src1.f.html | ![]() |
Source file: src1.f | |
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c c c ========================================================= subroutine src1(maxmx,meqn,mbc,mx,xlower,dx,q,maux,aux,t,dt) c ========================================================= implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension q(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, meqn) c c c # solve the diffusion equation q_t = q_{xx} using Crank-Nicolson c # The LAPACK tridiagonal solver dgtsv is used, which is in tridiag.f c c c # local storage: parameter (maxldb = 5000) dimension b(maxldb,1), d(maxldb), dl(maxldb), du(maxldb) common /comsrc/ dcoef if (mx .gt. maxldb) then write(6,*) 'ERROR: increase maxldb in src1.f' endif ldb = maxldb nrhs = 1 dtdx2 = dcoef * dt / (2.d0*dx*dx) c c # set coefficients in tridiagonal matrix and RHS: do i=1,mx dl(i) = -dtdx2 d(i) = 1.d0 + 2.d0*dtdx2 du(i) = -dtdx2 b(i,1) = q(i,1) + dtdx2 * (q(i-1,1) - 2.d0*q(i,1) + q(i+1,1)) enddo c c # no-flux boundary conditions for diffusion step: c # Adjust matrix entries to use q(0,1)=q(1,1) and q(mx+1,1)=q(mx,1) c # at end of time step: d(1) = d(1) - dtdx2 d(mx) = d(mx) - dtdx2 c # to instead set boundary values to specific values, c # comment out the above changes to d(1) and d(mx) and instead c # modify the right-hand side: c q0 = 2.d0 c qmx1 = 0.d0 c b(1,1) = b(1,1) + dtdx2*q0 c b(mx,1) = b(mx,1) + dtdx2*qmx1 c c # solve the tridiagonal system: call dgtsv(mx,nrhs,dl,d,du,b,ldb,info) if (info .ne. 0) then write(6,*) 'ERROR in src1 from call to dgtsv... info = ',info stop endif do i=1,mx q(i,1) = b(i,1) enddo c return end