quick_sort1.f.html | ![]() |
Source file: quick_sort1.f | |
Directory: /home/rjl/git/rjleveque/clawpack-4.x/amrclaw/2d/lib | |
Converted: Sun May 15 2011 at 19:16:15 using clawcode2html | |
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C From HDK@psuvm.psu.edu Thu Dec 8 15:27:16 MST 1994 C C The following was converted from Algol recursive to Fortran iterative C by a colleague at Penn State (a long time ago - Fortran 66, please C excuse the GoTo's). The following code also corrects a bug in the C Quicksort algorithm published in the ACM (see Algorithm 402, CACM, C Sept. 1970, pp 563-567; also you younger folks who weren't born at C that time might find interesting the history of the Quicksort C algorithm beginning with the original published in CACM, July 1961, C pp 321-322, Algorithm 64). Note that the following algorithm sorts C integer data; actual data is not moved but sort is affected by sorting C a companion index array (see leading comments). The data type being C sorted can be changed by changing one line; see comments after C declarations and subsequent one regarding comparisons(Fortran C 77 takes care of character comparisons of course, so that comment C is merely historical from the days when we had to write character C compare subprograms, usually in assembler language for a specific C mainframe platform at that time). But the following algorithm is C good, still one of the best available. SUBROUTINE QSORTI (ORD,N,A) C C==============SORTS THE ARRAY A(I),I=1,2,...,N BY PUTTING THE C ASCENDING ORDER VECTOR IN ORD. THAT IS ASCENDING ORDERED A C IS A(ORD(I)),I=1,2,...,N; DESCENDING ORDER A IS A(ORD(N-I+1)), C I=1,2,...,N . THIS SORT RUNS IN TIME PROPORTIONAL TO N LOG N . C C C ACM QUICKSORT - ALGORITHM #402 - IMPLEMENTED IN FORTRAN 66 BY C WILLIAM H. VERITY, WHV@PSUVM.PSU.EDU C CENTER FOR ACADEMIC COMPUTING C THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY C UNIVERSITY PARK, PA. 16802 C IMPLICIT INTEGER (A-Z) C DIMENSION ORD(N),POPLST(2,20) integer X,XX,Z,ZZ,Y C C TO SORT DIFFERENT INPUT TYPES, CHANGE THE FOLLOWING C SPECIFICATION STATEMENTS; FOR EXAMPLE, FOR FORTRAN CHARACTER C USE THE FOLLOWING: CHARACTER *(*) A(N) C integer A(N) C NDEEP=0 U1=N L1=1 DO 1 I=1,N 1 ORD(I)=I 2 IF (U1.LE.L1) RETURN C 3 L=L1 U=U1 C C PART C 4 P=L Q=U C FOR CHARACTER SORTS, THE FOLLOWING 3 STATEMENTS WOULD BECOME C X = ORD(P) C Z = ORD(Q) C IF (A(X) .LE. A(Z)) GO TO 2 C C WHERE "CLE" IS A LOGICAL FUNCTION WHICH RETURNS "TRUE" IF THE C FIRST ARGUMENT IS LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO THE SECOND, BASED ON "LEN" C CHARACTERS. C X=A(ORD(P)) Z=A(ORD(Q)) IF (X.LE.Z) GO TO 5 Y=X X=Z Z=Y YP=ORD(P) ORD(P)=ORD(Q) ORD(Q)=YP 5 IF (U-L.LE.1) GO TO 15 XX=X IX=P ZZ=Z IZ=Q C C LEFT C 6 P=P+1 IF (P.GE.Q) GO TO 7 X=A(ORD(P)) IF (X.GE.XX) GO TO 8 GO TO 6 7 P=Q-1 GO TO 13 C C RIGHT C 8 Q=Q-1 IF (Q.LE.P) GO TO 9 Z=A(ORD(Q)) IF (Z.LE.ZZ) GO TO 10 GO TO 8 9 Q=P P=P-1 Z=X X=A(ORD(P)) C C DIST C 10 IF (X.LE.Z) GO TO 11 Y=X X=Z Z=Y IP=ORD(P) ORD(P)=ORD(Q) ORD(Q)=IP 11 IF (X.LE.XX) GO TO 12 XX=X IX=P 12 IF (Z.GE.ZZ) GO TO 6 ZZ=Z IZ=Q GO TO 6 C C OUT C 13 CONTINUE IF (.NOT.(P.NE.IX.AND.X.NE.XX)) GO TO 14 IP=ORD(P) ORD(P)=ORD(IX) ORD(IX)=IP 14 CONTINUE IF (.NOT.(Q.NE.IZ.AND.Z.NE.ZZ)) GO TO 15 IQ=ORD(Q) ORD(Q)=ORD(IZ) ORD(IZ)=IQ 15 CONTINUE IF (U-Q.LE.P-L) GO TO 16 L1=L U1=P-1 L=Q+1 GO TO 17 16 U1=U L1=Q+1 U=P-1 17 CONTINUE IF (U1.LE.L1) GO TO 18 C C START RECURSIVE CALL C NDEEP=NDEEP+1 POPLST(1,NDEEP)=U POPLST(2,NDEEP)=L GO TO 3 18 IF (U.GT.L) GO TO 4 C C POP BACK UP IN THE RECURSION LIST C IF (NDEEP.EQ.0) GO TO 2 U=POPLST(1,NDEEP) L=POPLST(2,NDEEP) NDEEP=NDEEP-1 GO TO 18 C C END SORT C END QSORT C END