colate.f.html | ![]() |
Source file: colate.f | |
Directory: /home/rjl/git/rjleveque/clawpack-4.x/amrclaw/2d/lib | |
Converted: Sun May 15 2011 at 19:16:13 using clawcode2html | |
This documentation file will not reflect any later changes in the source file. |
c c ----------------------------------------------------------- c subroutine colate (badpts, len, lcheck, 1 iflags,domflags,isize,jsize,npts) c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension badpts(2,len) integer*1 iflags (0:isize+1,0:jsize+1) integer*1 domflags(0:isize+1,0:jsize+1) include "call.i" c c c ************************************************************* c c colate = takes the error plane with flagged pts at level lcheck c and puts their (i,j) cell centered c indices into the badpts array. c To insure proper nesting, get rid of flagged point c that don't fit into properly nested domain (in iflags2) c c ************************************************************* c c # if pt. flagged but domain not flagged, turn it off c # note that this results in flags of 1, not 2 of 3. if (dprint) then write(outunit,*)" from colate: iflags" do 48 jj = 1, jsize j = jsize + 1 - jj write(outunit,101)(iflags(i,j),i=1,isize) 48 continue write(outunit,*)" from colate: domflags" do 49 jj = 1, jsize j = jsize + 1 - jj write(outunit,101)(domflags(i,j),i=1,isize) 101 format(80i1) 49 continue endif do 10 j = 1, jsize do 10 i = 1, isize iflags(i,j) = min(iflags(i,j),domflags(i,j)) 10 continue index = 0 c c give points the indices from integer region space. do 20 j = 1, jsize do 20 i = 1, isize if (iflags(i,j) .ne. goodpt) then index = index + 1 badpts(1,index) = dble(i)-.5 badpts(2,index) = dble(j)-.5 endif 20 continue c 99 npts = index if (gprint) then write(outunit,100) npts, lcheck 100 format( i5,' flagged points colated on level ',i4) endif return end