
For usage see Using to specify the desired plots and Plotting examples in 1d.

Objects of this class are usually created by the new_plotaxes method of a ClawPlotFigure object.

class ClawPlotAxes


The following attributes can be set by the user:

name : str
title : str
The title to appear at the top of the axis. Defaults to string specified by the name attribute.
title_with_t : bool
If True, creates a title of the form “%s at time t = %s” % (title, t)
axescmd : str
The command to be used to create this axes, for example:
  • “subplot(1,1,1)” for a single axes filling the figure
  • “subplot(2,1,1)” for the top half
  • “axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.8])” for a tall skinny axis.

See the matplotlib documentation for axes.

xlimits : array [xmin, xmax] or 'auto'
The x-axis limits if an array with two elements, or choose automatically
ylimits : array [ymin, ymax] or 'auto'
The y-axis limits if an array with two elements, or choose automatically
afteraxes : function or str

A string or function that is to be executed after creating all plot items on this axes. If a string, this string is executed using exec. If a function, it should be defined to have a single argument current_data.

The string version is useful for 1-liners such as:

afteraxes = "pylab.title('My custom title')"

pylab commands can be used, since pylab has been imported into the plotting module.

The function form is better if you want to do several things, or if you need access to the data stored in current_data. For example:

def afteraxes(current_data):
    # add x- and y-axes to a 1d plot already created
    from pylab import plot

    xlower = current_data.xlower
    xupper = current_data.xupper
    plot([xlower, xupper], [0.,0.], 'k')   # x-axis

    # Get y limits from variable just plotted, which is
    # available in current_data.var.
    ymin = current_data.var.min()
    ymax = current_data.var.max()
    plot([0.,0.], [ymin,ymax], 'k')  # y-axis
show : bool
If False, suppress showing this axes and all items on it.


new_plotitem(name=None, plot_type)

Returns an object of class ClawPlotItem associated with this axes. A single axes may have several items associated with it.

The name specified is used as a dictionary key. If None is provided, one is generated automatically of the form ITEM1, etc.

Returns the handle for this axes.

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