icall.f.html CLAWPACK  
 Source file:   icall.f
 Directory:   /home/rjl/git/rjleveque/clawpack-4.x/amrclaw/2d/lib
 Converted:   Sun May 15 2011 at 19:16:14   using clawcode2html
 This documentation file will not reflect any later changes in the source file.

c --------------------------------------------------------------------
       subroutine icall(val,aux,nrow,ncol,nvar,naux,
     .                  ilo,ihi,jlo,jhi,level,iputst,jputst)

       implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)

       dimension val(nrow,ncol,nvar)
       dimension aux(nrow,ncol,naux)

       logical sticksout

       include "call.i"

       iadd   (i,j,ivar) = loc    + i - 1 + mitot*((ivar-1)*mjtot+j-1)
       iaddaux(i,j,ivar) = locaux + i - 1 + mitot*((ivar-1)*mjtot+j-1)

c ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ICALL :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
c    find intersecting grids at the same level. copy data from
c    intersecting grids to both val and aux arrays.
c    use larger definition of grids here - boundary data already in.
c    aux arrays also enlarged size.
c    iputst, jputst: where to copy values into. may not be in
c                    location corresponding to ilo,ihi,etc. if
c                    the patch has been periodically wrapped.

c :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

       mptr = lstart(level)

 10    if (mptr .eq. 0) go to 99
          iglo = node(ndilo,mptr) 
          ighi = node(ndihi,mptr) 
          jglo = node(ndjlo,mptr) 
          jghi = node(ndjhi,mptr) 

c         # does it intersect?
c$$$          ixlo = max(iglo-nghost,ilo)
c$$$          ixhi = min(ighi+nghost,ihi)
c$$$          jxlo = max(jglo-nghost,jlo)
c$$$          jxhi = min(jghi+nghost,jhi)
c  how did ghost cells get in the allowable region? They are not filled
c  (since we may be interpolating from newly filled grids, not just grids
c  that have been primed with bcs to be advanced.
          ixlo = max(iglo,ilo)
          ixhi = min(ighi,ihi)
          jxlo = max(jglo,jlo)
          jxhi = min(jghi,jhi)

          if (ixlo .le. ixhi .and. jxlo .le. jxhi) then
              loc  = node(store1,mptr)
              locaux = node(storeaux,mptr)
              nx   = ighi - iglo + 1
              ny   = jghi - jglo + 1
              mitot = nx + 2*nghost
              mjtot = ny + 2*nghost
              do 30 j    = jxlo, jxhi
              do 30 i    = ixlo, ixhi
              do 20 ivar = 1, nvar
                  ialloc  =  iadd(i-iglo+nghost+1,j-jglo+nghost+1,ivar)
                  val(i-ilo+iputst,j-jlo+jputst,ivar)  =  alloc(ialloc)
 20           continue
              do 25 iaux = 1, naux
                  ialloc = iaddaux(i-iglo+nghost+1,j-jglo+nghost+1,iaux)
                  aux(i-ilo+iputst,j-jlo+jputst,iaux)  =  alloc(ialloc)
 25           continue
 30           continue
          mptr = node(levelptr, mptr)
          go to 10

 99   continue

c if enlarged patch sticks out but isnt periodic just stick values
c in there so qad and src1d doesnt complain. the values wont be used 
c dont fill using values where debuggers might complain about uninitialized values
      if (ilo .lt. 0 .or. ihi .ge. iregsz(level) .or.
     &    jlo .lt. 0 .or. jhi .ge. jregsz(level)) then
	sticksout = .true.
	sticksout = .false.

      if (sticksout) then  
         if (xperdom .or. yperdom .or. spheredom) then
           write(*,*)" should not be in this code with periodic bc"
           write(*,*)"not writing into val correctly using mapping "
         if (ilo .eq. -1) then
            do j = max(jlo,0), min(jhi,jregsz(level)-1)
              jj = jputst + j - jlo
              do ivar = 1, nvar
c               it has got to be the first row that sticks out
c               since called from filval with enlarged patch and
c               no ghost cells
                val(1,jj,ivar) = val(2,jj,ivar) 
              end do
              do iaux = 1, naux
c                do same for aux arrays
                 aux(1,jj,iaux) = aux(2,jj,iaux) 
              end do
            end do
         if (ihi .eq. iregsz(level)) then
            do j = max(jlo,0), min(jhi,jregsz(level)-1)
              jj = jputst + j - jlo
              do ivar = 1, nvar
                 val(nrow,jj,ivar) = val(nrow-1,jj,ivar) 
              end do
              do iaux = 1, naux
                 aux(nrow,jj,iaux) = aux(nrow-1,jj,iaux) 
              end do
            end do
         if (jlo .eq. -1) then
            do i = max(ilo,0), min(ihi,iregsz(level)-1)
              ii = iputst + i - ilo
              do ivar = 1, nvar
                val(ii,1,ivar) = val(ii,2,ivar) 
              end do
              do iaux = 1, naux
                aux(ii,1,iaux) = aux(ii,2,iaux) 
              end do
            end do
         if (jhi .eq. jregsz(level)) then
            do i = max(ilo,0), min(ihi,iregsz(level)-1)
              ii = iputst + i - ilo
              do ivar = 1, nvar
                 val(ii,ncol,ivar) = val(ii,ncol-1,ivar) 
              end do
              do iaux = 1, naux
                 aux(ii,ncol,iaux) = aux(ii,ncol-1,iaux) 
              end do
            end do
