.. _biblio: ============================================================= Some other references ============================================================= Some of the books listed below are SIAM e-books and available free if you access them from a UW computer. Or if you are off-campus, you can gain access by using the `UW library off-campus proxy `_. .. _biblio_hyp: Finite difference methods --------------------------------------------- .. [LeVeque-FDM] R. J. LeVeque, Finite Difference Methods for Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations, Steady State and Time Dependent Problems, SIAM, 2007. .. [Iserles] A. Iserles, A First Course in the Numerical Analysis of Differential Equations, Cambridge University Press, 2008. .. _biblio_python: Python ------ .. [Python] G. van Rossum, `An Introduction to Python, `_ **Some online guides:** * `NumPy User Guide `_ * `NumPy for Matlab users `_ * `SciPy Reference Guide `_ * `Matplotlib gallery `_ .. _biblio_latex: Latex ----- .. [HighamChapter] N. J. Higham, `Tex and Latex Chapter `_ from: Handbook of Writing for the Mathematical Sciences, Second Edition, SIAM e-book. (See also `Appendix B `_ for latex symbols) .. [GriffithsHigham] D.F. Griffiths and D.J. Higham, `Learning LaTeX `_, SIAM, 1997