plotclaw.f.html | ![]() |
Source file: plotclaw.f | |
Directory: /home/rjl/git/rjleveque/clawpack-4.x/amrclaw/2d/lib | |
Converted: Sun May 15 2011 at 19:16:15 using clawcode2html | |
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program main c c This is the graphics driver program for AMR, the Adaptive c Mesh Refinement code. It reads commands and data from c the file connected to unit 5, which should have been c produced by AMR. c Currently this program produces (1) an NCAR metafile c which can be viewed on a tex4014 terminal or sent to the c a high quality film processor, and (2) a log file indicating c what has been produced on each frame of the graphics file. c c This program has the capability to plot: c (1) The physical orientation of the grids at a given timestep c (2) "Cluster" plots produced during error estimation c (3) Contour plots of solution values and derived quantities c at timesteps in which these values are available. c A composite contour plot is produced for each selected c variable using the best data available at each point c in the physical domain. Other plots are available by c interactively selecting them from a menu. c c At present, only the third capibility (contour plots) is c on by default. The other two may be selected interactively c by the "options" menu. c Note: even when option 1 is turned off, a frame containing c the physical orientation of the grids within the c problem domain is produced before each series of c contour plots. c c When the program is run, several menus are presented to the c user. The first asks which variables and derived values (such c as Density or Log of Entropy) should be plotted. The second menu c lists some plotting options. These include the two options c listed above plus (3) an option to produce a sequence of c contour plots, one for each indicidual grid, (4) an option c to show the orientation of the individual grids superimposed c on the composite plot, (5) an option to produce a composite c plot for each level, using only the data available on that c level, and (6) an option to produce a composite plot of c all levels greater than 1. c c Finally, the user is prompted for a threshold time, before c which no plots are produced. c c The menu of variables to plot can be extended and modified c by changing the the definitions of "numvars", "names", c and "namelen" defined in the common blocks "userdef" and c "userdef2" below. c The new variables can be computed from the given variables c in subroutine "derive". See also subroutine "getinput" c for how the menu is produced, although this should not have c to be changed. include "call.i" c character*30 timestmp character*10 command character*50 cline, line, bline character*3 cmd, cluster, drawtree, plotgrid character*8 str integer clen, framecnt, numptc(maxcl) integer oldmode logical gprint2, plotclus, plottree, echo logical allgrids, levplots, fineplot, plotbox logical nocomp, lineplot c c c :::::::: User defined variable definitions c :::::::: "numvars" is the number of variables that c :::::::: can be viewed. c :::::::: "name" is a character array containing the c :::::::: names of these variables c :::::::: "namelen" is an array of the lengths of the above c :::::::: variable names c :::::::: "noplot" if a logical array set in "getinput" that c :::::::: determines whether the corresponding c :::::::: variable has been selected for plotting c integer numvars, namelen(15), blen, blinelen character name(15)*15, bname*15 logical noplot(15) common /userdef/ numvars, namelen, noplot common /userdef2/ name data numvars/10/ data name/"DENSITY ","X VELOCITY ","Y VELOCITY ", 1 "TOTAL VELOCITY ","TOTAL ENERGY ","PRESSURE ", 1 "ENTROPY ","MACH NUMBER ","ENTHALPY ", 1 "LOG DENSITY "," "," ", 1 " "," "," "/ data namelen/7,10,10,14,12,8,7,11,8,11,0,0,0,0,0/ data bname/"BODYPLOT "/ data blen/8/ data gprint2/.true./ data echo/.false./ c c ***************************************************************** c graphics driver - reads in file generated by amr output routines: c and generates the requested graphics output c the commands are: c basic time - what follows is lfine,levellist, and grid c info. from levels lst to lend c vals mgrid, nvar - soln values follow c if (mgrid <> 0) only grid mgrid values else entire c level from lst to lend c nvar = number of variables to be read for each grid point c clusters nclust, lpar - cluster info. follows c nclust = num. of clusters, lpar = level being examined c in each option, more info. if read in according to that option. c ***************************************************************** c c oldmode = ieee_handler("set","common",SIGFPE_ABORT) if (oldmode .ne. 0) then write(6,*) ' did not set floatingpt. traps right ' stop endif open(3,file='plotfile',status='old',form='formatted') open(16,file='ploterr',status='unknown',form='formatted') open(7,file='plotlog',status='unknown',form='formatted') call opngks call ctable call initspac c ::::::::: Get variable list and time threshold call getinput( thresh, allgrids, levplots, fineplot, plotbox, 1 plotclus, plottree, nocomp ,lineplot) c ::::::::: Initialize command patterns cluster = "CLU" drawtree = "DTR" plotgrid = "VAL" framecnt = 0 c ::::::::: Read time stamp 10 str = " " timestmp = "TIME = " lentime = 7 read(3,101,end=99) str, time 101 format( a8, f10.5 ) if (index(str,'*TIME') .le. 0) then write(6,*) "Illegal time stamp: ",str call clsgks stop endif str = " " write(str,111) time 111 format( f8.3 ) c ::::::: skip leading blanks in time string do 20 K = 1, len(str) if (str(K:K) .ne. ' ') then lentime = lentime + 1 timestmp(lentime:lentime) = str(K:K) endif 20 continue c ::::::::: Now read in the graph structure c ::::::::: NOTE: The graph structure is dumped by AMR c ::::::::: after every timestamp is produced. call basic(lst,lend) c ::::::::: Now read the command command = " " cmd = " " read(3,102,end=99) command, ivar1, ivar2, ivar3 102 format( a10, 3i10 ) if (echo) then write(16,103) str, command, ivar1, ivar2, ivar3, lst, lend 103 format(' Time Stamp: ',a15,/,' Input Command: ',a10,3i10, * /,' lst, lend: ',2i10 ) endif I = index(command,'*') if (I .le. 0) then write(6,*) "Illegal Command Line: ",command call clsgks stop endif cmd = command(I+1:I+3) c ::::::::: Now process the command if (cmd .eq. plotgrid) then c read the grid values and plot contours nvar = ivar1 call invals(lst,lend,nvar,thresh) if (time .ge. thresh) then if (plottree) then c :::::::: Draw the grid overlap structure c :::::::: before drawing the variables c :::::::: since plottree is turned off call dtree(1,lfine,timestmp,lentime,gprint2) framecnt = framecnt + 1 write(7,299) framecnt, "DRAWTREE", timestmp call frame endif c :::::::: Produce a series of plots for each c :::::::: variable selected. do 50 ivar = 1, numvars if (noplot(ivar)) goto 50 line = name(ivar)(1:namelen(ivar))// ", " //timestmp bline = bname(1:blen)// ", " //timestmp linelen = lentime + namelen(ivar) + 2 blinelen = lentime + blen + 2 c :::::::: cycle through grids computing quantities c :::::::: to be plotted. level = lst 150 if (level .le. lend) then mptr = lstart(level) 160 if (mptr .ne. 0) then c nrows = node(maxnumrow,mptr) + 1 c ncols = node(maxnumcol,mptr) + 1 nrows = node(ndihi,mptr) - node(ndilo,mptr) + 3 ncols = node(ndjhi,mptr) - node(ndjlo,mptr) + 3 locvar = node(tempptr,mptr) loc = igetsp(nrows*ncols) node(store1,mptr) = loc call derive(alloc(locvar),alloc(loc), 1 nrows,ncols,nvar,ivar) mptr = node(levelptr,mptr) goto 160 endif level = level + 1 goto 150 endif c ::::::: plot all grids for variable ivar if (lineplot) then call lplotx(framecnt,line,linelen) else call dvals(lst,lend,line,linelen,nvar, 1 ivar,framecnt,allgrids,levplots,fineplot, 2 plotbox,bline,blinelen,nocomp) endif 50 continue endif c ::::::::: Reclaim space used by each grid level = lst 60 if (level .le. lend) then mptr = lstart(level) 70 if (mptr .ne. 0) then c nrows = node(maxnumrow,mptr) + 1 c ncols = node(maxnumcol,mptr) + 1 nrows = node(ndihi,mptr) - node(ndilo,mptr) + 3 ncols = node(ndjhi,mptr) - node(ndjlo,mptr) + 3 locvar = node(tempptr,mptr) call reclam( locvar, nrows*ncols*nvar ) node(tempptr,mptr) = 0 mptr = node(levelptr,mptr) go to 70 endif level = level + 1 goto 60 endif c :::::::: read the next command go to 10 endif c if (cmd .eq. cluster) then c ::::::: plot the clusters nclust = ivar1 lpar = ivar2 nxypts = ivar3 if (nclust .gt. maxcl) then write(16,104) maxcl, nclust 104 format(" Cannot read more than ",i3, 1 " clusters: nclust = ",i3) go to 99 endif locbad = igetsp( 2*nxypts ) call inclus(nclust,numptc,nxypts,alloc(locbad),mkid,echo) if ( plotclus .and. ( time .ge. thresh)) then if (nclust .gt. maxcl) then write(16,109) nclust 109 format( " Cannot plot so many clusters:", 1 " nclust = ",i4,/, 2 " ... Skipping to next command") write(7,119) nclust 119 format( " ... Skipping cluster plot: nclust = ", 1 i4," > maxcl") else cline = timestmp//" " clen = lentime + 10 cline(lentime+1:clen) = ", (BEFORE)" call dclust(nclust,numptc,nxypts,alloc(locbad), 1 lpar,lstart(lpar+1),cline,clen,.false.) framecnt = framecnt + 1 write(7,199) framecnt, "CLUSTER ", cline call frame cline(lentime+1:clen) = ", (AFTER) " call dclust(nclust,numptc,nxypts,alloc(locbad), 1 lpar,mkid,cline,clen,.true.) framecnt = framecnt + 1 write(7,199) framecnt, "CLUSTER ", cline call frame 199 format( "Frame# ",i3,2x,a8,2x,a50) endif endif call reclam( locbad, 2*nxypts ) c read next command go to 10 endif c if (cmd .eq. drawtree) then c draw the overlaping rectangles to show grid arrangement if (plottree .and. (time .ge. thresh)) then call dtree(1,lfine,timestmp,lentime,gprint2) framecnt = framecnt + 1 write(7,299) framecnt, "DRAWTREE", timestmp 299 format( "Frame# ",i3,2x,a8,2x,a30 ) call frame endif go to 10 endif c c invalid command read, issue error message and try again write(16,106) command 106 format( "Unknown Command: ",a10," Try again..." ) go to 10 c 99 call clsgks stop end c c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c subroutine getinput(thresh, allgrids, levplots, fineplot, 1 plotbox, plotclus, plottree, 2 nocomp, lineplot ) character varlist*30, temp*20, str*30, str2*10 character ch, lowch, upch, ych logical allgrids, levplots, fineplot, plotbox logical plotclus, plottree, nocomp, lineplot real thresh integer numvars, namelen(15) character name(15)*15 logical noplot(15) common /userdef/ numvars, namelen, noplot common /userdef2/ name data ych/'y'/ do 5 I = 1, 15 noplot(I) = .true. 5 continue varlist = " " do 10 I = 1, numvars ch = char( ichar( 'A' ) + I - 1 ) write(6,900) ch, name(I) 10 continue 900 format( "Variable Symbol ",a1," = ",a15 ) write(6,*) "Enter symbols of variables to be plotted" read(5,910) varlist 910 format( a30 ) c ::::::: now parse varlist to find variable indices c ::::::: both lower and upper case inputs are accepted ilen = 0 temp = " " do 20 I = 1, numvars lowch = char( ichar( 'a' ) + I - 1 ) upch = char( ichar( 'A' ) + I - 1 ) ixch = index(varlist,lowch) + index(varlist,upch) if (ixch .gt. 0) then noplot(I) = .false. ilen = ilen + 1 temp(ilen:ilen) = upch endif 20 continue write(6,950) 950 format( 1 / "A composite contour plot will be generated by default", 2 /,"for each of these variables.", 3 //,"In addition, here is a list of plotting options:", 4 /," S = do not draw a composite contour plot", 6 /," U = draw grid tree on EACH available timestep", 7 /," V = show CLUSTER plots on EACH available timestep", 8 /," W = produce a contour plot of each grid separately", 9 /," X = draw boxes around individual grids in composite", 1 /," Y = produce a contour plot at each level", 2 /," Z = produce a contour plot of (2) finest levels", 3 /," L = produce a line plot through domain in x", 4 /,"Enter symbols of selected options (if any):" ) varlist = " " read(5,910) varlist ix = index(varlist,'S') + index(varlist,'s') nocomp = (ix .gt. 0) ix = index(varlist,'U') + index(varlist,'u') plottree = (ix .gt. 0) ix = index(varlist,'V') + index(varlist,'v') plotclus = (ix .gt. 0) ix = index(varlist,'W') + index(varlist,'w') allgrids = (ix .gt. 0) ix = index(varlist,'X') + index(varlist,'x') plotbox = (ix .gt. 0) ix = index(varlist,'Y') + index(varlist,'y') levplots = (ix .gt. 0) ix = index(varlist,'Z') + index(varlist,'z') fineplot = (ix .gt. 0) ix = index(varlist,'L') + index(varlist,'l') lineplot = (ix .gt. 0) c 30 str = " " str2 = " " write(6,920) 920 format(//,' Enter minimum timestep to be plotted') read(5,110) str(10:30) 110 format( a20 ) ix = index(str,'.') if (ix .le. 0) then write(6,*) "ERROR: Real number must have a decimal point" goto 30 endif str2(1:10) = str(ix-4:ix+5) read(str2,120,err=999) thresh 120 format( f10.5 ) c write(6,909) temp(1:ilen), thresh 909 format("Selected Variables = ",a,", Minumum Timestep = ",f10.5) return 999 write(6,*) "Error in reading TIME threshold" goto 30 end c c ---------------------------------------------------------------- c c ::::::: This subroutine is used to derive the values c ::::::: of the variables to be plotted from the values c ::::::: read in by subroutine "invars" c subroutine derive(val,derval,nrows,ncols,nvar,ivar) dimension val(nrows,ncols,nvar), derval(nrows,ncols) integer nrows, ncols, nvar, ivar data gamma/1.4/ data spval2/-1.0e10/, spval/1.0e10/ gamm1 = gamma - 1.0 if (ivar .eq. 1 .or. ivar .eq. 10) then c ::::::: Return Density (or Log density) if (ivar .eq. 1) then do 100 J = 1, ncols do 110 I = 1, nrows derval(I,J) = val(I,J,1) 110 continue 100 continue else do 101 J = 1, ncols do 111 I = 1, nrows if (val(I,J,1) .eq. spval) then derval(I,J) = spval2 else derval(I,J) = alog(val(I,J,1)) endif 111 continue 101 continue endif elseif (ivar .le. 3) then c ::::::: return Velocity do 200 J = 1, ncols do 210 I = 1, nrows if (abs(val(I,J,ivar)) .eq. spval) then derval(I,J) = spval2 else derval(I,J) = val(I,J,ivar)/val(I,J,1) endif 210 continue 200 continue elseif ( ivar .eq. 4) then c ::::::: Return Total Velocity do 300 J = 1, ncols do 310 I = 1, nrows if (abs(val(I,J,1)) .eq. spval) then derval(I,J) = spval2 else derval(I,J) = (val(I,J,2)**2 + val(I,J,3)**2) 1 /(val(I,J,1)**2) endif 310 continue 300 continue elseif ( ivar .eq. 5 ) then c ::::::: Return Energy per unit volume do 400 J = 1, ncols do 410 I = 1, nrows if (abs(val(I,J,1)) .eq. spval) then derval(I,J) = spval2 else derval(I,J) = val(I,J,4)/val(I,J,1) endif 410 continue 400 continue elseif ( ivar .le. 7 .or. ivar .eq. 9) then c ::::::: Return Pressure or Entropy or Enthalpy... c ::::::: First compute Pressure do 500 J = 1, ncols do 510 I = 1, nrows if (abs(val(I,J,1)) .eq. spval) then derval(I,J) = spval2 else derval(I,J) = gamm1*(val(I,J,4) - (val(I,J,2)**2 + 1 val(I,J,3)**2)/(2.0*val(I,J,1))) endif 510 continue 500 continue if ( ivar .eq. 7 ) then c ::::::: Compute Entropy using computed pressure do 600 J = 1, ncols do 610 I = 1, nrows if (abs(val(I,J,1)) .ne. spval) then derval(I,J) = alog(derval(I,J)) - 1 gamma*alog(val(I,J,1)) endif 610 continue 600 continue endif if ( ivar .eq. 9 ) then c ::::::: Compute Enthalpy do 603 J = 1, ncols do 613 I = 1, nrows if (abs(val(I,J,1)) .ne. spval) then derval(I,J) = (derval(I,J)+val(I,J,4))/(val(I,J,1)) endif 613 continue 603 continue endif elseif (ivar .eq. 8) then c ::::::: Return Mach Number do 700 J = 1, ncols do 710 I = 1, nrows if (abs(val(I,J,1)) .eq. spval) then derval(I,J) = spval2 else vel2 = (val(I,J,2)**2 + val(I,J,3)**2) 1 /(val(I,J,1)**2) p = gamm1*(val(I,J,4)-(val(I,J,2)**2 + 1 val(I,J,3)**2)/(2.0*val(I,J,1))) c2 = gamma*p / val(I,J,1) derval(I,J) = sqrt(vel2/c2) endif 710 continue 700 continue c endif return end subroutine initspac include "call.i" c c ::::::::: Initialize the data space "alloc" and its free list "lfree" c ::::::::: to be one contiguous block from which chunks will be c ::::::::: allocated on a first fit basis by routine "igetsp". c c c ::::::::: clear data space do 10 i = 1, memsize alloc(i) = 0.0 10 continue c c ::::::::: initialize the free list so that: c ::::::::: Location 1 is a dummy header node c ::::::::: Location 2 starts at position 1 and contains memsize elements c ::::::::: Location 3 starts at position 645000 and contains 0 elements c ::::::::: All remaining loctions are marked as empty lenf = 3 idimf = lfdim do 20 i = 1, idimf lfree( i, 1 ) = 0 lfree( i, 2 ) = 0 20 continue lfree( 2, 1 ) = 1 lfree( 2, 2 ) = memsize lfree( 3, 1 ) = memsize + 2 c return end c c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c function igetsp (nwords) c include "call.i" logical sprint2 data sprint2/.false./ c c allocate contiguous space of length nword in main storage array c alloc. user code (or pointer to the owner of this storage) c is mptr. lenf = current length of lfree list. c c c find first fit from free space list c itake = 0 do 20 i = 1, lenf if (lfree(i,2) .ge. nwords) then itake = i goto 25 endif 20 continue c ::::::::: if we got here, there is not enough memory left ::::: c ::::::::: to satisfy the request. ::::: write(16,901) nwords 901 format(' require ',i10,' words - either none left or not big', 1 ' enough space') call clsgks stop c c ::::::::: request is satisfied, now allocate memory ::::: 25 left = lfree(itake,2) - nwords igetsp = lfree(itake,1) c if (left .gt. 0) then c ::::::::: retain the unused part of this memory ::::: lfree(itake,2) = left lfree(itake,1) = lfree(itake,1) + nwords else c ::::::::: item is totally removed, move others in the list ::::: c ::::::::: up one space ::::: lenf = lenf - 1 do 40 i = itake, lenf lfree(i,1) = lfree(i+1,1) lfree(i,2) = lfree(i+1,2) 40 continue endif c if (sprint2) write(16,100) nwords, igetsp 100 format(' allocating ',i8,' words in location ',i8) c return end subroutine reclam (index, nwords) c c return of space. add to free list. c iplace points to next item on free list with larger index than c the item reclaiming, unless said item is greater then c everything on the list. c include "call.i" logical sprint2 data sprint2/.false./ c c c find position in free list c do 20 i = 1, lenf iplace = i if (lfree(i,1) .gt. index) goto 30 20 continue c c no position found, error c (?? what is the last piece of memory is returned ??) c write(16,902) 902 format(' no insertion pointer into freelist. error stop') call clsgks stop c c try to merge this memory back into the free list c 30 iprev = iplace - 1 if ((iprev .ne. 0) .and. 1 ((lfree(iprev,1) + lfree(iprev,2)) .eq. index) ) then c c merge with previous segment c lfree(iprev,2) = lfree(iprev,2) + nwords c c try to merge with following segment as well c if (lfree(iplace,1) .eq. (index + nwords)) then lfree(iprev,2) = lfree(iprev,2) + lfree(iplace,2) ipp1 = iplace + 1 do 60 i = ipp1, lenf lfree(i-1,1) = lfree(i,1) lfree(i-1,2) = lfree(i,2) 60 continue lenf = lenf - 1 endif c c no previous merge, try to merge with next segment c elseif (lfree(iplace,1) .eq. (index + nwords)) then lfree(iplace,1) = index lfree(iplace,2) = lfree(iplace,2) + nwords c c no merges at all, try to insert new segment in the c free list by bumping subsequent segments c elseif (lenf .ne. idimf) then do 80 ii = iplace, lenf i = lenf + 1 - ii + iplace lfree(i,1) = lfree(i-1,1) lfree(i,2) = lfree(i-1,2) 80 continue lenf = lenf + 1 lfree(iplace,1) = index lfree(iplace,2) = nwords c c no room in free list to add segment. error. c else write(16,901) idimf 901 format(' free list full with ',i5,' items') call clsgks stop endif if (sprint2) write(16,100) nwords, index 100 format(' reclaiming ',i8,' words at loc. ',i8) return end subroutine basic (lst,lend) c include "call.i" common /userdt/ pinf,rhoinf,vinf,chord,alpha,foil,xprob,yprob c c read in basic info. generated for every graphics call c read(3,102) lfine, (lstart(i),i=1,lfine), lwidth 102 format(10i6) read(3,105) xupper,yupper,xlower,ylower 105 format(4e15.8) read(3,102) lst, lend read(3,106)(hxposs(i),i=1,lfine) read(3,106)(hyposs(i),i=1,lfine) 106 format(6e13.8) c xprob = xupper yprob = yupper level = lst 10 if (level .le. lend) then mptr = lstart(level) 20 if (mptr .ne. 0) then read(3,103) mptr,(node(i,mptr),i=1,nsize) 103 format(10i7) read(3,104) (rnode(i,mptr),i=1,rsize) 104 format(5e14.8) c # here as a reminder c node(maxnumrow,mptr) = node(ndihi,mptr)-node(ndilo,mptr)+3 c node(maxnumcol,mptr) = node(ndjhi,mptr)-node(ndjlo,mptr)+3 mptr = node(levelptr,mptr) go to 20 endif 30 level = level + 1 go to 10 endif c return end subroutine inclus(nclust,numptc,nxypts,badpts,mkid,echo) c include "call.i" dimension numptc(nclust), badpts(2,nxypts) logical echo c c read in info. to plot grids, flagged pts., clusters, new grids. c read(3,105) iregsz,jregsz 105 format(6i10) read(3,100) (numptc(i),i=1,nclust) 100 format(10i6) if (echo) then write(16,102) nclust, (numptc(i),i=1,nclust) 102 format(' no. of clusters ',i5, ' with no. of points ', 1 4(/,10x,15i5)) endif read(3,101)((badpts(i,j),i=1,2),j=1,nxypts) 101 format(4e12.4) c c there is always at least one subgrid, since the output routine c is only called if there is at least one flagged pt. mkid = 0 20 continue read(3,103) minput, (node(i,minput),i = 1,nsize) 103 format(10i6) if (mkid .eq. 0) mkid = minput read(3,104) (rnode(i,minput), i = 1,rsize) 104 format(5e12.4) minput = node(levelptr, minput) if (minput .ne. 0) go to 20 c return end subroutine dclust(nclust,numptc,nxypts,badpts,lpar,mkid, 1 cline,clen,second) c c draw existing grids level lpar, flagged points in their clusters, c and fine subgrids starting with mkid. c mkid may be start of old or new (i.e. not yet in place in lstart) c level of subgrids. c include "call.i" character*1 isign(50), usesign character*50 cline integer clen logical gprint2, second c dimension numptc(nclust), badpts(2,nxypts) data isign/'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H', 1 'I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P', 2 'Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X', 3 'Y','Z','1','2','3','4','5','6', 4 '7','8','9','0','+','-','*', '/', 5 '<','>','?','!','"','#','$','%', 6 '&',':'/ data gprint2/.false./ c call dtree(lpar,lpar,cline,clen,gprint2) c ist = 0 do 10 icl = 1, nclust npts = numptc(icl) do 20 i = 1, npts xpt = xlower + badpts(1,ist+i)*hxposs(lpar) ypt = ylower + badpts(2,ist+i)*hyposs(lpar) if (second) then usesign = '+' else usesign = isign(icl) endif call pwrit(xpt,ypt,usesign,1,0,0,0) 20 continue ist = ist + numptc(icl) 10 continue c c output new fine subgrids c mnew = mkid 30 if (mnew .ne. 0) then call drect(mnew,gprint2) mnew = node(levelptr,mnew) go to 30 endif c return end subroutine invals (lst,lend,nvar,thresh) c include "call.i" integer charst(10) data lstar/1h*/,lexs/1hS/ c spval = 1.0e10 c c read in soln values for val option of graphics package c level = lst 10 if (level .le. lend) then mptr = lstart(level) 20 if (mptr .ne. 0) then read(3,100) charst,minput 100 format(10a1,i10) if (charst(1).ne.lstar .or. charst(2).ne.lexs .or. * minput .ne. mptr) then write(16,901) charst,mptr,minput,lst,lend 901 format(1h ,10a1,/,1x,4i10) call clsgks stop endif c ::::::::: Data dumped in an array (2..maxrows,2..maxcols) c ::::::::: need to allocate an array (1..maxrows+1,1..maxcols+1) c ::::::::: to add possible boundary values c nrows = node( maxnumrow,mptr ) + 1 c ncols = node( maxnumcol,mptr ) + 1 nrows = node(ndihi,mptr) - node(ndilo,mptr) + 3 ncols = node(ndjhi,mptr) - node(ndjlo,mptr) + 3 num = nrows*ncols ist = igetsp(num*nvar) node(tempptr,mptr) = ist call readvals(alloc(ist),nrows,ncols,nvar) mptr = node(levelptr,mptr) go to 20 endif level = level + 1 go to 10 endif c c add boundary values for each grid, all variables, for smooth c contour plotting at grid interfaces c c don't bother if below threshold time for plotting c time = rnode(timemult,lstart(lst)) if (time .lt. thresh) go to 99 c c find corners c xlo = 1.e23 ylo = 1.e23 xhi = -1.e23 yhi = -1.e23 mptr = lstart(1) 40 if (mptr .ne. 0) then xhi = amax1(xhi,rnode(cornxhi,mptr)) yhi = amax1(yhi,rnode(cornyhi,mptr)) xlo = amin1(xlo,rnode(cornxlo,mptr)) ylo = amin1(ylo,rnode(cornylo,mptr)) mptr = node(levelptr,mptr) go to 40 endif c level = lst 110 if (level .le. lend) then hx = hxposs(level) hy = hyposs(level) mptr = lstart(level) 120 if (mptr .ne. 0) then c nrow = node(maxnumrow,mptr) + 1 c ncol = node(maxnumcol,mptr) + 1 nrow = node(ndihi,mptr) - node(ndilo,mptr) + 3 ncol = node(ndjhi,mptr) - node(ndjlo,mptr) + 3 call addbndry(level,mptr,alloc(node(tempptr,mptr)), . nrow,ncol,nvar,xlo,ylo,xhi,yhi,spval,lst, . hx,hy) mptr = node(levelptr,mptr) go to 120 endif level = level + 1 go to 110 endif c c set special value to signal exterior cells within domain c 99 return end c c ------------------------------------------------------- c subroutine readvals(a,nrows,ncols,nvar) dimension a(nrows,ncols,nvar) do 10 ivar = 1, nvar read(3,100) ((a(i,j,ivar),i=2,nrows-1),j=2,ncols-1) 10 continue 100 format(5e12.6) 99 return end c c -------------------------------------------------------- c subroutine dvals(lst,lend,line,linelen,nvar,ivar, 1 framecnt,allgrids,levplots,fineplot, 2 plotbox,bline,blinelen,nocomp) c include "call.i" character line*50, header*50, strtmp*5, bline*50 integer headlen, hlen, framecnt, blinelen logical nocomp logical allgrids, levplots, fineplot, plotbox common /conre4/ sizel, sizem, sizep, nrep, ncrt, ilab, 1 nulbll, ioffd, ext, ioffm, isolid, nla, 1 nlm, xlt, ybt, side c c ****************************************************************** c dvals - generate a series of surface, contour, or body plots of every c grid in a subtree, c ****************************************************************** c c c ::::::::: set NCAR parameter to turn off printing of contour labels ::::: ilab = 0 c if (.not. allgrids) goto 500 c c ::::::::: Set up header for contour plots header = line header(linelen+1:linelen+7) = ", GRID " headlen = linelen + 7 c ::::::::: walk through levels from coursest to finest generating a ::::: c ::::::::: separate contour plot for each grid at each level. ::::: level = lst 10 if (level .le. lend) then mptr = lstart(level) 20 if (mptr .ne. 0) then c nrow = node(maxnumrow,mptr) + 1 c ncol = node(maxnumcol,mptr) + 1 nrow = node(ndihi,mptr) - node(ndilo,mptr) + 3 ncol = node(ndjhi,mptr) - node(ndjlo,mptr) + 3 loc = node(store1,mptr) header(headlen:headlen+5) = " " hlen = headlen write(strtmp,111) mptr 111 format( i5 ) do 25 K = 1, 5 if (strtmp(K:K) .ne. ' ') then hlen = hlen + 1 header(hlen:hlen) = strtmp(K:K) endif 25 continue c # work with copy of array, don't mess up original. c # due to setting spval, then too much restored later. num = nrow*ncol lcopy = igetsp(num) do 26 i = 0, num-1 alloc(lcopy+i) = alloc(loc+i) 26 continue call contor(alloc(lcopy),nrow,ncol,header,hlen,mptr) call reclam(lcopy,num) framecnt = framecnt + 1 write(7,199) framecnt, "GRIDPLOT", header 199 format( "Frame# ",i3,2x,a8,2x,a50 ) mptr = node(levelptr,mptr) goto 20 endif level = level + 1 go to 10 endif c c ::::::::: Produce a composite contour plot in which the grids are ::::: c ::::::::: plotted from finest to coarsest and in such a way that ::::: c ::::::::: coarse grids are "blacked out" in regions where fine ::::: c ::::::::: grids exist. ::::: 500 call composit(lst,lend,nvar,ivar,line,linelen,framecnt, 1 levplots, fineplot, plotbox, 2 bline,blinelen,nocomp) c return end c c ------------------------------------------------------------ c subroutine composit(lst, lend, nvar, ivar, line, linelen, 1 framecnt, levplots, fineplot, plotbox, 2 bline, blinelen, nocomp) c include "call.i" character line*50, cline*50, lline*50, fline*50, bline*50 real xmin(maxlv),xmax(maxlv),ymin(maxlv),ymax(maxlv) integer clen, framecnt, flen, llen, blinelen, blen logical levplots, fineplot, plotbox, nocomp common /conre1/ ioffp, spval common /conre4/ sizel, sizem, sizep, nrep, ncrt, ilab, 1 nulbll, ioffd, ext, ioffm, isolid, nla, 2 nlm, xlt, ybt, side data ncontor /30/ c ::::::::: set NCAR parameter to turn off printing of contour labels ::::: ilab = 0 nlm = 40 call cpseti('LLP - line label position',0) call cpsetc('HLT - high/low label text',' ') call cpsetc('ILT - informational label text',' ') call cpseti('NCL - number of contour levels',ncontor) call cpseti('SET - do set call flag',0) call cpsetr('SPV - set special value ',spval) c ::::::::: set NCAR parameter to blackout grid points set to spval ::::: ioffp = 1 spval = 1.0e10 spval2 = -1.0e10 c ::::::::: set up header for composite plots cline(1:50) = line(1:50) lline(1:50) = line(1:50) fline(1:50) = line(1:50) clen = linelen + 11 llen = linelen + 9 flen = linelen + 12 blen = blinelen + 11 cline(linelen+1:clen) = ", COMPOSITE" lline(linelen+1:llen) = ", LEVEL " fline(linelen+1:flen) = ", FINE GRIDS" bline(blinelen+1:blen) = ", COMPOSITE" c :::::::: compute min and max values, level by level ::::: totmin = 1.0e+10 totmax = -1.0e+10 level = lst 100 if (level .le. lend) then mptr = lstart(level) xmin(level) = 1.0e+10 ymin(level) = 1.0e+10 xmax(level) = -1.e+10 ymax(level) = -1.e+10 105 if (mptr .ne. 0) then c nrows = node(maxnumrow,mptr) + 1 c ncols = node(maxnumcol,mptr) + 1 nrows = node(ndihi,mptr) - node(ndilo,mptr) + 3 ncols = node(ndjhi,mptr) - node(ndjlo,mptr) + 3 loc = node(store1,mptr) call mnmax(alloc(loc),nrows,ncols,vmin,vmax,spval2) totmin = amin1( totmin, vmin ) totmax = amax1( totmax, vmax ) xmin(level) = amin1(xmin(level),rnode(cornxlo,mptr)) ymin(level) = amin1(ymin(level),rnode(cornylo,mptr)) xmax(level) = amax1(xmax(level),rnode(cornxhi,mptr)) ymax(level) = amax1(ymax(level),rnode(cornyhi,mptr)) mptr = node(levelptr,mptr) goto 105 endif level = level + 1 goto 100 endif c ::::::: statistics on the lowest level grids xmin1 = xmin(lst) ymin1 = ymin(lst) xmax1 = xmax(lst) ymax1 = ymax(lst) lev1 = lstart(lst) dx = hxposs(lev1)/100.0 dy = hyposs(lev1)/100.0 xlo = xmin1 - dx ylo = ymin1 - dy xhi = xmax1 + dx yhi = ymax1 + dy c ::::::: set up parameters for contour increments cinc = (totmax - totmin) / float(ncontor) cmin = totmin + .5*cinc cmax = totmax - .5*cinc c c ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: c ::::::::::::::: produce composite plots of each level ::::::::::::::: c ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: c if (levplots) then level = lst 300 if (level .le. lend) then mptr = lstart(level) delx = xmax(level) - xmin(level) dely = ymax(level) - ymin(level) xlen = .8*amin1( 1.0, delx/dely ) ylen = .8*amin1( 1.0, dely/delx ) x1set = .1 x2set = .1+xlen y1set = .1 y2set = .1+ylen call set(.1,.1+xlen,.1,.1+ylen,xmin(level),xmax(level), 1 ymin(level), ymax(level), 1) dx = hxposs(level)/2.0 dy = hyposs(level)/2.0 320 if (mptr .ne. 0) then loc = node(store1,mptr) c nrow = node(maxnumrow,mptr) + 1 c ncol = node(maxnumcol,mptr) + 1 nrow = node(ndihi,mptr) - node(ndilo,mptr) + 3 ncol = node(ndjhi,mptr) - node(ndjlo,mptr) + 3 x1 = rnode(cornxlo,mptr) y1 = rnode(cornylo,mptr) x3 = rnode(cornxhi,mptr) y3 = rnode(cornyhi,mptr) call drawbox(x1,y1,x3,y3,level) x1 = x1 - dx y1 = y1 - dy x3 = x3 + dx y3 = y3 + dy x1ratio = (x1-xmin(level))/(xmax(level)-xmin(level)) x3ratio = (x3-xmin(level))/(xmax(level)-xmin(level)) y1ratio = (y1-ymin(level))/(ymax(level)-ymin(level)) y3ratio = (y3-ymin(level))/(ymax(level)-ymin(level)) call set(x1set+x1ratio*(x2set-x1set), . x1set+x3ratio*(x2set-x1set), . y1set+y1ratio*(y2set-y1set), . y1set+y3ratio*(y2set-y1set), . 1.5,float(nrow)-.5,1.5,float(ncol)-.5,1) c ::::::::: plot the contour lines ::::: call setspv(alloc(loc),nrow,ncol,spval) call conrec( alloc(loc), nrow, nrow, ncol, 1 cmin, cmax, cinc, -1, -1, 0 ) c call cpcnrc( alloc(loc), nrow, nrow, ncol, c 1 cmin, cmax, cinc, 1, -1, 0 ) c ::::::::: reset the window to that of the coarsest grid ::::: call set(.1,.1+xlen,.1,.1+ylen,xmin(level),xmax(level), 1 ymin(level), ymax(level), 1) mptr = node(levelptr,mptr) goto 320 endif lline(llen:llen) = char( ichar('0') + level ) call set(0.,1.,0.,1.,xmin(level),xmax(level), 1 ymin(level),ymin(level)+1.2*(ymax(level)-ymin(level)),1) xplace = xmin(level) + (xmax(level)-xmin(level))/4. yplace = ymin(level)+ (ymax(level)-ymin(level))*1.1 call pwrit(xplace,yplace,lline,llen,2,0,-1) call gstxci(1) framecnt = framecnt + 1 write(7,199) framecnt, "GRIDPLOT", lline call frame level = level + 1 goto 300 endif endif c c ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: c :::::::::::::::::: BLACKOUT OVERLAP BY FINE GRIDS ::::::::::::::::::: c ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: c level = lst 130 if (level .le. lend) then mptr = lstart(level) 140 if (mptr .ne. 0) then c nrow = node(maxnumrow,mptr) + 1 c ncol = node(maxnumcol,mptr) + 1 nrow = node(ndihi,mptr) - node(ndilo,mptr) + 3 ncol = node(ndjhi,mptr) - node(ndjlo,mptr) + 3 num = nrow*ncol lorg = node(store1,mptr) lblk = igetsp(num) do 125 i = 0, num-1 alloc(lblk+i) = alloc(lorg+i) 125 continue if (level .ne. lend) then call blackout(mptr,level,alloc(lblk),nrow,ncol,spval) c write(6,502) mptr, nrow, ncol 502 format("Blackout: mptr, nrow, ncol = ",3(i4,3x) ) endif c :::::::: create space for the final grid ::::: lrst = igetsp(num) node(store2,mptr) = lrst c :::::::: restore boarders of blackened areas ::::: call restore(alloc(lorg),alloc(lblk),alloc(lrst),nrow, 1 ncol,mptr,spval,xlo,ylo,xhi,yhi) c :::::::: reclaim space used for blackened array ::::: call reclam(lblk,num) mptr = node(levelptr,mptr) goto 140 endif level = level + 1 goto 130 endif c c ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: c ::::::::::: PRODUCE A COMPOSITE PLOT OF ALL LEVELS :::::::::::::::::: c ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: c if (nocomp) go to 95 delx = xmax1 - xmin1 dely = ymax1 - ymin1 xlen = .8*amin1( 1.0, delx/dely ) ylen = .8*amin1( 1.0, dely/delx ) x1set = .1 x2set = .1+xlen y1set = .1 y2set = .1+ylen call set( .1,.1+xlen,.1,.1+ylen,xmin1,xmax1,ymin1,ymax1,1) call drawbox(xmin1,ymin1,xmax1,ymax1,level) level = lend 80 if (level .ge. lst) then dx = hxposs(level) / 2.0 dy = hyposs(level) / 2.0 mptr = lstart(level) 90 if (mptr .ne. 0) then loc = node(store2,mptr) c nrow = node(maxnumrow,mptr) + 1 c ncol = node(maxnumcol,mptr) + 1 nrow = node(ndihi,mptr) - node(ndilo,mptr) + 3 ncol = node(ndjhi,mptr) - node(ndjlo,mptr) + 3 x1 = rnode(cornxlo,mptr) y1 = rnode(cornylo,mptr) x3 = rnode(cornxhi,mptr) y3 = rnode(cornyhi,mptr) if (plotbox) call drawbox(x1,y1,x3,y3,level) xrat1 = (x1-xmin1)/(xmax1-xmin1) xrat2 = (x3-xmin1)/(xmax1-xmin1) yrat1 = (y1-ymin1)/(ymax1-ymin1) yrat2 = (y3-ymin1)/(ymax1-ymin1) call set(x1set+xrat1*(x2set-x1set), 1 x1set+xrat2*(x2set-x1set), 2 y1set+yrat1*(y2set-y1set), 3 y1set+yrat2*(y2set-y1set), 4 x1,x3,y1,y3,1) c ::::::::: window into the rectangle defined by this grid ::::: x1 = x1 - dx y1 = y1 - dy x3 = x3 + dx y3 = y3 + dy x1ratio = (x1-xmin1)/(xmax1-xmin1) x3ratio = (x3-xmin1)/(xmax1-xmin1) y1ratio = (y1-ymin1)/(ymax1-ymin1) y3ratio = (y3-ymin1)/(ymax1-ymin1) call set(x1set+x1ratio*(x2set-x1set), . x1set+x3ratio*(x2set-x1set), . y1set+y1ratio*(y2set-y1set), . y1set+y3ratio*(y2set-y1set), . 1.5,float(nrow)-.5,1.5,float(ncol)-.5,1) c ::::::::: plot the contour lines ::::: call setspv(alloc(loc),nrow,ncol,spval) c call cpcnrc( alloc(loc), nrow, nrow, ncol, c 1 cmin, cmax, cinc, 1, -1, 0 ) call conrec( alloc(loc), nrow, nrow, ncol, 1 cmin, cmax, cinc, -1, -1, 0 ) c ::::::::: reset the window to that of the coarsest grid ::::: call set( .1,.1+xlen,.1,.1+ylen,xmin1,xmax1,ymin1,ymax1,1) mptr = node(levelptr,mptr) goto 90 endif level = level - 1 goto 80 endif call set(0.,1.,0.,1.,xmin1,xmax1,ymin1,ymin1+1.2*(ymax1-ymin1),1) xplace =xmin1 + (xmax1-xmin1)/4. yplace = ymin1 + 1.1*(ymax1-ymin1) call gstxci(1) call pwrit(xplace,yplace,cline,clen,2,0,-1) framecnt = framecnt + 1 write(7,199) framecnt, "GRIDPLOT", cline call frame c 95 continue c c ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: c :::::::::::::: PRODUCE A PLOT OF ONLY THE FINEST LEVELS ::::::::::::: c ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: c if (.not. fineplot .or. lfine .eq. 1) goto 999 xmin2 = 1.0e+10 ymin2 = 1.0e+10 xmax2 = -1.0e+10 ymax2 = -1.0e+10 level = max0(lfine-1,2) 205 if (level .le. lend) then xmin2 = amin1( xmin2, xmin(level) ) ymin2 = amin1( ymin2, ymin(level) ) xmax2 = amax1( xmax2, xmax(level) ) ymax2 = amax1( ymax2, ymax(level) ) level = level + 1 goto 205 endif delx = xmax2 - xmin2 dely = ymax2 - ymin2 xlen = .8*amin1( 1.0, delx/dely ) ylen = .8*amin1( 1.0, dely/delx ) x1set = .1 x2set = .1+xlen y1set = .1 y2set = .1+ylen call set(.1,.1+xlen,.1,.1+ylen,xmin2,xmax2,ymin2,ymax2,1) c ::::::::: Now plot the finest grids with boxes ::::: level = max0(lfine-1,2) 225 if (level .le. lend) then dx = hxposs(level) / 2.0 dy = hyposs(level) / 2.0 mptr = lstart(level) 220 if (mptr .ne. 0) then loc = node(store2,mptr) c nrow = node( maxnumrow, mptr ) + 1 c ncol = node( maxnumcol, mptr ) + 1 nrow = node(ndihi,mptr) - node(ndilo,mptr) + 3 ncol = node(ndjhi,mptr) - node(ndjlo,mptr) + 3 x1 = rnode(cornxlo,mptr) y1 = rnode(cornylo,mptr) x3 = rnode(cornxhi,mptr) y3 = rnode(cornyhi,mptr) call drawbox(x1,y1,x3,y3,level) c ::::::::: window into the rectangle defined by this grid ::::: x1 = x1 - dx y1 = y1 - dy x3 = x3 + dx y3 = y3 + dy x1ratio = (x1-xmin2)/(xmax2-xmin2) x3ratio = (x3-xmin2)/(xmax2-xmin2) y1ratio = (y1-ymin2)/(ymax2-ymin2) y3ratio = (y3-ymin2)/(ymax2-ymin2) call set(x1set+x1ratio*(x2set-x1set), . x1set+x3ratio*(x2set-x1set), . y1set+y1ratio*(y2set-y1set), . y1set+y3ratio*(y2set-y1set), . 1.5,float(nrow)-.5,1.5,float(ncol)-.5,1) c ::::::::: plot the contour lines ::::: call setspv(alloc(loc),nrow,ncol,spval) call conrec( alloc(loc), nrow, nrow, ncol, 1 cmin, cmax, cinc, -1, -1, 0 ) c call cpcnrc( alloc(loc), nrow, nrow, ncol, c 1 cmin, cmax, cinc, 1, -1, 0 ) c call set(minx,maxx,miny,maxy,xmin2,xmax2,ymin2,ymax2,1) call set(.1,.1+xlen,.1,.1+ylen,xmin2,xmax2,ymin2,ymax2,1) mptr = node(levelptr,mptr) goto 220 endif level = level + 1 goto 225 endif call set(0.,1.,0.,1.,xmin2,xmax2,ymin2,ymin2+1.2*(ymax2-ymin2),1) xplace = xmin2 + (xmax2-xmin2)/4. yplace = ymin2 + 1.1*(ymax2-ymin2) call gstxci(1) call pwrit(xplace,yplace,fline,flen,2,0,-1) framecnt = framecnt + 1 write(7,199) framecnt, "GRIDPLOT", fline call frame c ::::::::: reclaim the space used by temporary grids (store1&2) ::::: 999 level = lst 230 if (level .le. lend) then mptr = lstart(level) 240 if ( mptr .ne. 0 ) then c nrow = node(maxnumrow,mptr) + 1 c ncol = node(maxnumcol,mptr) + 1 nrow = node(ndihi,mptr) - node(ndilo,mptr) + 3 ncol = node(ndjhi,mptr) - node(ndjlo,mptr) + 3 num = nrow*ncol loc = node(store2,mptr) call reclam(loc,num) node(store2,mptr) = 0 loc = node(store1,mptr) call reclam(loc,num) node(store1,mptr) = 0 mptr = node(levelptr,mptr) goto 240 endif level = level + 1 goto 230 endif c 199 format( "Frame# ",i3,2x,a8,2x,a50 ) return end c c ---------------------------------------------------------c c subroutine setspv(a,m,n,spval) dimension a(m,n) data spval2/-1.e10/ c c exterior points inside the rectangle have been marked by spval2. c reset to spval. c do 25 i = 1,m do 25 j = 1,n if (a(i,j) .eq. spval2) a(i,j) = spval 20 continue 25 continue return end c c ------------------------------------------------------------ c subroutine mnmax(a,nrow,ncol,vmin,vmax,spval2) dimension a(nrow,ncol) vmin = 1.0e+10 vmax = -1.0e+10 do 10 i = 2, nrow-1 do 20 j = 2, ncol-1 val = a(i,j) c spval2 is special "blackout" value - don't count it. if (val .eq. spval2) go to 20 vmin = amin1(val, vmin) vmax = amax1(val, vmax) 20 continue 10 continue return end c c ------------------------------------------------------------ c subroutine blackout(mptr,level,val,nrow,ncol,spval) c c :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: c ::::::::: Array "val" contains the values of grid "mptr" at "level". c ::::::::: For each cell of mptr, determine if this cell overlaps c ::::::::: a grid at level+1. If so, black out the cell's value. c :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: c dimension val(nrow,ncol) c include "call.i" c dx = hxposs(level) dy = hyposs(level) x = rnode(cornxlo,mptr) y = rnode(cornylo,mptr) nptr = lstart(level+1) 10 if (nptr .ne. 0) then xst = rnode(cornxlo,nptr) yst = rnode(cornylo,nptr) xend = rnode(cornxhi,nptr) yend = rnode(cornyhi,nptr) ist = max(ifix((xst-x)/dx+2.1), 1) jst = max(ifix((yst-y)/dy+2.1), 1) iend = min(ifix((xend-x)/dx+1.1), nrow) jend = min(ifix((yend-y)/dy+1.1), ncol) if ((ist .gt. iend) .or. (jst .gt. jend)) go to 40 do 20 i = ist, iend do 20 j = jst, jend val(i,j) = spval 20 continue 40 nptr = node(levelptr,nptr) go to 10 endif return end c c ------------------------------------------------------------ c subroutine addbndry( level, mptr, a, nrow, ncol, nvar, 1 xlo, ylo, xhi, yhi, spval, lst, 2 deltax, deltay) c c :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: c ::::::::: Array "a" contains the values of the grid at "level" c ::::::::: pointed to by "mptr". c ::::::::: This routine fills in the boundry values array "a". c ::::::::: The boundry value of a cell is determined by: c ::::::::: (1) it is "spval" if the cell is outside the physical c ::::::::: bounds of the problem defined by xlow, ylow, xhi, yhi. c ::::::::: (2) if the cell overlaps another grid at "level" it is c ::::::::: given the value of the overlapping cell. c ::::::::: (3) if it does not overlap a grid at the same level c ::::::::: it must overlap a cell at a coarser level. The c ::::::::: four nearest neighbor cells of this coarser grid c ::::::::: are interpolated to give a value to the cell. c :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: c dimension a(nrow,ncol,nvar) real xlo, ylo, xhi, yhi, interp real q(4),v11(4),v21(4),v12(4),v22(4),regval(4) integer level, mptr logical outside, xinside, yinside c include "call.i" c interp(xx1,vv1,xx2,vv2,xx) = vv1 + (vv2-vv1)*(xx-xx1)/(xx2-xx1) outside(x,y) = ( (x .lt. xlo) .or. (x .gt. xhi) .or. 1 (y .lt. ylo) .or. (y .gt. yhi) ) xbot = rnode(cornxlo,mptr) ybot = rnode(cornylo,mptr) do 70 i = 1, nrow xinside = ( (i .gt. 1) .and. (i .lt. nrow) ) xcen = xbot + deltax*(float(i) - 1.5) do 60 j = 1, ncol yinside = ( (j .gt. 1) .and. (j .lt. ncol) ) if ( xinside .and. yinside ) goto 60 ycen = ybot + deltay*(float(j) - 1.5) if (outside(xcen,ycen)) then do 10 ivar = 1, nvar c if (i .eq. 1) then c if (j .eq. 1 .or. j .eq. ncol) then c a(i,j,ivar) = spval c else c a(1,j,ivar) = a(2,j,ivar) c endif c else if (i .eq. nrow) then c a(nrow,j,ivar) = a(nrow-1,j,ivar) c else if (j .eq. ncol) then c a(i,ncol,ivar) = a(i,ncol-1,ivar) c else if (j .eq. 1) then c a(i,1,ivar) = a(i,2,ivar) c endif 10 a(i,j,ivar) = spval c10 continue goto 60 endif call srchlev(xcen,ycen,level,ngrd,i1,j1,x1,y1) if (ngrd .ne. 0) then c :::::::: found at same level, just use that value ::::: c nr = node(maxnumrow,ngrd) + 1 c nc = node(maxnumcol,ngrd) + 1 nr = node(ndihi,ngrd) - node(ndilo,ngrd) + 3 nc = node(ndjhi,ngrd) - node(ndjlo,ngrd) + 3 loc = node(tempptr,ngrd) call getval(alloc(loc),nr,nc,i1,j1,q,nvar) do 15 ivar = 1, nvar 15 a(i,j,ivar) = q(ivar) go to 60 endif c :::::::: not found at same level, search lower level c :::::::: and interplolate from four nearest points lev = level - 1 call srchlev(xcen,ycen,lev,ngrd,i1,j1,x1,y1) if (ngrd .ne. 0) then dx = hxposs(lev) dy = hyposs(lev) xsgn = sign( 1.0, xcen - x1 ) ysgn = sign( 1.0, ycen - y1 ) x2 = x1 + xsgn*dx y2 = y1 + ysgn*dy i2 = i1 + nint(xsgn) j2 = j1 + nint(ysgn) c nr = node(maxnumrow,ngrd) + 1 c nc = node(maxnumcol,ngrd) + 1 nr = node(ndihi,ngrd) - node(ndilo,ngrd) + 3 nc = node(ndjhi,ngrd) - node(ndjlo,ngrd) + 3 loc = node(tempptr,ngrd) call getval(alloc(loc),nr,nc,i1,j1,v11,nvar) if (outside(x1,y2)) then c :::: (x2,y1) must be inside. Use 2 point interp. call srchlev(x2,y1,lev,ng,ii,jj,xx,yy) c nr = node(maxnumrow,ng) + 1 c nc = node(maxnumcol,ng) + 1 nr = node(ndihi,ng) - node(ndilo,ng) + 3 nc = node(ndjhi,ng) - node(ndjlo,ng) + 3 loc = node(tempptr,ng) call getval(alloc(loc),nr,nc,ii,jj,v21,nvar) if ((abs(v11(1)).eq.spval).and. . (abs(v21(1)).ne.spval)) then call fix(v11,v21) elseif ((abs(v11(1)).ne.spval).and. . (abs(v21(1)).eq.spval)) then call fix(v21,v11) endif do 35 ivar = 1, nvar a(i,j,ivar)=interp(x1,v11(ivar),x2,v21(ivar),xcen) 35 continue elseif (outside(x2,y1)) then c :::: (x1,y2) must be inside. Use 2 point interp. call srchlev(x1,y2,lev,ng,ii,jj,xx,yy) c nr = node(maxnumrow,ng) + 1 c nc = node(maxnumcol,ng) + 1 nr = node(ndihi,ng) - node(ndilo,ng) + 3 nc = node(ndjhi,ng) - node(ndjlo,ng) + 3 loc = node(tempptr,ng) call getval(alloc(loc),nr,nc,ii,jj,v12,nvar) if ((abs(v11(1)).eq.spval).and. . (abs(v12(1)).ne.spval)) then call fix(v11,v12) elseif ((abs(v11(1)).ne.spval).and. . (abs(v12(1)).eq.spval)) then call fix(v12,v11) endif do 40 ivar = 1, nvar a(i,j,ivar)=interp(y1,v11(ivar),y2,v12(ivar),ycen) 40 continue else c :::: All points inside. Use 4 point interp. call srchlev(x1,y2,lev,ng,ii,jj,xx,yy) c nr = node(maxnumrow,ng) + 1 c nc = node(maxnumcol,ng) + 1 nr = node(ndihi,ng) - node(ndilo,ng) + 3 nc = node(ndjhi,ng) - node(ndjlo,ng) + 3 loc = node(tempptr,ng) call getval(alloc(loc),nr,nc,ii,jj,v12,nvar) call srchlev(x2,y1,lev,ng,ii,jj,xx,yy) c nr = node(maxnumrow,ng) + 1 c nc = node(maxnumcol,ng) + 1 nr = node(ndihi,ng) - node(ndilo,ng) + 3 nc = node(ndjhi,ng) - node(ndjlo,ng) + 3 loc = node(tempptr,ng) call getval(alloc(loc),nr,nc,ii,jj,v21,nvar) call srchlev(x2,y2,lev,ng,ii,jj,xx,yy) c nr = node(maxnumrow,ng) + 1 c nc = node(maxnumcol,ng) + 1 nr = node(ndihi,ng) - node(ndilo,ng) + 3 nc = node(ndjhi,ng) - node(ndjlo,ng) + 3 loc = node(tempptr,ng) call getval(alloc(loc),nr,nc,ii,jj,v22,nvar) c ::: are all coarse values in the regular domain? ::: if ( ((abs(v11(1)).ne.spval) . .and.(abs(v12(1)).ne.spval) . .and.(abs(v21(1)).ne.spval) . .and.(abs(v22(1)).ne.spval)) .or. . ((abs(v11(1)).eq.spval) . .and.(abs(v12(1)).eq.spval) . .and.(abs(v21(1)).eq.spval) . .and.(abs(v22(1)).eq.spval)) ) then do 45 ivar = 1, nvar v1 = interp(y1,v11(ivar),y2,v12(ivar),ycen) v2 = interp(y1,v21(ivar),y2,v22(ivar),ycen) c :::: interpolate in x direction ::::: a(i,j,ivar) = interp(x1,v1,x2,v2,xcen) 45 continue else c ::: just find one non-special value to use c ::: piecewise constant interp. if (abs(v11(1)).ne.spval) then call fix(regval,v11) elseif (abs(v12(1)).ne.spval) then call fix(regval,v12) elseif (abs(v21(1)).ne.spval) then call fix(regval,v21) elseif (abs(v22(1)).ne.spval) then call fix(regval,v22) endif do 234 ivar = 1, nvar a(i,j,ivar) = regval(ivar) 234 continue endif go to 60 endif c c :::::::: should never fall through this loop ::::: else write(16,100) xcen, ycen 100 format( "no coarse grid contains ",2(e13.6,2x)) do 55 ivar = 1, nvar if (i .eq. 1) then if (j .eq. 1 .or. j .eq. ncol) then a(i,j,ivar) = spval else a(1,j,ivar) = a(2,j,ivar) endif else if (i .eq. nrow) then a(nrow,j,ivar) = a(nrow-1,j,ivar) else if (j .eq. ncol) then a(i,ncol,ivar) = a(i,ncol-1,ivar) else if (j .eq. 1) then a(i,1,ivar) = a(i,2,ivar) endif 55 continue call clsgks c stop endif c 60 continue 70 continue return end c c --------------------------------------------------- c subroutine fix(v1,v2) dimension v1(4), v2(4) c c set v1 equal to v2 so that interpolation in addbndry c routine either sets boundary value to spval or to a "real" c (but obviously not very accurate) value c do 10 i = 1, 4 v1(i) = v2(i) 10 continue return end c c ------------------------------------------------------------ c subroutine getval(a,nrows,ncols,i,j,q,nvar) dimension a(nrows,ncols,nvar), q(nvar) c do 10 ivar = 1, nvar q(ivar) = a(i,j,ivar) 10 continue c return end c c ------------------------------------------------------------ c subroutine srchlev(xcen,ycen,level,ngrd,i,j,x,y) c c ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: c ::::::::: Search all the grids at "level" until one is found c ::::::::: that contains the point (xcen,ycen). c ::::::::: If no such grid is found, ngrd will be returned as zero. c ::::::::: If one is found, ngrd will point to that grid, c ::::::::: (i,j) will be the indicies of the cell it is found in, c ::::::::: and (x,y) will be the coordinates of the center of the cell. c ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: c include "call.i" logical inside c ngrd = lstart(level) 10 if (ngrd .ne. 0) then xlow = rnode(cornxlo,ngrd) ylow = rnode(cornylo,ngrd) xhigh = rnode(cornxhi,ngrd) yhigh = rnode(cornyhi,ngrd) inside = ( (xcen .ge. xlow) .and. (xcen .le. xhigh) .and. 1 (ycen .ge. ylow) .and. (ycen .le. yhigh) ) if (inside) then dx = hxposs(level) dy = hyposs(level) i = int( (xcen - xlow) / dx ) + 2 j = int( (ycen - ylow) / dy ) + 2 x = xlow + dx*(float(i) - 1.5) y = ylow + dy*(float(j) - 1.5) go to 99 endif ngrd = node(levelptr,ngrd) goto 10 endif 99 return end c c ------------------------------------------------------------ c subroutine restore( orig, black, fixed, nrow, ncol, 1 mptr, spval, xlo, ylo, xhi, yhi ) c c ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: c ::::::::: Array "black" is identical to array "orig" except c ::::::::: that some cells may be blackened out because they c ::::::::: overlap cells in finer grids. c ::::::::: This routine creates the array "fixed" to be identical c ::::::::: to "black" except that if restores the origional c ::::::::: value to a blackened cell if that cell satisfies c ::::::::: the following conditions: c ::::::::: (1) the cell is within the physical problem domain c ::::::::: (2) the cell is blackened out. c ::::::::: (3) the cell is adjacent to a cell that is not c ::::::::: blackened out. c ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: c parameter (eps=1.0) real orig(nrow, ncol), fixed(nrow, ncol), black(nrow, ncol) logical notblack, outside c include "call.i" c notblack(xx) = ((xx .lt. spval-eps) .or. (xx .gt. spval+eps)) c ::::::::: get the physical coordinates of the grid we are restoring level = node(nestlevel,mptr) dx = hxposs(level) dy = hyposs(level) x = rnode(cornxlo,mptr) y = rnode(cornylo,mptr) do 10 i = 1, nrow klow = -1 if (i .eq. 1) klow = 0 khigh = 1 if (i .eq. nrow) khigh = 0 do 20 j = 1, ncol fixed(i,j) = black(i,j) c ::::::: check only blackened cells ::::: if (notblack( black(i,j) )) goto 20 c ::::::: check if cell is within bounds of physical domain ::::: xcen = x + dx*(float(i) - 1.5) ycen = y + dy*(float(j) - 1.5) outside = ( (xcen .le. xlo) .or. (xcen .ge. xhi) .or. 1 (ycen .le. ylo) .or. (ycen .ge. yhi) ) if (outside) goto 20 llow = -1 if (j .eq. 1) llow = 0 lhigh = 1 if (j .eq. ncol) lhigh = 0 c ::::::: check nearest neighbors for non-black cells ::::: do 30 k = klow,khigh do 40 l = llow, lhigh if (notblack(black(i+k,j+l))) then c ::::::: restore to origional value ::::: c write(16,200) mptr, i, j 200 format("Restoring value: mptr, I, J ",3(i4,3x) ) fixed(i,j) = orig(i,j) goto 20 endif 40 continue 30 continue 20 continue 10 continue c return end c c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c subroutine drawbox(xlo,ylo,xhi,yhi,level) dimension icl(5) data icl/10,40,100,110,120/ call gsplci(icl(level)) call gstxci(icl(level)) call line(xlo,ylo,xlo,yhi) call line(xlo,yhi,xhi,yhi) call line(xhi,yhi,xhi,ylo) call line(xhi,ylo,xlo,ylo) return end c c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c subroutine dtree (lst,lend,line,linelen,gprint2) c include "call.i" character*50 line integer linelen logical gprint2 c c ******************************************************************* c dtree - draw the grids in the subtree starting at level lst to lend. c (just outline the grids, not their values) c ****************************************************************** c c c set scaling using (x,y) min/max of coarsest level rectangles. xmin = 10.e32 xmax = - 10.e32 ymin = 10.e32 ymax = - 10.e32 c mptr = lstart(lst) 10 if (mptr .ne. 0) then x1 = rnode(cornxlo,mptr) x2 = rnode(cornxhi,mptr) xmin = amin1(x1,x2,xmin) xmax = amax1(x1,x2,xmax) y1 = rnode(cornylo,mptr) y2 = rnode(cornyhi,mptr) ymin = amin1(y1,y2,ymin) ymax = amax1(y1,y2,ymax) mptr = node(levelptr,mptr) go to 10 endif c c add border ratxy =.8*amin1(1.,(xmax-xmin)/(ymax-ymin)) ratyx =.8*amin1(1.,(ymax-ymin)/(xmax-xmin)) call set(.1,.1+ratxy,.1,.1+ratyx,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,1) c c actually generate call to draw each rectangle now. level = lst 30 if (level .le. lend) then mptr = lstart(level) 40 if (mptr .ne. 0) then call drect(mptr,gprint2) mptr = node(levelptr,mptr) go to 40 endif level = level + 1 go to 30 endif c call set(0.,1.,0.,1.,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymin+1.2*(ymax-ymin),1) xthird = xmin + (xmax-xmin)/3. call pwrit(xthird,ymin+1.1*(ymax-ymin),line,linelen,2,0,-1) c c reset plotting coords. in case call came from dclust - more to draw. c call set(.1,.1+ratxy,.1,.1+ratyx,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,1) c return end subroutine drect(mptr,gprint2) c include "call.i" dimension x(4), y(4) logical gprint2 character*3 numg c c ****************************************************************** c drect - draw rectangle of grid mptr. c if gprint2 true, print grid number in grid. c c this routine assumes dtree already called, appropriate graphics c calls already made. c ****************************************************************** c x(1) = rnode(cornxlo,mptr) y(1) = rnode(cornylo,mptr) x(2) = rnode(cornxlo,mptr) y(2) = rnode(cornyhi,mptr) x(3) = rnode(cornxhi,mptr) y(3) = rnode(cornyhi,mptr) x(4) = rnode(cornxhi,mptr) y(4) = rnode(cornylo,mptr) level = node(nestlevel, mptr) hx = hxposs(level) hy = hyposs(level) do 10 i = 1,4 call line(x(i),y(i),x((mod(i,4))+1),y((mod(i,4))+1)) 10 continue c c print grid number? c if (gprint2) then xplace = x(1) + 2.*hx yplace = y(2) - 3.*hy write(numg(1:3),'(i3)') mptr call pwrit(xplace,yplace,numg,3,0,0,0) endif return end c c ------------------------------------------------------- c subroutine contor(a,m,n,header,hlen,mptr) dimension a(m,n) character header*50 include "call.i" common /conre1/ ioffp, spval common /conre4/ sizel, sizem, sizep, nrep, ncrt, ilab, 1 nulbll, ioffd, ext, ioffm, isolid, nla, 2 nlm, xlt, ybt, side data ncons/40/ c ioffp = 1 nlm = 40 spval = 1.0e10 spval2 = -1.e10 call cpseti('LLP - line label position',0) c call cpsetc('HLT - high/low label text',' ') c call cpsetc('ILT - informational label text',' ') call cpseti('NCL - number of contour levels',ncons) call cpseti('SET - do set call flag',0) call cpsetr('SPV - set special value ',spval) c c ::::::::: only work with data in the subarray (2..m-1,2..n-1) ::::: flm = float(m-2) fln = float(n-2) xlen = .8*amin1(1.,flm/fln) ylen = .8*amin1(1.,fln/flm) xmax = .1+xlen ymax = .1+ylen fncons = float(ncons) totmax = -1.e+10 totmin = 1.e+10 do 100 i=2,m-1 do 100 j=2,n-1 if (a(i,j) .eq. spval2) go to 100 totmax = amax1(a(i,j),totmax) totmin = amin1(a(i,j),totmin) 100 continue write(7,*)" grid ",mptr," ranges from ",totmin," to ", totmax c if (ioffp .eq. 0) go to 30 do 25 i = 2,m-1 do 25 j = 2,n-1 if (a(i,j) .eq. spval2) a(i,j) = spval 25 continue 30 continue c 33 dela = totmax - totmin finc = dela/fncons fhi = totmax -.5*finc flo = totmin +.5*finc call set(.1,xmax,.1,ymax,.5,flm+.5,.5,fln+.5,1) call perim(10,1,10,1) call conrec(a(2,2),m,m-2,n-2,flo,fhi,finc,-1,-1,0) c call cpcnrc(a(2,2),m,m-2,n-2,flo,fhi,finc,1,-1,0) c c prepare titles c xthird = flm/3. xplace = flm/10. yplace = 1.1*fln call set(0.,1.,0.,1.,0.,flm,0.,1.2*fln,1) call pwrit(xplace,yplace,header,hlen,2,0,-1) c call frame return end SUBROUTINE CONREC (Z,L,M,N,FLO,HI,FINC,NSET,NHI,NDOT) C C +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ C | | C | Copyright (C) 1987 by UCAR | C | University Corporation for Atmospheric Research | C | All Rights Reserved | C | | C | NCARGRAPHICS Version 2.00 | C | | C +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ C C C C DIMENSION OF Z(L,N) C ARGUMENTS C C LATEST REVISION June, 1987 C C PURPOSE CONREC draws a contour map from data stored C in a rectangular array, labeling the lines. C C USAGE If the following assumptions are met, use C C CALL EZCNTR (Z,M,N) C C ASSUMPTIONS: C --All of the array is to be contoured. C --Contour levels are picked C internally. C --Contouring routine picks scale C factors. C --Highs and lows are marked. C --Negative lines are drawn with a C dashed line pattern. C --EZCNTR calls FRAME after drawing the C contour map. C C If these assumptions are not met, use C C CALL CONREC (Z,L,M,N,FLO,HI,FINC,NSET, C NHI,NDOT) C C ARGUMENTS C C ON INPUT Z C FOR EZCNTR M by N array to be contoured. C C M C First dimension of Z. C C N C Second dimension of Z. C C ON OUTPUT All arguments are unchanged. C FOR EZCNTR C C ON INPUT Z C FOR CONREC The (origin of the) array to be C contoured. Z is dimensioned L by N. C C L C The first dimension of Z in the calling C program. C C M C The number of data values to be contoured C in the X-direction (the first subscript C direction). When plotting an entire C array, L = M. C C N C The number of data values to be contoured C in the Y-direction (the second subscript C direction). C C FLO C The value of the lowest contour level. C If FLO = HI = 0., a value rounded up from C the minimum Z is generated by CONREC. C C HI C The value of the highest contour level. C If HI = FLO = 0., a value rounded down C from the maximum Z is generated by C CONREC. C C FINC C > 0 Increment between contour levels. C = 0 A value, which produces between 10 C and 30 contour levels at nice values, C is generated by CONREC. C < 0 The number of levels generated by C CONREC is ABS(FINC). C C NSET C Flag to control scaling. C = 0 CONREC automatically sets the C window and viewport to properly C scale the frame to the standard C configuration. C The GRIDAL entry PERIM is C called and tick marks are placed C corresponding to the data points. C > 0 CONREC assumes that the user C has set the window and viewport C in such a way as to properly C scale the plotting C instructions generated by CONREC. C PERIM is not called. C < 0 CONREC generates coordinates so as C to place the (untransformed) contour C plot within the limits of the C user's current window and C viewport. PERIM is not called. C C NHI C Flag to control extra information on the C contour plot. C = 0 Highs and lows are marked with an H C or L as appropriate, and the value C of the high or low is plotted under C the symbol. C > 0 The data values are plotted at C each Z point, with the center of C the string indicating the data C point location. C < 0 Neither of the above. C C NDOT C A 10-bit constant designating the desired C dashed line pattern. C If ABS(NDOT) = 0, 1, or 1023, solid lines C are drawn. C > 0 NDOT pattern is used for all lines. C < 0 ABS(NDOT) pattern is used for nega- C tive-valued contour lines, and solid is C used for positive-valued contours. C CONREC converts NDOT C to a 16-bit pattern and DASHDB is used. C See DASHDB comments in the DASHLINE C documentation for details. C C C C ON OUTPUT All arguments are unchanged. C FOR CONREC C C C ENTRY POINTS CONREC, CLGEN, REORD, STLINE, DRLINE, C MINMAX, PNTVAL, CALCNT, EZCNTR, CONBD C C COMMON BLOCKS INTPR, RECINT, CONRE1, CONRE2, CONRE3, C CONRE4,CONRE5 C C REQUIRED LIBRARY Standard version: DASHCHAR, which at C ROUTINES NCAR is loaded by default. C Smooth version: DASHSMTH which must be C requested at NCAR. C Both versions require GRIDAL, the C ERPRT77 package, and the SPPS. C C REQUIRED GKS LEVEL 0A C C I/O Plots contour map. C C PRECISION Single C C LANGUAGE FORTRAN 77 C C HISTORY Replaces old contouring package called C CALCNT at NCAR. C C ALGORITHM Each line is followed to completion. Points C along a line are found on boundaries of the C (rectangular) cells. These points are C connected by line segments using the C software dashed line package, DASHCHAR. C DASHCHAR is also used to label the C lines. C C NOTE To draw non-uniform contour levels, see C the comments in CLGEN. To make special C modifications for specific needs see the C explanation of the internal parameters C below. C C TIMING Varies widely with size and smoothness of C Z. C C INTERNAL PARAMETERS NAME DEFAULT FUNCTION C ---- ------- -------- C C ISIZEL 1 Size of line labels, C as per the size definitions C given in the SPPS C documentation for WTSTR. C C ISIZEM 2 size of labels for minimums C and maximums, C as per the size definitions C given in the SPPS C documentation for WTSTR. C C ISIZEP 0 Size of labels for data C point values as per the size C definitions given in the SPPS C documentation for WTSTR. C C NLA 16 Approximate number of C contour levels when C internally generated. C C NLM 40 Maximum number of contour C levels. If this is to be C increased, the dimensions C of CL and RWORK in CONREC C must be increased by the C same amount. C C XLT .05 Left hand edge of the plot C (0.0 is the left edge of C the frame and 1.0 is the C right edge of the frame.) C C YBT .05 Bottom edge of the plot C (0.0 is the bottom of the C frame and 1.0 is the top C of the frame.) C C SIDE 0.9 Length of longer edge of C plot (see also EXT). C C NREP 6 Number of repetitions of C the dash pattern between C line labels. C C NCRT 4 Number of CRT units per C element (bit) in the dash C pattern. C C ILAB 1 Flag to control the drawing C of line labels. C . ILAB non-zero means label C the lines. C . ILAB = 0 means do not C label the lines. C C NULBLL 3 Number of unlabeled lines C between labeled lines. For C example, when NULBLL = 3, C every fourth level is C labeled. C C IOFFD 0 Flag to control C normalization of label C numbers. C . IOFFD = 0 means include C decimal point when C possible (do not C normalize unless C required). C . IOFFD non-zero means C normalize all label C numbers and output a C scale factor in the C message below the graph. C C EXT .25 Lengths of the sides of the C plot are proportional to M C and N (when CONREC sets C the window and viewport). C In extreme cases, when C MIN(M,N)/MAX(M,N) is less C than EXT, CONREC C produces a square plot. C C IOFFP 0 Flag to control special C value feature. C . IOFFP = 0 means special C value feature not in use. C . IOFFP non-zero means C special value feature in C use. (SPVAL is set to the C special value.) Contour C lines will then be C omitted from any cell C with any corner equal to C the special value. C C SPVAL 0. Contains the special value C when IOFFP is non-zero. C C IOFFM 0 Flag to control the message C below the plot. C . IOFFM = 0 if the message C is to be plotted. C . IOFFM non-zero if the C message is to be omitted. C C ISOLID 1023 Dash pattern for C non-negative contour lines. C C EXTERNAL CONBD C SAVE CHARACTER*1 IGAP ,ISOL ,RCHAR CHARACTER ENCSCR*22 ,IWORK*126 DIMENSION LNGTHS(5) ,HOLD(5) ,WNDW(4) ,VWPRT(4) DIMENSION Z(L,N) ,CL(50) ,RWORK(50) ,LASF(13) COMMON /INTPR/ PAD1, FPART, PAD(8) COMMON /CONRE1/ IOFFP ,SPVAL COMMON /CONRE3/ IXBITS ,IYBITS COMMON /CONRE4/ ISIZEL ,ISIZEM ,ISIZEP ,NREP , 1 NCRT ,ILAB ,NULBLL ,IOFFD , 2 EXT ,IOFFM ,ISOLID ,NLA , 3 NLM ,XLT ,YBT ,SIDE COMMON /CONRE5/ SCLY COMMON /RECINT/ IRECMJ ,IRECMN ,IRECTX DATA LNGTHS(1),LNGTHS(2),LNGTHS(3),LNGTHS(4),LNGTHS(5) 1 / 12, 3, 20, 9, 17 / DATA ISOL, IGAP /'$', ''''/ C C ISOL AND IGAP (DOLLAR-SIGN AND APOSTROPHE) ARE USED TO CONSTRUCT PAT- C TERNS PASSED TO ROUTINE DASHDC IN THE SOFTWARE DASHED-LINE PACKAGE. C C C C THE FOLLOWING CALL IS FOR GATHERING STATISTICS ON LIBRARY USE AT NCAR C CALL Q8QST4 ('GRAPHX','CONREC','CONREC','VERSION 01') C C NONSMOOTHING VERSION C C C C CALL RESET FOR COMPATIBILITY WITH ALL DASH ROUTINES(EXCEPT DASHLINE) C CALL RESET C C GET NUMBER OF BITS IN INTEGER ARITHMETIC C IARTH = I1MACH(8) IXBITS = 0 DO 101 I=1,IARTH IF (M .LE. (2**I-1)) GO TO 102 IXBITS = I+1 101 CONTINUE 102 IYBITS = 0 DO 103 I=1,IARTH IF (N .LE. (2**I-1)) GO TO 104 IYBITS = I+1 103 CONTINUE 104 IF ((IXBITS*IYBITS).GT.0 .AND. (IXBITS+IYBITS).LE.24) GO TO 105 C C REPORT ERROR NUMBER ONE C IWORK = 'CONREC - DIMENSION ERROR - M*N .GT. (2**IARTH) M = + N = ' WRITE (IWORK(56:62),'(I6)') M WRITE (IWORK(73:79),'(I6)') N CALL SETER( IWORK, 1, 1 ) RETURN 105 CONTINUE C C INQUIRE CURRENT TEXT AND LINE COLOR INDEX C CALL GQTXCI ( IERR, ITXCI ) CALL GQPLCI ( IERR, IPLCI ) C C SET LINE AND TEXT ASF TO INDIVIDUAL C CALL GQASF ( IERR, LASF ) LSV3 = LASF(3) LSV10 = LASF(10) LASF(3) = 1 LASF(10) = 1 CALL GSASF ( LASF ) C GL = FLO HA = HI GP = FINC MX = L NX = M NY = N IDASH = NDOT NEGPOS = ISIGN(1,IDASH) IDASH = IABS(IDASH) IF (IDASH.EQ.0 .OR. IDASH.EQ.1) IDASH = ISOLID C C SET CONTOUR LEVELS. C CALL CLGEN (Z,MX,NX,NY,GL,HA,GP,NLA,NLM,CL,NCL,ICNST) C C FIND MAJOR AND MINOR LINES C IF (ILAB .NE. 0) CALL REORD (CL,NCL,RWORK,NML,NULBLL+1) IF (ILAB .EQ. 0) NML = 0 C C SAVE CURRENT NORMALIZATION TRANS NUMBER NTORIG AND LOG SCALING FLAG C CALL GQCNTN ( IERR, NTORIG ) CALL GETUSV ('LS',IOLLS) C C SET UP SCALING C CALL GETUSV ( 'YF' , IYVAL ) SCLY = 1.0 / ISHIFT ( 1, 15 - IYVAL ) C IF (NSET) 106,107,111 106 CALL GQNT ( NTORIG,IERR,WNDW,VWPRT ) X1 = VWPRT(1) X2 = VWPRT(2) Y1 = VWPRT(3) Y2 = VWPRT(4) C C SAVE NORMALIZATION TRANS 1 C CALL GQNT (1,IERR,WNDW,VWPRT) C C DEFINE NORMALIZATION TRANS AND LOG SCALING C CALL SET(X1, X2, Y1, Y2, 1.0, FLOAT(NX), 1.0, FLOAT(NY), 1) GO TO 111 107 CONTINUE X1 = XLT X2 = XLT+SIDE Y1 = YBT Y2 = YBT+SIDE X3 = NX Y3 = NY IF (AMIN1(X3,Y3)/AMAX1(X3,Y3) .LT. EXT) GO TO 110 IF (NX-NY) 108,110,109 108 X2 = SIDE*X3/Y3+XLT GO TO 110 109 Y2 = SIDE*Y3/X3+YBT C C SAVE NORMALIZATION TRANS 1 C 110 CALL GQNT ( 1, IERR, WNDW, VWPRT ) C C DEFINE NORMALIZATION TRANS 1 AND LOG SCALING C CALL SET(X1,X2,Y1,Y2,1.0,X3,1.0,Y3,1) C C DRAW PERIMETER C CALL PERIM (NX-1,1,NY-1,1) 111 IF (ICNST .NE. 0) GO TO 124 C C SET UP LABEL SCALING C IOFFDT = IOFFD IF (GL.NE.0.0 .AND. (ABS(GL).LT.0.1 .OR. ABS(GL).GE.1.E5)) 1 IOFFDT = 1 IF (HA.NE.0.0 .AND. (ABS(HA).LT.0.1 .OR. ABS(HA).GE.1.E5)) 1 IOFFDT = 1 ASH = 10.**(3-IFIX(ALOG10(AMAX1(ABS(GL),ABS(HA),ABS(GP)))-5000.)- 1 5000) IF (IOFFDT .EQ. 0) ASH = 1. IF (IOFFM .NE. 0) GO TO 115 IWORK ='CONTOUR FROM TO CONTOUR INTERVAL 1 OF PT(3,3)= LABELS SCALED BY' HOLD(1) = GL HOLD(2) = HA HOLD(3) = GP HOLD(4) = Z(3,3) HOLD(5) = ASH NCHAR = 0 DO 114 I=1,5 WRITE ( ENCSCR, '(G13.5)' ) HOLD(I) NCHAR = NCHAR+LNGTHS(I) DO 113 J=1,13 NCHAR = NCHAR+1 IWORK(NCHAR:NCHAR) = ENCSCR(J:J) 113 CONTINUE 114 CONTINUE IF (ASH .EQ. 1.) NCHAR = NCHAR-13-LNGTHS(5) C C SET TEXT INTENSITY TO LOW, AND WRITE TITLE USING NORMALIZATION C TRANS NUMBER 0 C CALL GSTXCI (IRECTX) CALL GETUSV('LS',LSO) CALL SETUSV('LS',1) CALL GSELNT (0) CALL WTSTR ( 0.5, 0.015625, IWORK(1:NCHAR), 0, 0, 0 ) CALL SETUSV('LS',LSO) CALL GSELNT (1) C C C C * * * * * * * * * * C * * * * * * * * * * C C C PROCESS EACH LEVEL C 115 FPART = .5 C DO 123 I=1,NCL CONTR = CL(I) NDASH = IDASH IF (NEGPOS.LT.0 .AND. CONTR.GE.0.) NDASH = ISOLID C C CHANGE 10 BIT PATTERN TO 10 CHARACTER PATTERN. C DO 116 J=1,10 IBIT = IAND(ISHIFT(NDASH,(J-10)),1) RCHAR = IGAP IF (IBIT .NE. 0) RCHAR = ISOL IWORK(J:J) = RCHAR 116 CONTINUE IF (I .GT. NML) GO TO 121 C C SET UP MAJOR LINE (LABELED) C C C NREP REPITITIONS OF PATTERN PER LABEL. C NCHAR = 10 IF (NREP .LT. 2) GO TO 119 DO 118 J=1,10 NCHAR = J RCHAR = IWORK(J:J) DO 117 K=2,NREP NCHAR = NCHAR+10 IWORK(NCHAR:NCHAR) = RCHAR 117 CONTINUE 118 CONTINUE 119 CONTINUE C C PUT IN LABEL. C CALL ENCD (CONTR,ASH,ENCSCR,NCUSED,IOFFDT) DO 120 J=1,NCUSED NCHAR = NCHAR+1 IWORK(NCHAR:NCHAR) = ENCSCR(J:J) 120 CONTINUE GO TO 122 C C SET UP MINOR LINE (UNLABELED). C 121 CONTINUE C C SET LINE INTENSITY TO LOW C CALL GSPLCI ( IRECMN ) NCHAR = 10 122 CALL DASHDC ( IWORK(1:NCHAR),NCRT, ISIZEL ) C C C DRAW ALL LINES AT THIS LEVEL. C CALL STLINE (Z,MX,NX,NY,CONTR) C C SET LINE INTENSITY TO HIGH C CALL GSPLCI ( IRECMJ ) C 123 CONTINUE C C FIND RELATIVE MINIMUMS AND MAXIMUMS IF WANTED, AND MARK VALUES IF C WANTED. C IF (NHI .EQ. 0) CALL MINMAX (Z,MX,NX,NY,ISIZEM,ASH,IOFFDT) IF (NHI .GT. 0) CALL MINMAX (Z,MX,NX,NY,ISIZEP,-ASH,IOFFDT) FPART = 1. GO TO 127 124 CONTINUE IWORK = 'CONSTANT FIELD' WRITE( ENCSCR, '(G22.14)' ) GL DO 126 I=1,22 IWORK(I+14:I+14) = ENCSCR(I:I) 126 CONTINUE C C WRITE TITLE USING NORMALIZATION TRNS 0 C CALL GETUSV('LS',LSO) CALL SETUSV('LS',1) CALL GSELNT (0) CALL WTSTR ( 0.09765, 0.48825, IWORK(1:36), 3, 0, -1 ) C C RESTORE NORMALIZATION TRANS 1, LINE AND TEXT INTENSITY TO ORIGINAL C 127 IF (NSET.LE.0) THEN CALL SET(VWPRT(1),VWPRT(2),VWPRT(3),VWPRT(4), - WNDW(1),WNDW(2),WNDW(3),WNDW(4),IOLLS) END IF CALL GSPLCI ( IPLCI ) CALL GSTXCI ( ITXCI ) C C SELECT ORIGINAL NORMALIZATION TRANS NUMBER NTORIG, AND RESTORE ASF C CALL GSELNT ( NTORIG ) LASF(3) = LSV3 LASF(10) = LSV10 CALL GSASF ( LASF ) C RETURN C C END c c ------------------------------------------------------- c subroutine ctable c c set up the color table c ncolors = 125 neach = ncolors/3 - 1 c c c # interpolate between blue and blue-green ilower = 2 iupper = ilower + neach irange = iupper - ilower range = float(irange) blue = 1.0 red = 0.0 do 20 i = ilower, iupper green = float(i-ilower)/range call gscr(1,i,red,green,blue) 20 continue c c # interpolate between blue-green and pure green ilower = iupper + 1 iupper = ilower + neach/2 irange = iupper - ilower range = float(irange) green = 1.0 red = 0.0 do 30 i = ilower, iupper blue = float(iupper-i)/range call gscr(1,i,red,green,blue) 30 continue c c # interpolate between pure green and green-red ilower = iupper + 1 iupper = ilower + neach/2 irange = iupper - ilower range = float(irange) blue = 0.0 green = 1.0 do 40 i = ilower, iupper red = float(i-ilower)/range call gscr(1,i,red,green,blue) 40 continue c c # interpolate between green-red and pure red ilower = iupper + 1 iupper = ncolors + 2 irange = iupper - ilower range = float(irange) blue = 0.0 red = 1.0 do 50 i = ilower, iupper green = float(iupper-i)/range call gscr(1,i,red,green,blue) 50 continue c return end c c ---------------------------------------------------------------- c subroutine lplotx(framecnt,line,linelen) c include "call.i" c integer framecnt, llen character lline*50, line*50 c FIX DIMENSIONING dimension xcord(2933),val(2933) data lline/15HLINEPLOT LEVEL /,llen/16/ c iadd(i,j) = loc + i - 1 + maxrows*(j-1) c c plot chosen variable in a straight line through domain. c (here it's a horizontal line, use mid value for y) c level = 1 npts = 0 lline = "LINEPLOT "//line(1:linelen)//" LEVEL " lentot = linelen + 9 eps = hxposs(lfine) /10. ymid = (ylower + yupper)/2.0 c xloc = xlower + eps yloc = ymid c 2 level = lfine 3 call srchlev(xloc,yloc,level,ngrd,i,j,x,y) if (ngrd .eq. 0) then level = level - 1 if (level .lt. 1) then write(6,*)" couldn't find any grid in lplotx" call clsgks stop endif go to 3 endif c c ngrd is starting grid c loc = node(store1,ngrd) maxrows = node(ndihi,ngrd) - node(ndilo,ngrd) + 3 maxcols = node(ndjhi,ngrd) - node(ndjlo,ngrd) + 3 15 npts = npts + 1 xloc = x xcord(npts) = xloc val(npts) = alloc(iadd(i,j)) c c find next grid to continue with c if (level .eq. lfine) then x = x + hxposs(level) i = i + 1 if (i .lt. maxrows) go to 15 endif c c in general, increment just enough to possibly start next finer level c xloc = xloc + hxposs(level)/2.0 + eps if (xloc .lt. xupper) go to 2 c c the line is set. now plot c 40 continue valmax = -1.e10 valmin = 1.e10 do 115 i = 1, npts valmin = amin1(valmin,val(i)) 115 valmax = amax1(valmax,val(i)) if (valmax .eq. valmin) then valdif = .05*valmin else valdif = .05*(valmax - valmin) endif valmin = valmin - valdif valmax = valmax + valdif c valmax = float(int(valmax+.01) + 1) valmin = float(int(valmin)) call set(.2,.8,.2,.8,xlower,xupper,valmin,valmax,1) call labmod('(f4.1)','(f6.2)',4,6,1,1,0,0,0) call gridal(4,4,2,5,1,1,5,dummy,dummy) c call curve(xcord,val,npts) ich = ichar('.') do i = 1, npts call point(xcord(i),val(i)) end do c c setup and print title c valdif = (valmax-valmin)/3. call set(.2,.9,.2,1.,xlower,xupper,valmin,valmax+valdif,1) xplace = xlower yplace = valmax +valdif/2. call pwrit(xplace,yplace,lline,lentot,2,0,-1) framecnt = framecnt + 1 write(7,299) framecnt, "LINEPLOT",lline 299 format( "Frame# ",i3,2x,a8,2x,a50 ) call frame c return end