upbnd.f.html | ![]() |
Source file: upbnd.f | |
Directory: /home/rjl/git/rjleveque/clawpack-4.x/amrclaw/2d/lib | |
Converted: Tue Jul 26 2011 at 12:59:08 using clawcode2html | |
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c c ------------------------------------------------------------ c subroutine upbnd(listbc,val,nvar,mitot,mjtot, 1 maxsp,iused,mptr) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) include "call.i" dimension val(mitot,mjtot,nvar),listbc(5,maxsp), 1 iused(mitot,mjtot) iaddaux(i,j) = locaux + i-1 + mitot*(j-1) 1 + mitot*mjtot*(mcapa-1) c c :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: UPBND ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: c We now correct the coarse grid with the flux differences stored c with each of the fine grids. We use an array iused c to indicate whether the flux has been updated or not for that zone. c iused(i,j) = sum from (l=1,4) i(l)*2**(l-1), where i(l) = 1 if the c flux for the l-th side of the (i,j)-th cell has already been c updated, and i(l) = 0 if not. c if there is a capacity fn. it needs to be included in update formula c indicated by mcapa not zero (is index of capacity fn.) c :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: c do 10 j=1,mjtot do 10 i=1,mitot iused(i,j) = 0. 10 continue locaux = node(storeaux,mptr) levc = node(nestlevel,mptr) area = hxposs(levc)*hyposs(levc) if (uprint) write(outunit,*)" upbnding grid ",mptr do 40 ispot = 1,maxsp icrse = listbc(1,ispot) if (icrse.eq.0) go to 99 jcrse = listbc(2,ispot) iside = listbc(3,ispot) c continue to use iside1/norm for debugging, but should soon delete c this if/then/else block needed due to new categories corresponding c to mapped bcs. should still only have one update per side of coarse cell though if (iside .lt. 5) then iside1 = iside elseif (iside .eq. 5) then iside1 = 2 else ! iside is 6 iside1 = 4 endif norm = 2**(iside1-1) iflag =iused(icrse,jcrse)/norm if (mod(iflag,2).eq.1) then write(6,*)" *** double flux update CAN happen in upbnd ***" go to 40 endif mkid = listbc(4,ispot) kidlst = node(ffluxptr,mkid) lkid = listbc(5,ispot) c if (mod(iside,4).gt.1) then c modified to include other side options if (iside .eq. 2 .or. iside .eq. 3 .or. iside .eq. 6) then c (iside .eq. 2 .or. iside .eq. 3) sgnm = -1. else c (iside .eq. 4 .or. iside .eq. 1) sgnm = 1. endif c ## debugging output if (uprint) then write(outunit,101) icrse,jcrse, . (val(icrse,jcrse,ivar),ivar=1,nvar) 101 format(" old ",1x,2i4,4e15.7) endif if (mcapa .gt. 0) then c # capacity array: need to divide by capa in each cell. c # modify sgnm which is reset for each grid cell. c # Note capa is stored in aux(icrse,jcrse,mcapa) sgnm = sgnm / alloc(iaddaux(icrse,jcrse)) endif do 20 ivar = 1,nvar val(icrse,jcrse,ivar) = val(icrse,jcrse,ivar) + 1 sgnm*alloc(kidlst+nvar*(lkid-1)+ivar-1)/area 20 continue iused(icrse,jcrse) = iused(icrse,jcrse) + norm c ## debugging output if (uprint) then write(outunit,102) mkid, . (val(icrse,jcrse,ivar),ivar=1,nvar) 102 format(" new ","(grid",i3,")",4e15.7) endif 40 continue c 99 return end