setgrd.f.html | ![]() |
Source file: setgrd.f | |
Directory: /home/rjl/git/rjleveque/clawpack-4.x/amrclaw/2d/lib | |
Converted: Sun May 15 2011 at 19:16:15 using clawcode2html | |
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c c ----------------------------------------------------------------- c subroutine setgrd (nvar,cut,naux,dtinit,t0) c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) include "call.i" integer verbosity_regrid logical vtime data vtime/.false./ c # may as well not bother to calculate time step for error est. c c :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: SETGRD :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; c set up the entire tree/grid structure. only at this time t = 0 c can we take advantage of initialization routines. c remember that regridding/error estimation needs to have two c time steps of soln. values. c 6/21/05: added dtinit arg. to allow for better choice of initial timestep c as discovered by advance/setgrd in first step. c ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; c dtinit = possk(1) if (mxnest .eq. 1) go to 99 c levnew = 2 time = t0 verbosity_regrid = method(4) c 10 if (levnew .gt. mxnest) go to 30 levold = levnew - 1 if (lstart(levold) .eq. 0) go to 30 lbase = levold lfnew = lbase c c set up level to be flagged. need a solution t=0,and t=dt. c error estimation makes next one at t=2*dt for Richardson. c call advanc(levold,nvar,dtlev,vtime,naux) evol = evol + rvol rvol = 0.d0 kfac = 1 do i = 1, levold-1 kfac = kfac * kratio(i) end do dtinit = min(dtinit, dtlev*kfac) c dont count it in real integration stats do 20 level=1,mxnest 20 rvoll(level) = 0.d0 c c flag, cluster, and make new grids c call grdfit(lbase,levold,nvar,naux,cut,time,t0) if (newstl(levnew) .ne. 0) lfnew = levnew c c init new level. after each iteration. fix the data structure c also reinitalize coarser grids so fine grids can be advanced c and interpolate correctly for their bndry vals from coarser grids. c call ginit(newstl(levnew),.true., nvar, naux, t0) lstart(levnew) = newstl(levnew) lfine = lfnew call ginit(lstart(levold),.false., nvar, naux, t0) c c count number of grids on newly created levels (needed for openmp c parallelization). this is also done in regridding. c set up numgrids now for new level, since advanc will use it for parallel execution c mptr = lstart(levnew) ngrids = 0 ncells = 0 do while (mptr .gt. 0) ngrids = ngrids + 1 ncells = ncells + (node(ndihi,mptr)-node(ndilo,mptr)+1) . * (node(ndjhi,mptr)-node(ndjlo,mptr)+1) mptr = node(levelptr, mptr) end do numgrids(levnew) = ngrids numcells(levnew) = ncells if (verbosity_regrid .ge. levnew) then write(*,100) ngrids,ncells,levnew 100 format("there are ",i4," grids with ",i8, & " cells at level ", i3) endif c levnew = levnew + 1 go to 10 30 continue c c switch location of old and new storage for soln. vals, c and reset time to 0.0 (or initial time t0) c if (mxnest .eq. 1) go to 99 c lev = 1 40 if ((lev .eq. mxnest) .or. (lev .gt. lfine)) go to 60 mptr = lstart(lev) 50 itemp = node(store1,mptr) node(store1,mptr) = node(store2,mptr) node(store2,mptr) = itemp rnode(timemult,mptr) = t0 mptr = node(levelptr,mptr) if (mptr .ne. 0) go to 50 lev = lev + 1 go to 40 60 continue c c initial updating so can do conservation check. can do before c bndry flux arrays set, since dont need them for this c do 65 level = 1, lfine-1 call update(lfine-level,nvar) 65 continue c c set up boundary flux conservation arrays c do 70 level = 1, lfine-1 call prepf(level+1,nvar,naux) call prepc(level,nvar) 70 continue c 99 continue c return end