1 then more then one level is used.

mxnest < 0 means abs(mxnest) levels are used. The negative sign indicates that anisotropic refinement may be used, which affects the next parameters.

This will be cleaned up in Clawpack 5.0.

inratx : list of integers

inratx is a list of refinement ratios in the x direction. inratx[k] = R means that in refining from level k+1 to k+2 the x direction will be refined by a factor R. (Here Python indexing starting at 0 is used, so inratx[0] is the ratio from Level 1 to Level 2.)

If mxnst > 0 then inratx also determines the refinement ratio in y and t (and in z for 3d problems).

inraty, inratz, inratt : lists of integers
inraty, inratz, inratt are only used if mxnest < 0 and are lists of refinement ratios in the respective directions.
auxtype : list of strings

If maux > 0 then for each component of aux there should be a corresponding element of auxtype from the list below:

a value associated with the left edge of a cell in the x-direction
a value associated with the left edge of a cell in the y-direction
a value associated with the left edge of a cell in the z-direction
a value associated with a cell center
a cell-centered capacity function

The auxtype array is required for adaptive refinement because auxiliary arrays must be handled slightly differently at refinement boundaries depending on how these values are used.

A cell-centered auxiliary value such as the density or impedance in a heterogeneous acoustics problem would have type center. On the other hand, in a variable-coefficient advection problem we may want to store the normal velocity at each edge of the cell. In two dimensions we might use one component of aux to store a left-edge velocity in the x-direction and another to store the left-edge (i.e. bottom) velocity in the y-direction.

At most one component may have type ‘capacity’, and the value of mcapa described in Specifying run-time parameters in setrun.py should be set in a consistent manner (modulo the fact that Fortran indexing starts at 1 and Python at 0, so if mcapa = k then auxtype[k-1] = ‘capacity’ should be set).

checkpt_iousr : integer

A A checkpoint file is dumped every checkpt_iousr time steps on the coarse grid. These are binary files with names of the form fort.chkXXXX where XXXX is the step number.

Note: these files are typically very large!

The solution and grid structure is printed out in a form that can be used to later restart the calculation from this point. This is useful when doing long runs in case the computer goes down or the algorithm fails at some point in the calculation. It is also useful if you want to go to some large time and then start doing frequent outputs in order to examine the time-evolution of the solution more carefully.

In addition to creating a checkpoint file every checkpt_iousr time steps, a final checkpoint file is created at the end of the computation. This can be used to restart the calculation from the final time if you wish to evolve it further. Setting checkpt_iousr to a sufficiently large integer will cause a checkpoint file to be written only at the end of the computation.

If checkpt_iousr = 0 then no checkpoint files are generated, not even at the end.

If checkpt_iousr < 0 then the attribute tchk should also be set, to a list of abs(checkpt_iousr) times when checkpoint files are desired.

This will be cleaned up in Clawpack 5.0.

restart : boolean

If restart = True then a restart is performed. Information read in from the file restart.data is used to resume a previous calculation. An appropriate checkpoint file fort.chkXXXX should be renamed restart.data in order to use this option. (And generally moved from the _output directory to the directory from which the code is being run.)

When a restart is performed, other parameters in this amr2ez.data file should be consistent with values used in the previous calculation, with some exceptions:

  • The final time tfinal can be increased,
  • Others?

Note that when restarting, the output files will continue to be numbered consecutively from the previous run.

tol: float

Error tolerance used in Richardson error estimation. Cells are flagged for refinement if the error estimate is greater than tol. Richardson estimation requires taking two time steps on the current grid and comparing the result with what’s obtained by taking one step on a coarsened grid.

If tol < 0, Richardson estimation is not used.

tolsp: float
Error tolerance used in a simpler approach of estimating the spatial gradient of the solution and flagging points where this estimate is larger than tolsp. See AMR refinement strategy for more information.
kcheck : int
How often to regrid: error estimation and regridding is performed every kcheck time steps on each level.
ibuff : int
Size of the buffer zone around flagged cells. Certain cells are flagged for refinement and then clustered (see AMR refinement strategy) into finer grids. In addition to the cells flagged by the error estimation, all cells within ibuff cells of these are also flagged. This insures that structures in the solution that require refinement will remain in the refined region for at least ibuff time steps, since the Courant number must be no greater than 1. The value of ibuff should generally be consistent with the value of kcheck, with ibuff >= kcheck if the Courant number is close to 1.
cutoff : float
Parameter used in the clustering algorithm (see AMR refinement strategy). Typically 0.7 is a good value.

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