.. _lab13: Lab 13: Tuesday May 13, 2014 ============================= Announcements ------------- * Homework 4 will be posted soon and due on Tuesday, May 27 at 11pm PDT. * IPython 2.0 was released in April and has some cool new features. It is **not** available yet on SageMathCloud. See :ref:`ipython_notebook` for some references. Demos ----- * IPython 2.0 with interactive widgets: The notebook in `$UWHPSC/labs/lab13/widgets_demo.ipynb` illustrates this. (Does not run on SMC.) * Plots you can zoom in on in IPython notebooks: `mpld3 `_. The notebook `$UWHPSC/labs/lab13/mpld3_demo.ipynb` can be run on SMC. Gamblers' Ruin problem ---------------------- * The notebook `$UWHPSC/labs/lab13/GamblersRuin.ipynb` illustrates in Python a problem that you will tackle in Homework 4 using Fortran with OpenMP and MPI. **There is a quiz for Lab 13**