prefilp.f.html | ![]() |
Source file: prefilp.f | |
Directory: /home/rjl/git/rjleveque/clawpack-4.x/amrclaw/2d/lib | |
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c c -------------------------------------------------------------- c recursive subroutine prefilrecur(level,nvar, 1 valbig,aux,naux,time,mitot,mjtot, 1 nrowst,ncolst, 3 ilo,ihi,jlo,jhi) c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) include "call.i" dimension valbig(mitot,mjtot,nvar), aux(mitot,mjtot,naux) dimension ist(3), iend(3), jst(3), jend(3), ishift(3), jshift(3) dimension scratch(max(mitot,mjtot)*nghost*nvar) dimension scratchaux(max(mitot,mjtot)*nghost*naux) iadd(i,j,ivar) = locflip + i - 1 + nr*((ivar-1)*nc+j-1) iaddscratch(i,j,ivar) = i + nr*((ivar-1)*nc+j-1) c c :::::::::::::: PREFILRECUR ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: c For periodic boundary conditions more work needed to fill the c piece of the boundary. This routine was c called because the patch sticks out of the domain, c and has periodic bc.s preprocess the patch before calling c filpatch to shift the patch periodically back into the domain. c c Inputs to this routine: c xl, xr, yb, yt = the location in physical space of c corners of a patch. c ilo,ihi,jlo,jhi = the location in index space of this patch. c c Outputs from this routine: c The values around the border of the grid are inserted c directly into the enlarged valbig array for this piece. c c ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: c c # will divide patch into 9 possibilities (some empty): c x sticks out left, x interior, x sticks out right c same for y. for example, the max. would be c i from (ilo,-1), (0,iregsz(level)-1), (iregsz(level),ihi) !-- write(dbugunit,*)" entering prefilrecur with level ",level !-- write(dbugunit,*)" and patch indices ilo,ihi,jlo,jhi ", !-- & ilo,ihi,jlo,jhi ist(1) = ilo ist(2) = 0 ist(3) = iregsz(level) iend(1) = -1 iend(2) = iregsz(level)-1 iend(3) = ihi jst(1) = jlo jst(2) = 0 jst(3) = jregsz(level) jend(1) = -1 jend(2) = jregsz(level)-1 jend(3) = jhi ishift(1) = iregsz(level) ishift(2) = 0 ishift(3) = -iregsz(level) jshift(1) = jregsz(level) jshift(2) = 0 jshift(3) = -jregsz(level) do 20 i = 1, 3 i1 = max(ilo, ist(i)) i2 = min(ihi, iend(i)) do 10 j = 1, 3 j1 = max(jlo, jst(j)) j2 = min(jhi, jend(j)) if ((i1 .le. i2) .and. (j1 .le. j2)) then ! part of patch in this region c c there is something to fill. j=2 case is interior, no special c mapping needed even if spherical bc if (.not. spheredom .or. j .eq.2 ) then iputst = (i1 - ilo) + nrowst jputst = (j1 - jlo) + ncolst call filrecur(level,nvar,valbig,aux,naux,time,mitot,mjtot, 1 iputst,jputst, 2 i1+ishift(i),i2+ishift(i), 3 j1+jshift(j),j2+jshift(j)) else nr = i2 - i1 + 1 nc = j2 - j1 + 1 ng = 0 ! no ghost cells in this little patch. fill everything. jbump = 0 if (j1 < 0) jbump = abs(j1) ! bump up so new bottom is 0 if (j2 >= jregsz(level)) jbump = -(j2+1-jregsz(level)) ! bump down c next 2 lines would take care of periodicity in x iwrap1 = i1 + ishift(i) iwrap2 = i2 + ishift(i) c next 2 lines take care of mapped sphere bcs iwrap1 = iregsz(level) - iwrap1 -1 iwrap2 = iregsz(level) - iwrap2 -1 c swap so that smaller one is left index, etc since mapping reflects tmp = iwrap1 iwrap1 = iwrap2 iwrap2 = tmp jwrap1 = j1 + jbump xlwrap = xlower + iwrap1*hxposs(level) ybwrap = ylower + jwrap1*hyposs(level) c locflip = igetsp(nr*nc*(nvar+naux)) c write(dbugunit,11) nr,nc,mitot,mjtot 11 format("scratch space nr*nc = ",i5,i5," grid is ",i5,i5) c locflipaux = locflip + nr*nc*nvar !-- if (naux>0) call setaux(nr,nc,ng,nr,nc,xlwrap,ybwrap, !-- 1 hxposs(level),hyposs(level),naux, !-- 2 alloc(locflipaux)) if (naux>0) call setaux(nr,nc,ng,nr,nc,xlwrap,ybwrap, 1 hxposs(level),hyposs(level),naux, 2 scratchaux) c write(dbugunit,101) i1,i2,j1,j2 c write(dbugunit,102) iwrap1,iwrap2,j1+jbump,j2+jbump 101 format(" actual patch from i:",2i5," j :",2i5) 102 format(" filrecur called w i:",2i5," j :",2i5) !-- call filrecur(level,nvar,alloc(locflip),alloc(locflipaux), !-- 1 naux,time,nr,nc,1,1,iwrap1,iwrap2, !-- 2 j1+jbump,j2+jbump) call filrecur(level,nvar,scratch,scratchaux, 1 naux,time,nr,nc,1,1,iwrap1,iwrap2, 2 j1+jbump,j2+jbump) c copy back using weird mapping for spherical folding do 15 ii = i1, i2 do 15 jj = j1, j2 c write(dbugunit,100) nrowst+ii-ilo,ncolst+jj-jlo,nr-(ii-i1), c 1 nc-jj+j1 100 format(" filling loc ",2i5," with ",2i5) do 14 ivar = 1, nvar valbig(nrowst+(ii-ilo),ncolst+(jj-jlo),ivar) = 1 scratch(iaddscratch(nr-(ii-i1),nc-(jj-j1),ivar)) 14 continue c write(dbugunit,103)(valbig(nrowst+(ii-ilo),ncolst+(jj-jlo), c & ivar),ivar=1,nvar) 103 format(" new val is ",4e15.7) 15 continue c call reclam(locflip, (nr*nc*(nvar+naux))) endif endif 10 continue 20 continue return end