Type: Pointer to grid
Modified in: birect, domain, grdfit
Description: Provides a pointer to the next grid on the same level, so that each level may be traversed as a linked list. Value is set to null (global variable, currently =0) if mptr points to the last grid on the level.
Type: Pointer to storage
Target created in: spest (also used in plotclaw)
Target destroyed in: bufnst
Description: Provides the location of a temporary storage space where an error estimate is stored. The allotted size is one word per grid cell per variable, including ghost cells.
Type: Pointer to storage
Target created in: errest
Target destroyed in: errest
Description: Provides the location of a temporary storage space where another error estimate is stored, this estimate being on the grid mptr coarsened by a factor of 2. The allotted size is one word per coarsened cell (including ghost cells) per variable (dependent and aux).
Question: Does the coarsening correspond to the use of Richardson extrapolation? Yes.
Type: Integer
Modified in: domain, birect, grdfit
Description: Level containing the grid mptr.
Type: Pointer to storage
Target created in: prepc
Target destroyed in: putsp
Description: For each grid at level coarseLevel above the finest level, this provides the storage in a layer around each grid at level coarseLevel+1.
The space allotted is 5*maxsp, where maxsp is the number of level coarseLevel interfaces surrounding each of the finer grids. This provides space for 5 fields to describe the interaction between grid mptr and the finer grid. For later reference, listsp(currentLevel)=maxsp.
Note that coarse fluxes themselves are not stored here. They contribute instead to the space targeted by ffluxptr of each finer grid.
To do: What are the five fields? (See setuse: i, j, which side, kid, location in kid’s grid.)
Type: Pointer to storage
Target created in: prepf
Target destroyed in: putsp
Description: For each grid at level fineLevel below the coarsest level, this provides the storage location for fluxes in a layer around the grid, to be used in coarse-fine fixup.
The space allotted is 2*nvar*lenbc+naux*lenbc, where lenbc is 2 times the number of boundary interfaces. One space is for plus or minus fluxes, and the other is for the coarse solution for wave fixing.
Type: Pointer to storage
Target created in: ginit, gfixup
Target destroyed in: gfixup
Description: Provides location in storage for the first copy of solution data. The allotted size is (# of interior grid cells)*nvar.
Type: Pointer to storage
Target created in: ginit, gfixup
Target destroyed in: gfixup
Description: Provides location in storage for the second copy of solution data. The allotted size is (# of interior grid cells)*nvar.
Type: Integer
Modified in: domain, birect, grdfit
Description: Index of the leftmost interior cell in global index space.
Type: Integer
Modified in: domain, birect, grdfit
Description: Index of the rightmost interior cell in global index space.
Type: Integer
Modified in: domain, birect, grdfit
Description: Index of the bottom-most interior cell in global index space.
Type: Integer
Modified in: domain, birect, grdfit
Description: Index of the top-most interior cell in global index space.
Type: Pointer to storage
Target created in: ginit, gfixup
Target destroyed in: gfixup
Description: Provides the location in storage designated for aux variables. The allotted size is (# of interior cells)*naux.
Type: Pointer to (free) node
Description: Points to the next node on the free list. Only relevant for free nodes, and currently uses the same space as node(tempptr,mptr). See also: nodget, putnod.
Type: double precision
Modified in: domain, grdfit, birect
Description: Lower x-coordinate of the grid specified by mptr.
Type: double precision
Modified in: domain, grdfit, birect
Description: Lower y-coordinate of the grid specified by mptr.
Type: double precision
Modified in: domain, grdfit, birect
Description: Upper x-coordinate of the grid specified by mptr.
Type: double precision
Modified in: domain, grdfit, birect
Description: Upper y-coordinate of the grid specified by mptr.
Type: double precision
Modified in: advanc, birect, ginit, grdfit, setgrd
Description: Current time of the grid specified by mptr.
Question: What is ‘mult’ in ‘timemult’? “Multiple” of delta t But this actually stores the physical time