prepc.f.html | ![]() |
Source file: prepc.f | |
Directory: /home/rjl/git/rjleveque/clawpack-4.x/amrclaw/2d/lib | |
Converted: Sun May 15 2011 at 19:16:15 using clawcode2html | |
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c c ---------------------------------------------------------- c subroutine prepc(level,nvar) c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) include "call.i" c c :::::::::::::::::::: PREPC :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: c c this routine called because regridding just changed the fine grids. c modify coarse grid boundary lists to store fluxes in appropriate c fine grids lists. c assume new fine grids have node(cfluxptr) initialized to null c c first compute max. possible number of list cells. allocate c initially so that one pass through is enough. c c :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: c maxsp = 0 mkid = lstart(level+1) 10 if (mkid .eq. 0) go to 20 ikeep = (node(ndihi,mkid)-node(ndilo,mkid)+1)/intratx(level) jkeep = (node(ndjhi,mkid)-node(ndjlo,mkid)+1)/intraty(level) maxsp = maxsp + 2*(ikeep+jkeep) mkid = node(levelptr,mkid) go to 10 20 listsp(level) = maxsp if (maxsp .eq. 0) go to 99 c hxpar = hxposs(level) hypar = hyposs(level) hxkid = hxposs(level+1) hykid = hyposs(level+1) imax = iregsz(level) - 1 jmax = jregsz(level) - 1 mpar = lstart(level) 30 if (mpar .eq. 0) go to 99 c ispot = 0 ilo = node(ndilo,mpar) jlo = node(ndjlo,mpar) ihi = node(ndihi,mpar) jhi = node(ndjhi,mpar) locbc = igetsp(5*maxsp) c # initialize list to 0 (0 terminator indicates end of bc list) do 35 i = 1,5*maxsp 35 alloc(locbc+i-1) = 0.d0 node(cfluxptr,mpar) = locbc c mkid = lstart(level+1) 40 if (mkid .eq. 0) go to 60 iclo = node(ndilo,mkid)/intratx(level) jclo = node(ndjlo,mkid)/intraty(level) ichi = node(ndihi,mkid)/intratx(level) jchi = node(ndjhi,mkid)/intraty(level) iplo = max(ilo,iclo) jplo = max(jlo,jclo) iphi = min(ihi,ichi) jphi = min(jhi,jchi) c regular intersections (will check in setuse that no duplication) c this first call is only interior interfaces. if (iplo .le. iphi+1 .and. jplo .le. jphi+1) then kflag = 1 ! interior stuff, no mappings call setuse(alloc(locbc),maxsp,ispot,mkid, 2 ilo,ihi,jlo,jhi,iclo,ichi,jclo,jchi,kflag) endif c for fine grids touching periodic boundary on right if (xperdom .and. ilo .eq. 0 .and. ichi .eq. imax) then kflag = 1 ! periodic in x call setuse(alloc(locbc),maxsp,ispot,mkid, 2 ilo,ihi,jlo,jhi,iclo-iregsz(level),ichi-iregsz(level), 3 jclo,jchi,kflag) endif c for fine grids touching periodic boundary on left if (xperdom .and. iclo .eq. 0 .and. ihi .eq. imax) then kflag = 1 call setuse(alloc(locbc),maxsp,ispot,mkid, 2 ilo,ihi,jlo,jhi,iclo+iregsz(level),ichi+iregsz(level), 3 jclo,jchi,kflag) endif c for fine grids touching periodic boundary on top if (yperdom .and. jlo .eq. 0 .and. jchi .eq. jmax) then kflag = 1 call setuse(alloc(locbc),maxsp,ispot,mkid, 2 ilo,ihi,jlo,jhi,iclo,ichi, 3 jclo-jregsz(level),jchi-jregsz(level),kflag) endif c for fine grids touching periodic boundary on bottom if (yperdom .and. jclo .eq. 0 .and. jhi .eq. jmax) then kflag = 1 call setuse(alloc(locbc),maxsp,ispot,mkid, 2 ilo,ihi,jlo,jhi,iclo,ichi, 3 jclo+jregsz(level),jchi+jregsz(level),kflag) endif c for fine grids touching boundary on top in spherically mapped case c and coarse grid touches top too. see if (mapped) x extent overlap. if (spheredom .and. jhi .eq. jmax .and. jchi .eq. jmax) then kflag = 2 c write(dbugunit,*)" for coarse grid ",mpar iwrap2 = iregsz(level) - iclo - 1 !higher mapped index iwrap1 = iregsz(level) - ichi - 1 !lower mapped index if (max(ilo,iwrap1) .le. min(ihi,iwrap2)) then call setuse(alloc(locbc),maxsp,ispot,mkid, 1 ilo,ihi,jlo,jhi,iclo,ichi, 2 jclo,jchi,kflag) endif endif c fine grids touching boundary on bottom for spherically mapped case c coarse grid touches bottom too. see if (mapped) x extents overlap if (spheredom .and. jclo .eq. 0 .and. jlo .eq. 0) then kflag = 3 iwrap2 = iregsz(level) - iclo - 1 !higher mapped index iwrap1 = iregsz(level) - ichi - 1 !lower mapped index if (max(ilo,iwrap1) .le. min(ihi,iwrap2)) then call setuse(alloc(locbc),maxsp,ispot,mkid, 1 ilo,ihi,jlo,jhi,iclo,ichi, 2 jclo,jchi,kflag) endif endif 50 mkid = node(levelptr,mkid) go to 40 c c done with subgrid cycle. if no cells would need fixing, all done c else cycle through again to set up list with info. for bc processing c 60 continue c c for now, leave unused space allocated to the grid. alternative is to c return (maxsp-ispot) amt starting at loc node(cfluxptr,mpar)+ispot. c mpar = node(levelptr,mpar) go to 30 c 99 return end