bc2.f.html CLAWPACK  
 Source file:   bc2.f
 Directory:   /home/rjl/git/rjleveque/clawpack-4.x/book/chap22/corner
 Converted:   Tue Jul 26 2011 at 12:59:02   using clawcode2html
 This documentation file will not reflect any later changes in the source file.


c     =====================================================
      subroutine bc2(maxmx,maxmy,meqn,mbc,mx,my,xlower,ylower,
     &               dx,dy,q,maux,aux,t,dt,mthbc)
c     =====================================================
c     # Standard boundary condition choices for claw2
c     # Modified for elasticity:
c     #   mthbc(k) = 3:  velocities u,v are components 4,5 of q
c     #   mthbc(k) = 4:  new choice for no stress boundaries
c     # At each boundary  k = 1 (left),  2 (right),  3 (top), 4 (bottom):
c     #   mthbc(k) =  0  for user-supplied BC's (must be inserted!)
c     #            =  1  for zero-order extrapolation
c     #            =  2  for periodic boundary coniditions
c     #            =  3  for fixed wall, u=v=0
c     #            =  4  for no stress, sig11=sig12=0  or  sig12=sig22=0 
c     ------------------------------------------------
c     # Extend the data from the interior cells (1:mx, 1:my)
c     # to the ghost cells outside the region:
c     #   (i, 1-jbc)   for jbc = 1,mbc,  i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc
c     #   (i, my+jbc)  for jbc = 1,mbc,  i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc
c     #   (1-ibc, j)   for ibc = 1,mbc,  j = 1-mbc, my+mbc
c     #   (mx+ibc, j)  for ibc = 1,mbc,  j = 1-mbc, my+mbc
      implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
      dimension q(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, 1-mbc:maxmy+mbc, meqn)
      dimension aux(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, 1-mbc:maxmy+mbc, *)
      dimension mthbc(4)

c     # left boundary:
      go to (100,110,120,130,140) mthbc(1)+1
  100 continue
c     # user-specified boundary conditions go here in place of error output
      write(6,*) '*** ERROR *** mthbc(1)=0 and no BCs specified in bc2'
      go to 199
  110 continue
c     # zero-order extrapolation:
      do 115 m=1,meqn
         do 115 ibc=1,mbc
            do 115 j = 1-mbc, my+mbc
               q(1-ibc,j,m) = q(1,j,m)
  115       continue
      go to 199

  120 continue
c     # periodic:  
      do 125 m=1,meqn
         do 125 ibc=1,mbc
            do 125 j = 1-mbc, my+mbc
               q(1-ibc,j,m) = q(mx+1-ibc,j,m)
  125       continue
      go to 199

  130 continue
c     # solid wall with no slip, u = v = 0 (components 4 and 5 of q)
      do 135 m=1,meqn
         do 135 ibc=1,mbc
            do 135 j = 1-mbc, my+mbc
               q(1-ibc,j,m) = q(ibc,j,m)
  135       continue
c     # negate the velocity:
      do 136 ibc=1,mbc
         do 136 j = 1-mbc, my+mbc
            q(1-ibc,j,4) = -q(ibc,j,4)
            q(1-ibc,j,5) = -q(ibc,j,5)
  136    continue
      go to 199

  140 continue
c     # no-stress boundary conditions sig12 = sig11 = 0
      do 145 m=1,meqn
         do 145 ibc=1,mbc
            do 145 j = 1-mbc, my+mbc
               q(1-ibc,j,m) = q(ibc,j,m)
  145       continue
c     # negate the sig12 and sig11 components in ghost cells:
      do 146 ibc=1,mbc
         do 146 j = 1-mbc, my+mbc
            q(1-ibc,j,1) = -q(ibc,j,1)
            q(1-ibc,j,3) = -q(ibc,j,3)
  146    continue
      go to 199

  199 continue
c     # right boundary:
      go to (200,210,220,230,240) mthbc(2)+1
  200 continue
c     # user-specified boundary conditions go here in place of error output
      write(6,*) '*** ERROR *** mthbc(2)=0 and no BCs specified in bc2'
      go to 299

  210 continue
c     # zero-order extrapolation:
      do 215 m=1,meqn
         do 215 ibc=1,mbc
            do 215 j = 1-mbc, my+mbc
               q(mx+ibc,j,m) = q(mx,j,m)
  215       continue
      go to 299

  220 continue
c     # periodic:  
      do 225 m=1,meqn
         do 225 ibc=1,mbc
            do 225 j = 1-mbc, my+mbc
               q(mx+ibc,j,m) = q(ibc,j,m)
  225       continue
      go to 299

  230 continue
c     # solid wall with no slip, u = v = 0 (components 4 and 5 of q)
      do 235 m=1,meqn
         do 235 ibc=1,mbc
            do 235 j = 1-mbc, my+mbc
               q(mx+ibc,j,m) = q(mx+1-ibc,j,m)
  235       continue
c     # negate the velocity:
      do 236 ibc=1,mbc
         do 236 j = 1-mbc, my+mbc
            q(mx+ibc,j,4) = -q(mx+1-ibc,j,4)
            q(mx+ibc,j,5) = -q(mx+1-ibc,j,5)
  236    continue
      go to 299

  240 continue
c     # no-stress boundary conditions sig12 = sig11 = 0
      do 245 m=1,meqn
         do 245 ibc=1,mbc
            do 245 j = 1-mbc, my+mbc
               q(mx+ibc,j,m) = q(mx+1-ibc,j,m)
  245       continue
c     # negate the sig12 and sig11 components in ghost cells:
      do 246 ibc=1,mbc
         do 246 j = 1-mbc, my+mbc
            q(mx+ibc,j,1) = -q(mx+1-ibc,j,1)
            q(mx+ibc,j,3) = -q(mx+1-ibc,j,3)
  246    continue
      go to 299

  299 continue
c     # bottom boundary:
      go to (300,310,320,330,340) mthbc(3)+1
  300 continue
c     # user-specified boundary conditions go here in place of error output
      write(6,*) '*** ERROR *** mthbc(3)=0 and no BCs specified in bc2'
      go to 399
  310 continue
c     # zero-order extrapolation:
      do 315 m=1,meqn
         do 315 jbc=1,mbc
            do 315 i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc
               q(i,1-jbc,m) = q(i,1,m)
  315       continue
      go to 399

  320 continue
c     # periodic:  
      do 325 m=1,meqn
         do 325 jbc=1,mbc
            do 325 i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc
               q(i,1-jbc,m) = q(i,my+1-jbc,m)
  325       continue
      go to 399

  330 continue
c     # solid wall with no slip, u = v = 0 (components 4 and 5 of q)
      do 335 m=1,meqn
         do 335 jbc=1,mbc
            do 335 i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc
               q(i,1-jbc,m) = q(i,jbc,m)
  335       continue
c     # negate the velocity:
      do 336 jbc=1,mbc
         do 336 i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc
            q(i,1-jbc,4) = -q(i,jbc,4)
            q(i,1-jbc,5) = -q(i,jbc,5)
  336    continue
      go to 399

  340 continue
c     # no-stress boundary conditions sig12 = sig22 = 0
      do 345 m=1,meqn
         do 345 jbc=1,mbc
            do 345 i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc
               q(i,1-jbc,m) = q(i,jbc,m)
  345       continue
c     # negate the sig12 and sig22 components in ghost cells:
      do 346 jbc=1,mbc
         do 346 i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc
            q(i,1-jbc,2) = -q(i,jbc,2)
            q(i,1-jbc,3) = -q(i,jbc,3)
  346    continue
      go to 399

  399 continue
c     # top boundary:
      go to (400,410,420,430,440) mthbc(4)+1
  400 continue
c     # user-specified boundary conditions go here in place of error output
      write(6,*) '*** ERROR *** mthbc(3)=0 and no BCs specified in bc2'

  410 continue
c     # zero-order extrapolation:
      do 415 m=1,meqn
         do 415 jbc=1,mbc
            do 415 i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc
               q(i,my+jbc,m) = q(i,my,m)
  415       continue
      go to 499

  420 continue
c     # periodic:  
      do 425 m=1,meqn
         do 425 jbc=1,mbc
            do 425 i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc
               q(i,my+jbc,m) = q(i,jbc,m)
  425       continue
      go to 499

  430 continue
c     # solid wall with no slip, u = v = 0 (components 4 and 5 of q)
      do 435 m=1,meqn
         do 435 jbc=1,mbc
            do 435 i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc
               q(i,my+jbc,m) = q(i,my+1-jbc,m)
  435       continue
c     # negate the velocity:
      do 436 jbc=1,mbc
         do 436 i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc
            q(i,my+jbc,4) = -q(i,my+1-jbc,4)
            q(i,my+jbc,5) = -q(i,my+1-jbc,5)
  436    continue
      go to 499

  440 continue
c     # no-stress boundary conditions sig12 = sig22 = 0
      do 445 m=1,meqn
         do 445 jbc=1,mbc
            do 445 i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc
               q(i,my+jbc,m) = q(i,my+1-jbc,m)
  445       continue
c     # negate the sig12 and sig22 components in ghost cells:
      do 446 jbc=1,mbc
         do 446 i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc
            q(i,my+jbc,2) = -q(i,my+1-jbc,2)
            q(i,my+jbc,3) = -q(i,my+1-jbc,3)
  446    continue

      go to 499

  499 continue
