- Signature:
- logical function nestck(mnew, lbase, badpts, npts, numptc,
icl, nclust, domflags, isize, jsize, nvar, naux)
- Arguments:
- integer, intent(in):
- mnew: Pointer to the grid being tested for proper containment.
- lbase: The finest level remaining fixed in this regridding.
- nvar: Number of dependent variables.
- naux: Number of aux variables.
- Incomplete:
- badpts
- npts
- numptc
- icl
- nclust
- domflags
- isize
- jsize
- Description:
- Checks whether the potential grid mnew is completely contained
in the (coarser) finest grid which stays fixed, at level lbase.
The projection algorithm will guarantee containment in all finer grids
between them.