restrt_hdf.f.html | ![]() |
Source file: restrt_hdf.f | |
Directory: /home/rjl/git/rjleveque/clawpack-4.x/amrclaw/2d/lib | |
Converted: Sun May 15 2011 at 19:16:15 using clawcode2html | |
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c c --------------------------------------------------------- c subroutine restrt(nsteps,time,nvar) c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) logical ee include "call.i" dimension intrtx(maxlv),intrty(maxlv),intrtt(maxlv) character*16 chkname c c # HDF: Declare variables that describe datasets and HDF files. c integer sd_id c c # HDF: Arrays which will hold output arrays. c dimension iqout(14), qout(4) c c # HDF: Declare external HDF functions c integer sfstart, sfend external sfstart, sfend c c # HDF: Set up HDF constants c integer DFACC_READ, DFACC_WRITE, DFACC_CREATE parameter(DFACC_READ = 1, DFACC_WRITE = 2, DFACC_CREATE = 4) integer SUCCEED, FAIL parameter(SUCCEED = 0, FAIL = -1) c c :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: RESTRT :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: c read back in the check point files written by subr. check. c c some input variables might have changed, and also the c alloc array could have been written with a smaller size at checkpoint c :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: c c ### make the file name showing the time step c chkname = '' c c # HDF: open hdf restart file. c sd_id = sfstart(chkname,DFACC_READ) if (sd_id.eq.FAIL) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'Failed to open HDF file', & ' (call to sfstart in restrt_hdf.f)' STOP end if index = 0 call read_integer_vector(sd_id,14,index,'iqout ',iqout) lenmax = iqout(1) lendim = iqout(2) isize = iqout(3) lenf = iqout(4) ibuf = iqout(5) mstart = iqout(6) ndfree = iqout(7) lfine = iqout(8) iorder = iqout(9) mxnold = iqout(10) kcheck1 = iqout(11) nsteps = iqout(12) matlabu = iqout(13) lentot = iqout(14) index = index + 1 call read_integer_vector(sd_id,maxlv,index,'icheck',icheck) index = index + 1 call read_integer_vector(sd_id,maxlv,index,'lstart',lstart) index = index + 1 call read_integer_vector(sd_id,maxlv,index,'newstl',newstl) index = index + 1 call read_integer_vector(sd_id,maxlv,index,'listsp',listsp) index = index + 1 call read_integer_vector(sd_id,maxlv,index,'intratx',intrtx) index = index + 1 call read_integer_vector(sd_id,maxlv,index,'intraty',intrty) index = index + 1 call read_integer_vector(sd_id,maxlv,index,'kratio',intrtt) index = index + 1 call read_integer_vector(sd_id,maxlv,index,'iregsz',iregsz) index = index + 1 call read_integer_vector(sd_id,maxlv,index,'jregsz',jregsz) index = index + 1 call read_integer_array(sd_id,lfdim,2,index,'lfree ',lfree) index = index + 1 call read_integer_array(sd_id,rsize,maxgr,index,'node ',node) c # HDF: DFNT_FLOAT64 index = index + 1 call read_double_vector(sd_id,4,index,'qout ',qout) tl = qout(1) time = qout(2) evol = qout(3) rvol = qout(4) index = index + 1 call read_double_vector(sd_id,maxlv,index,'hxposs',hxposs) index = index + 1 call read_double_vector(sd_id,maxlv,index,'hyposs',hyposs) index = index + 1 call read_double_vector(sd_id,maxlv,index,'possk ',possk) index = index + 1 call read_double_vector(sd_id,10,index,'rvoll ',rvoll) index = index + 1 call read_double_vector(sd_id,lendim,index,'alloc ',alloc) index = index + 1 call read_double_array(sd_id,rsize,maxgr,index,'rnode ',rnode) c c # HDF: Close HDF file. c istat = sfend(sd_id) if (istat.eq.FAIL) then WRITE(*,*) 'Failed to close SDS', & ' (call to sfend in restrt_hdf.f)' STOP end if write(outunit,100) nsteps,time write(6,100) nsteps,time 100 format(/,' RESTARTING the calculation after ',i5,' steps', 1 /,' (time = ',e15.7,')') do i = 1, mxnold-1 if ( (intratx(i) .ne. intrtx(i)) .or. . (intraty(i) .ne. intrty(i)) .or. . (kratio(i) .ne. intrtt(i)) ) then write(outunit,*) . " not allowed to change existing refinement ratios on Restart" write(*,*) . " not allowed to change existing refinement ratios on Restart" write(outunit,*)" Old ratios:" write(*,*) " Old ratios:" write(outunit,903)(intrtx(j),j=1,mxnold-1) write(*,903) (intrtx(j),j=1,mxnold-1) write(outunit,903)(intrty(j),j=1,mxnold-1) write(*,903) (intrty(j),j=1,mxnold-1) write(outunit,903)(intrtt(j),j=1,mxnold-1) write(*,903) (intrtt(j),j=1,mxnold-1) 903 format(6i3) stop endif end do c c adjust free list of storage in case size has changed. c idif = memsize - isize if (idif .gt. 0) then lfree(lenf,1) = isize + 2 call reclam(isize+1,idif) else if (idif .lt. 0) then write(outunit,900) isize, memsize write(*,900) isize, memsize 900 format(' size of alloc not allowed to shrink with restart ',/, . ' old size ',i7,' current size ',i7) stop endif c c adjust storage in case mxnest has changed - only allow it to increase, c and only at non-multiples of error estimation on old mxnest. c if (mxnest .eq. mxnold) go to 99 if (mxnest .lt. mxnold) then if (lfine .lt. mxnest) then go to 99 else write(outunit,901) mxnold, mxnest write(*, 901) mxnold, mxnest 901 format(' only allow mxnest to increase: ',/, & ' old mxnest ',i4, ' new mxnest ',i4) stop endif endif c see if simple enough situation to allow changing mxnest ee = .false. do 10 level = 1, mxnold if (icheck(level) .ge. kcheck) then ee = .true. kmust = icheck(level) endif 10 continue if (ee) then write(outunit,902) mxnold, mxnest, kmust write(* ,902) mxnold, mxnest, kmust 902 format(/,' only allow changes in mxnest (from ', & i4,' to ',i4,')',/, & ' when not time to error estimate: ',/, & ' please run a few more steps before changing ',/, & ' so that # of steps not greater then kcheck',/, & ' or make kcheck > ',i4 ) stop else c # add second storage location to previous mxnest level mptr = lstart(mxnold) 15 if (mptr .eq. 0) go to 25 mitot = node(ndihi,mptr)-node(ndilo,mptr)+1+2*nghost mjtot = node(ndjhi,mptr)-node(ndjlo,mptr)+1+2*nghost node(store2,mptr) = igetsp(mitot*mjtot*nvar) mptr = node(levelptr,mptr) go to 15 25 continue endif c c # add new info. to spatial and counting arrays 99 level = lfine + 1 35 if (level .gt. mxnest) go to 45 hxposs(level) = hxposs(level-1) / dble(intratx(level-1)) hyposs(level) = hyposs(level-1) / dble(intraty(level-1)) possk (level) = possk (level-1) / dble(kratio(level-1)) iregsz(level) = iregsz(level-1) * dble(intratx(level-1)) jregsz(level) = jregsz(level-1) * dble(intraty(level-1)) level = level + 1 go to 35 45 continue c c return end c================================================================= c # HDF: NOTE THAT ALL INTEGER HDF CHECKPOINTING ROUTINES FOR c # BOTH WRITING AND READING ARE INCLUDED HERE, ALTHOUGH c # THE INTEGER WRITING ROUTINES ARE CALLED IN check_hdf.f. c # THIS IS DONE TO PREVENT COMPILER ERRORS SINCE THE SAME c # HDF ROUTINES ARE USED TO READ BOTH INTEGER AND DOUBLE c # PRECISION ARRAYS. c================================================================= subroutine read_integer_vector(sd_id,idims,index,qname,iout) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) character*6 qname c c # HDF: Declare variables that describe datasets and HDF files. c integer sd_id, sds_id dimension iout(idims), istart(1), istride(1), iedges(1) c c # HDF: Declare external HDF functions c integer sfcreate, sfrdata, sfselect, sfendacc external sfcreate, sfrdata, sfselect, sfendacc c c # HDF: Set up HDF constants c integer SUCCEED, FAIL parameter(SUCCEED = 0, FAIL = -1) c c # HDF: Select dataset in HDF file. c sds_id = sfselect(sd_id,index) if (sds_id.eq.FAIL) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'Failed to select data set for variable ', qname, & ' in restart HDF file' WRITE(*,*) '(call to sfselect in restrt_hdf.f)' STOP end if c c # HDF: Set up dimensions for integer vector. c istart(1) = 0 iedges(1) = idims istride(1) = 1 c c # HDF: read integer vector from hdf file. c istat = sfrdata(sds_id,istart,istride,iedges,iout) if (istat.eq.FAIL) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'Failed to read variable ', qname, & ' from restart HDF file' WRITE(*,*) '(call to sfrdata in restrt_hdf.f)' STOP end if c c # HDF: End access to integer vector in HDF file. c istat = sfendacc(sds_id) if (istat.eq.FAIL) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'Failed to end access to variable ', qname, & ' in restart HDF file' WRITE(*,*) '(call to sfendacc in restrt_hdf.f)' STOP end if return end c========================================================== subroutine read_integer_array(sd_id,idim1,idim2,index,qname,iout) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) character*6 qname c c # HDF: Declare variables that describe datasets and HDF files. c integer sd_id, sds_id dimension istart(2), istride(2), iedges(2) dimension iout(idim1,idim2) c c # HDF: Declare external HDF functions c integer sfcreate, sfrdata, sfselect, sfendacc external sfcreate, sfrdata, sfselect, sfendacc c c # HDF: Set up HDF constants c integer SUCCEED, FAIL parameter(SUCCEED = 0, FAIL = -1) c c # HDF: Select dataset in HDF file. c sds_id = sfselect(sd_id,index) if (sds_id.eq.FAIL) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'Failed to select data set for variable ', qname, & ' in restart HDF file' WRITE(*,*) '(call to sfselect in restrt_hdf.f)' STOP end if c c # HDF: Set up dimensions for integer array. c istart(1) = 0 istart(2) = 0 iedges(1) = idim1 iedges(2) = idim2 istride(1) = 1 istride(2) = 1 c c # HDF: read integer array from hdf file. c istat = sfrdata(sds_id,istart,istride,iedges,iout) if (istat.eq.FAIL) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'Failed to read variable ', qname, & ' from restart HDF file' WRITE(*,*) '(call to sfrdata in restrt_hdf.f)' STOP end if c c # HDF: End access to integer array in HDF file. c istat = sfendacc(sds_id) if (istat.eq.FAIL) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'Failed to end access to variable ', qname, & ' in restart HDF file' WRITE(*,*) '(call to sfendacc in restrt_hdf.f)' STOP end if return end c========================================================== subroutine dump_integer_vector(sd_id,idims,qname,iout) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) character*6 qname c c # HDF: Declare variables that describe datasets and HDF files. c integer sd_id, sds_id dimension iout(idims), istart(1), istride(1), iedges(1), idim(1) c c # HDF: Declare external HDF functions c integer sfcreate, sfwdata, sfscompress, sfendacc external sfcreate, sfwdata, sfscompress, sfendacc c c # HDF: Set up HDF constants c integer DFNT_FLOAT64, DFNT_INT32 parameter(DFNT_FLOAT64 = 6, DFNT_INT32 = 24) integer SUCCEED, FAIL parameter(SUCCEED = 0, FAIL = -1) c c # HDF: Set up compression constants for HDF file. c integer COMP_CODE_DEFLATE, DEFLATE_LEVEL parameter (COMP_CODE_DEFLATE = 4, DEFLATE_LEVEL = 6) c c # HDF: Create integer vector in HDF file. c # NOTE THAT THE RANK MUST BE ONE. c irank = 1 idim(1) = idims sds_id = sfcreate(sd_id,qname,DFNT_INT32,irank,idim) if (sds_id.eq.FAIL) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'Failed to create variable ', qname, & ' in restart HDF file' WRITE(*,*) '(call to sfcreate in check_hdf.f)' STOP end if c c # HDF: Set up dimensions for integer vector. c istart(1) = 0 iedges(1) = idims istride(1) = 1 c c # HDF: set compression mode and write data to hdf file. c istat=sfscompress(sds_id,COMP_CODE_DEFLATE,DEFLATE_LEVEL) istat = sfwdata(sds_id,istart,istride,iedges,iout) if (istat.eq.FAIL) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'Failed to write variable ', qname, & ' in restart HDF file' WRITE(*,*) '(call to sfwdata in check_hdf.f)' STOP end if c c # HDF: End access to integer vector in HDF file. c istat = sfendacc(sds_id) if (istat.eq.FAIL) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'Failed to end access to variable ', qname, & ' in restart HDF file' WRITE(*,*) '(call to sfendacc in check_hdf.f)' STOP end if return end c========================================================== subroutine dump_integer_array(sd_id,idim1,idim2,qname,iout) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) character*6 qname c c # HDF: Declare variables that describe datasets and HDF files. c integer sd_id, sds_id dimension idims(2), istart(2), istride(2), iedges(2) dimension iout(idim1,idim2) c c # HDF: Declare external HDF functions c integer sfcreate, sfwdata, sfscompress, sfendacc external sfcreate, sfwdata, sfscompress, sfendacc c c # HDF: Set up HDF constants c integer DFNT_FLOAT64, DFNT_INT32 parameter(DFNT_FLOAT64 = 6, DFNT_INT32 = 24) integer SUCCEED, FAIL parameter(SUCCEED = 0, FAIL = -1) c c # HDF: Set up compression constants for HDF file. c integer COMP_CODE_DEFLATE, DEFLATE_LEVEL parameter (COMP_CODE_DEFLATE = 4, DEFLATE_LEVEL = 6) c c # HDF: Create integer array in HDF file. c # NOTE THAT THE RANK MUST BE TWO. c irank = 2 idims(1) = idim1 idims(2) = idim2 sds_id = sfcreate(sd_id,qname,DFNT_INT32,irank,idims) if (sds_id.eq.FAIL) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'Failed to create variable ', qname, & ' in restart HDF file' WRITE(*,*) '(call to sfcreate in check_hdf.f)' STOP end if c c # HDF: Set up dimensions for integer array. c istart(1) = 0 istart(2) = 0 iedges(1) = idims(1) iedges(2) = idims(2) istride(1) = 1 istride(2) = 1 c c # HDF: set compression mode and write data to hdf file. c istat=sfscompress(sds_id,COMP_CODE_DEFLATE,DEFLATE_LEVEL) istat = sfwdata(sds_id,istart,istride,iedges,iout) if (istat.eq.FAIL) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'Failed to write variable ', qname, & ' in restart HDF file' WRITE(*,*) '(call to sfwdata in check_hdf.f)' STOP end if c c # HDF: End access to integer array in HDF file. c istat = sfendacc(sds_id) if (istat.eq.FAIL) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'Failed to end access to variable ', qname, & ' in restart HDF file' WRITE(*,*) '(call to sfendacc in check_hdf.f)' STOP end if return end