filval.f.html | ![]() |
Source file: filval.f | |
Directory: /home/rjl/git/rjleveque/clawpack-4.x/amrclaw/2d/lib | |
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c c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c subroutine filval(val,mitot,mjtot,hx,hy,lev,time, 1 valc,auxc,mic,mjc, 2 xleft,xright,ybot,ytop,nvar, 3 mptr,ilo,ihi,jlo,jhi,aux,naux,locflip) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) include "call.i" dimension val(mitot,mjtot,nvar), valc(mic,mjc,nvar) dimension aux(mitot,mjtot,naux), auxc(mic,mjc,naux) dimension dudx(max1d), dudy(max1d) c c :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: FILVAL :::::::::::::::::::::::::: c c create and fill coarser (lev-1) patch with one extra coarse cell all c around, plus the ghost cells . will interpolate from this patch to grid mptr c without needing special boundary code. c c :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: c levc = lev - 1 lratiox = intratx(levc) lratioy = intraty(levc) hxcrse = hx*lratiox hycrse = hy*lratioy xl = xleft - hxcrse xr = xright + hxcrse yb = ybot - hycrse yt = ytop + hycrse c c set integer indices for coarser patch enlarged by 1 cell c (can stick out of domain). proper nesting will insure this one c call is sufficient. iclo = ilo/lratiox - 1 jclo = jlo/lratioy - 1 ichi = (ihi+1)/lratiox - 1 + 1 jchi = (jhi+1)/lratioy - 1 + 1 ng = 0 c ::: mcapa is the capacity function index if (mcapa .eq. 0) then !dont need to copy aux stuff along with soln if (xperdom .or. yperdom .or. spheredom) then call preintcopy(valc,mic,mjc,nvar,iclo,ichi,jclo,jchi,levc, & locflip) else call intcopy(valc,mic,mjc,nvar,iclo,ichi,jclo,jchi,levc,1,1) endif else ! intersect grids and copy all (soln and aux) if (xperdom .or. yperdom .or. spheredom) then call preicall(valc,auxc,mic,mjc,nvar,naux,iclo,ichi,jclo, & jchi,levc,locflip) else call icall(valc,auxc,mic,mjc,nvar,naux,iclo,ichi,jclo,jchi, & levc,1,1) endif endif call bc2amr(valc,auxc,mic,mjc,nvar,naux, 1 hxcrse,hycrse,levc,time, 2 xl,xr,yb,yt, 3 xlower,ylower,xupper,yupper, 4 xperdom,yperdom,spheredom) c c prepare slopes - use min-mod limiters c do 30 j = 2, mjc-1 do 30 ivar = 1, nvar do 10 i = 2, mic-1 slp = valc(i+1,j,ivar) - valc(i,j,ivar) slm = valc(i,j,ivar) - valc(i-1,j,ivar) slopex = dmin1(dabs(slp),dabs(slm))* . dsign(1.0d0,valc(i+1,j,ivar) - valc(i-1,j,ivar)) c # if there's a sign change, set slope to 0. if ( slm*slp .gt. 0.d0) then dudx(i) = slopex else dudx(i) = 0.d0 endif slp = valc(i,j+1,ivar) - valc(i,j,ivar) slm = valc(i,j,ivar) - valc(i,j-1,ivar) slopey = dmin1(dabs(slp),dabs(slm))* . dsign(1.0d0,valc(i,j+1,ivar) - valc(i,j-1,ivar)) if ( slm*slp .gt. 0.d0) then dudy(i) = slopey else dudy(i) = 0.d0 endif 10 continue c c interp. from coarse cells to fine grid c do 20 ico = 1,lratiox xoff = (float(ico) - .5)/lratiox - .5 do 20 jco = 1,lratioy jfine = (j-2)*lratioy + nghost + jco yoff = (float(jco) - .5)/lratioy - .5 do 20 i = 2, mic-1 ifine = (i-2)*lratiox + nghost + ico val(ifine,jfine,ivar) = valc(i,j,ivar) 1 + xoff*dudx(i) + yoff*dudy(i) 20 continue c 30 continue if (mcapa .ne. 0) then call fixcapaq(val,aux,mitot,mjtot,valc,auxc,mic,mjc, & nvar,naux,levc) endif c c overwrite interpolated values with fine grid values, if available. c call intcopy(val,mitot,mjtot,nvar,ilo-nghost,ihi+nghost, & jlo-nghost,jhi+nghost,lev,1,1) return end