errf1.f.html | ![]() |
Source file: errf1.f | |
Directory: /home/rjl/git/rjleveque/clawpack-4.x/amrclaw/2d/lib | |
Converted: Sun May 15 2011 at 19:16:14 using clawcode2html | |
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c c -------------------------------------------------------------- c subroutine errf1(rctfine,nvar,rctcrse,mptr,mi2tot,mj2tot, 2 mitot,mjtot,rctflg) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) include "call.i" dimension rctfine(mitot,mjtot,nvar) dimension rctcrse(mi2tot,mj2tot,nvar) dimension rctflg(mitot,mjtot,nvar) logical allowflag external allowflag c c c ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ERRF1 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: c c Richardson error estimator: Used when tol>0 in user input. c Compare error estimates in rctfine, rctcrse, c A point is flagged if the error estimate is greater than tol c and if allowflag(x,y,t,level)=.true. at this point. c c :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: c c time = rnode(timemult, mptr) xleft = rnode(cornxlo,mptr) levm = node(nestlevel, mptr) hx = hxposs(levm) ybot = rnode(cornylo,mptr) hy = hyposs(levm) dt = possk(levm) numsp = 0 errmax = 0.0d0 err2 = 0.0d0 c order = dt*dble(2**(iorder+1) - 2) order = dble(2**(iorder+1) - 2) c if (.not. (edebug)) go to 20 write(outunit,107) mptr 107 format(//,' coarsened grid values for grid ',i4) do 10 jj = nghost+1, mj2tot-nghost j = mj2tot + 1 - jj write(outunit,101) (rctcrse(i,j,1), . i = nghost+1, mi2tot-nghost) 10 continue write(outunit,108) mptr 108 format(//, ' fine grid values for grid ',i4) do 15 jj = nghost+1, mjtot-nghost j = mjtot + 1 - jj write(outunit,101) (rctfine(i,j,1),i=nghost+1,mitot-nghost) 15 continue 101 format(' ',13f6.3) c c zero out the exterior locations so they don't affect err.est. c 20 continue jfine = nghost+1 do 35 j = nghost+1, mj2tot-nghost yofj = ybot + (dble(jfine) - .5d0)*hy ifine = nghost+1 c do 30 i = nghost+1, mi2tot-nghost rflag = goodpt xofi = xleft + (dble(ifine) - .5d0)*hx term1 = rctfine(ifine,jfine,1) term2 = rctfine(ifine+1,jfine,1) term3 = rctfine(ifine+1,jfine+1,1) term4 = rctfine(ifine,jfine+1,1) c # divide by (aval*order) for relative error aval = (term1+term2+term3+term4)/4.d0 est = dabs((aval-rctcrse(i,j,1))/ order) if (est .gt. errmax) errmax = est err2 = err2 + est*est c write(outunit,102) i,j,est 102 format(' i,j,est ',2i5,e12.5) c rctcrse(i,j,2) = est c if (est .ge. tol .and. allowflag(xofi,yofj,time,levm)) then rflag = badpt endif rctcrse(i,j,1) = rflag ifine = ifine + 2 30 continue jfine = jfine + 2 35 continue c c transfer flagged points on cell centered coarse grid c to cell centered fine grid. count flagged points. c c initialize rctflg to 0.0 (no flags) before flagging c do 40 j = 1, mjtot do 40 i = 1, mitot 40 rctflg(i,j,1) = goodpt c c print out intermediate flagged rctcrse (for debugging) c if (eprint) then err2 = dsqrt(err2/dble((mi2tot-2*nghost)*(mj2tot-2*nghost))) write(outunit,103) mptr, levm, errmax, err2 103 format(' grid ',i4,' level ',i4, . ' max. error = ',e15.7,' err2 = ',e15.7) if (edebug) then write(outunit,*) ' flagged points on coarsened grid ', . 'for grid ',mptr do 45 jj = nghost+1, mj2tot-nghost j = mj2tot + 1 - jj write(outunit,106) (nint(rctcrse(i,j,1)), . i=nghost+1,mi2tot-nghost) 106 format(1h ,80i1) 45 continue endif endif c jfine = nghost+1 do 70 j = nghost+1, mj2tot-nghost ifine = nghost+1 do 60 i = nghost+1, mi2tot-nghost if (rctcrse(i,j,1) .eq. goodpt) go to 55 rctflg(ifine,jfine,1) = badpt rctflg(ifine+1,jfine,1) = badpt rctflg(ifine,jfine+1,1) = badpt rctflg(ifine+1,jfine+1,1)= badpt 55 ifine = ifine + 2 60 continue jfine = jfine + 2 70 continue c c CHANGED ************ c **spatial error estimtaed in sperr.f now, using user routine flag2refine.f*** c c if (edebug) then c write(outunit,*)" spatial error for grid ",mptr c do 75 jjfine = nghost+1, mjtot-nghost c jfine = mjtot + 1 - jjfine c write(outunit,101)(sperr(ifine,jfine), c . ifine=nghost+1,mitot-nghost) c75 continue c endif c c do 80 jfine = nghost+1, mjtot-nghost c yofj = ybot + (dble(jfine) - nghost - .5d0)*hy c do 80 ifine = nghost+1, mitot-nghost c xofi = xleft + (dble(ifine) - nghost - .5d0)*hx c if (sperr(ifine,jfine) .gt. tolsp .and. allowflag(xofi,yofj,levm)) c & then c rflag = rctflg(ifine,jfine,1) c if (rflag .ne. badpt) then c rctflg(ifine,jfine,1) = badpt c numsp = numsp + 1 c endif c endif c 80 continue c c if (eprint) then c write(outunit,118) numsp,mptr c 118 format( i5,' more pts. flagged for spatial error on grid',i4,/) c if (edebug) then c do 56 jj = nghost+1, mjtot-nghost c j = mjtot + 1 - jj c write(outunit,106) c & (nint(rctflg(i,j,1)),i=nghost+1,mitot-nghost) c 56 continue c endif c endif c END OF CHANGE ******************* return end