outval.f.html | ![]() |
Source file: outval.f | |
Directory: /home/rjl/git/rjleveque/clawpack-4.x/amrclaw/2d/lib | |
Converted: Sun May 15 2011 at 19:16:14 using clawcode2html | |
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c c ======================================================================= subroutine outval(val,nvar,mitot,mjtot,mptr,outgrd,naux,aux) c ======================================================================= c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension val(mitot,mjtot,nvar) dimension aux(mitot,mjtot,naux) logical outgrd include "call.i" c ::::::::::::::::::::::OUTVAL ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: c print solution and aux. variables to output. c if cell outside domain, don't print soln. value - nothing c currently in ghost cells. c :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: c if (.not. outgrd) go to 99 level = node(nestlevel,mptr) hx = hxposs(level) hy = hyposs(level) cornx = rnode(cornxlo,mptr) - nghost*hx corny = rnode(cornylo,mptr) - nghost*hy c do 25 j=nghost+1,mjtot-nghost do 20 i=nghost+1,mitot-nghost x = cornx + hx*(dble(i)-.5d0) y = corny + hy*(dble(j)-.5d0) write(outunit,107) x,y,i,j,(val(i,j,ivar),ivar=1,nvar) 107 format(2hx=,f6.3,3h y=,f5.3,3h,i=,i3,3h,j=,i3,' a=', * 5(e9.3,1x)) if (naux.gt.0) write(outunit,108) (aux(i,j,iaux),iaux=1,naux) 108 format(1x,'aux = ',7(e9.3,1x)) 20 continue 25 continue 99 return end