.. _codes: Code and notebooks ================== Matlab scripts to accompany the book ------------------------------------ See `the book webpage `_ IPython / Jupyter notebooks --------------------------- The list of notebooks below contains links to versions you can view online via `nbviewer `_. (Check out this link and also the `gallery `_ for lots of cool examples of notebooks and books/papers written in this format.) If you want to modify something in a notebook and re-execute, you will need to download the notebook (or find it in the :ref:`class_repos`, in the `codes` directory). You will need a recent version of IPython in order to run an `IPython notebook `_ (recently renamed Jupyter notebooks since they also support Julia, R, and other languages besides Python). Notebooks can be found in `$AM586/codes/` if you want to run the notebook. If you want to easily run notebooks without installing any software, you might try :ref:`smc`. - `Notebook 1 `_ illustrates Forward Euler and some stability issues. It can be found in `$AM586/codes/notebook1.ipynb` if you want to download and run the notebook. - `Notebook 2 `_ illustrates Forward Euler and some stability issues on a nonlinear problem. - `Notebook 3 `_ illustrates the Boundary Locus Method to plot stability regions for LMMs. - `Notebook 4 `_ illustrates plotting the stability region for a 1-step method