smartbis.f.html | ![]() |
Source file: smartbis.f | |
Directory: /home/rjl/git/rjleveque/clawpack-4.x/amrclaw/2d/lib | |
Converted: Sun May 15 2011 at 19:16:15 using clawcode2html | |
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c c --------------------------------------------------------- c subroutine smartbis(badpts,npts,cutoff,numptc,nclust, 1 lbase,intcorn,iscr,jscr,idim,jdim) c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) include "call.i" dimension badpts(2,npts),intcorn(nsize,maxcl) dimension iscr(idim), jscr(jdim) integer nclust, numptc(maxcl) parameter (usemin=.4) c c :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: SMARTBIS :::::::::::::::::::::::::; c smart bisect rectangles until cutoff reached for each. c replaced old bisection routine that cut all grids in half. c now look for good place to do the cut, based on holes or signatures. c c :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; c c ## initially all points in 1 cluster nclust = 1 numptc(1) = npts if (gprint) write(outunit,100) nclust 100 format(' starting smart bisection with ',i5,' clusters') c icl = 1 ist = 1 iend = numptc(icl) c 10 call moment(intcorn(1,icl),badpts(1,ist),numptc(icl),usenew) if (gprint) write(outunit,101) icl,numptc(icl),usenew 101 format(' testing cluster ',i4,' with ',i5,' pts. use ',e12.4) c if (usenew .lt. cutoff) go to 20 c c this cluster ok - on to next c if (.not. gprint) go to 15 write(outunit,102) icl,numptc(icl),usenew 102 format(' accepting smart bisected cluster',i4,' with ',i5, 1 ' pts. use = ',e10.3) 15 icl = icl + 1 if (icl .gt. nclust) go to 200 ist = iend + 1 iend = ist + numptc(icl) - 1 go to 10 c c smart bisect rectangle (and its cluster) in best location c 20 if (nclust .lt. maxcl) go to 25 write(outunit,900) maxcl write(* ,900) maxcl 900 format(' too many clusters: > ',i5) stop 25 continue c c smart bisection computes signatures, finds best cut and splits there c call signs(badpts,npts,iscr,jscr,idim,jdim, & ist,iend,ilo,ihi,jlo,jhi) call findcut(icl,iscr,jscr,idim,jdim,index,iside, & ilo,ihi,jlo,jhi) if (index .eq. 0) then c if (usenew .gt. usemin) then c icl = icl + 1 c if (icl .gt. nclust) go to 200 c ist = iend + 1 c iend = ist + numptc(icl) - 1 c go to 10 c else c c bisect in long direction c if (ihi-ilo .gt. jhi-jlo) then c iside = horizontal c index = (ilo + ihi)/2 c else c iside = vertical c index = (jlo + jhi)/2 c endif c endif c 2/28/02 : 3d version uses this branch only; no 'if' statement. icl = icl + 1 if (icl .gt. nclust) go to 200 ist = iend + 1 iend = ist + numptc(icl) - 1 go to 10 endif c if (iside .eq. vertical) then c fmid = (index-.5)*hy fmid = (index-.5) idir = 2 else fmid = (index-.5) idir = 1 endif c itop = ist - 1 ibot = iend + 1 i = ist 50 if (badpts(idir,i) .lt. fmid) go to 60 c c point in top half. let it stay, increment counter c itop = itop + 1 if (itop+1 .ge. ibot) go to 80 i = i + 1 go to 50 c c point in bottom half. switch with a bottom point that's not yet c checked, and increment bot. pointer c 60 ibot = ibot - 1 temp = badpts(1,ibot) badpts(1,ibot) = badpts(1,i) badpts(1,i) = temp temp = badpts(2,ibot) badpts(2,ibot) = badpts(2,i) badpts(2,i) = temp if (itop+1 .lt. ibot) go to 50 c c done smartbisecting icl'th clusters. adjust counts, repeat bisect stage . c 80 numptc(icl) = itop - ist + 1 ibump = icl + 1 c c bump down remaining clusters to make room for the new half of one. c if (ibump .gt. nclust) go to 120 do 90 ico = ibump, nclust nmove = nclust - ico + ibump 90 numptc(nmove + 1) = numptc(nmove) 120 numptc(ibump) = iend - ibot + 1 nclust = nclust + 1 iend = itop c c other half of the cluster has been inserted into cluster list. c icl remains the same - need to redo it. go to 10 c c done: there are nclust clusters. c 200 continue c return end