rp1ac.f.html | |
Source file: rp1ac.f | |
Directory: /home/rjl/git/rjleveque/clawpack-4.x/doc/sphinx/example-acoustics-1d | |
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c c c ===================================================== subroutine rp1(maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,ql,qr,auxl,auxr, & wave,s,amdq,apdq) c ===================================================== c
CLAWPACK Riemann solver
for constant coefficient acoustics in 1 space dimension.
\[ q_t + A q_x = 0. \]
\[ q(x,t) = \vector{ p(x,t)\\ u(x,t)} \]
and the coefficient matrix is
\[ A = \begin{matrix}
0 & K\\
1/\rho & 0
The parameters $\rho = $ density and $K =$ bulk modulus are set in setprob.data [.html] and the sound speed $c$ and impedance $Z$ are determined from these in setprob.f [.html]. On input:
Note that the i'th Riemann problem has left state qr(i-1,:) and right state ql(i,:). From the basic clawpack routine step1, rp1 is called with ql = qr = q. On output:
For additional documentation on Riemann solvers rp1, see [claw/doc/rp1] For details on solution of the Riemann problem for acoustics, see Chapter 3 of FVMHP .
c c c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c dimension wave(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn, mwaves) dimension s(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, mwaves) dimension ql(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension qr(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension apdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension amdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) c c local arrays c ------------ dimension delta(2) c c # density, bulk modulus, and sound speed, and impedence of medium: c # (should be set in setprob.f) common /cparam/ rho,bulk,cc,zz c c
Split the jump in $Q$ at each interface into waves.
First find $\alpha^1$ and $\alpha^2$, the coefficients of the
2 eigenvectors:
\[ \delta = \alpha^1 \vector{ -Z \\ 1} +
\alpha^2 \vector{ Z \\ 1} \]
Note that the eigendecomposition of $A$ is $A = R \Lambda R^{-1}$, with \[ R = \begin{matrix} -Z & Z \\ 1 & 1 \end{matrix}, \quad \Lambda = \begin{matrix} -c & 0 \\ 0 & c \end{matrix}, \quad R^{-1} = \frac{1}{2Z} \begin{matrix} -1 & Z \\ 1 & Z \end{matrix}, \quad \] |
c do 20 i = 2-mbc, mx+mbc delta(1) = ql(i,1) - qr(i-1,1) delta(2) = ql(i,2) - qr(i-1,2) a1 = (-delta(1) + zz*delta(2)) / (2.d0*zz) a2 = (delta(1) + zz*delta(2)) / (2.d0*zz) c c # Compute the waves. c wave(i,1,1) = -a1*zz wave(i,2,1) = a1 s(i,1) = -cc c wave(i,1,2) = a2*zz wave(i,2,2) = a2 s(i,2) = cc c 20 continue c c
Compute the leftgoing and rightgoing fluctuations:
For this problem we always have $s^1 =-c \lt 0$ and $s^2 = c\gt 0$, so \[ \A^-\Delta Q = s^1\W^1, \quad \A^+\Delta Q = s^2\W^2. \] |
c do 220 m=1,meqn do 220 i = 2-mbc, mx+mbc amdq(i,m) = s(i,1)*wave(i,m,1) apdq(i,m) = s(i,2)*wave(i,m,2) 220 continue c return end